After receiving orders from the Red Consciousness, the Purple 27 Iron Golem left the End to deploy its next move.

Not long after the Purple 27 Iron Golem left, the red consciousness body possessed by the ender man did not know when an ender eye glowing with golden light appeared in his hand.

The red consciousness body looked at the ender eye that emitted this golden light in his hand, but his eyes were a little tangled.

"Do you want to use it this time?"

the eye of ender that emitted this golden light in the hand of the red consciousness body undoubtedly represented the strength of the yellow level.

There are two large watersheds in the strength of these levels in the void.

The cyan and blue tiers can be a watershed.

The yellow and green tiers are another watershed.

The blue level consciousness bodies that were excluded by the Void before were some shrimp soldiers and crab generals for the red consciousness bodies.

And these withering storms that evolved after the fusion of the blue-level consciousness bodies that were regarded as shrimp soldiers and crab generals were enough for everyone in the main world to drink.

It is hard to imagine what a terrifying existence the consciousness of the yellow level, which is two watersheds higher than the blue level.

The strength of the yellow level is estimated to be similar to the current Xu Yuan, and it may still be above Xu Yuan.

Therefore, for the red consciousness body, the current game world is just in a gap period without HIM's control.

This is undoubtedly the best time to release the yellow consciousness.

The reason why the red consciousness body is a little entangled is also because of some concerns.

It is not easy to gather the power of consciousness that can condense the yellow level.

In fact, the ability to gather these forces so quickly is entirely due to luck.

The incubation plan for the Nether that was hatched last time was successfully carried out for a long time, and it has not been discovered by HIM.

Again, after being discovered later, I didn't expect HIM to be trapped, and there was another big harvest in the Overworld.

That's why so much power has been gathered.

It can be said that the current yellow-level consciousness body is the biggest hole card of the void.

It would be best if it was allowed to gather enough power to materialize the red consciousness before HIM came out of the Trials.

The red consciousness body is afraid that something will go wrong in the middle and will interfere with its own plans.

There are many factors for him to consider.

The first is that another red consciousness may try to stop him.

And then there's Notch.

Releasing the consciousness of the yellow level will undoubtedly cause a huge storm.

Notch certainly wasn't going to sit idly by.

If Notch chooses to side with him, things will be difficult.

At present, there are only two options in front of the red consciousness.

Either take a gamble and release the yellow-level consciousness, hoping that it will be able to collect enough power for the red consciousness to materialize before the trial is over.

Either be safer, keep the power, continue to stabilize and slowly collect power, it just so happens that HIM is not there, and there are a lot fewer constraints.

If it had been placed in the past, the red consciousness would have chosen a more secure approach.

But now his goal is not the same as before.

Before, he just longed for freedom, but now, his heart has been filled with ambition and desire.

The red consciousness thought for a moment, and then stopped dwelling.

"Then take a gamble!" After

making a decision, the red consciousness body also breathed a sigh of relief.

He silently looked at a faint red aura in the distance in the void.


"With your character, you're going to make up for your mistakes, aren't you?"

"So you're going to be on my side, right?!"

At this moment, the opening time of the place of trials has come to one and a half hours.

The entrance to the Land of Trials is only half an hour before closing.

At this moment, the entrance to the place of trials can be described as bustling.

It is no exaggeration to say that almost all the living beings in the Overworld are gathered here.

Naturally, players are the majority, after all, the game world has the largest proportion of players and the fastest information transfer speed.

Again, the popularity of this kind of game activity copy is already very high, and there are naturally many players present.

And then there are all kinds of monsters.

Common monsters such as zombies, whites, spiders, endermen, and even creepers are gathered here in large numbers.

Of course, the people who can come here are those monsters who already have independent consciousness and are relatively powerful in themselves.

Then there's the illagitated villagers.

I have to say that the ill-amity villagers are indeed full of style.

Their large forces are all heavily armed, each with a Marauder as a mount.

And all of them have a calamity flag behind them.

In other words, these illagers are all at the level of raid captains.

The leader of the illagitated villagers was dressed in an enchanted diamond set that shone brightly in the sun.

His diamond helmet appears to be custom-made, with the helmet covering the upper face and only two eyeholes exposed.

Behind him were two unusual vexes.

The reason why it is unusual is that the color of ordinary vexes is gray.

And the two vexes behind him, as if enchanted, were blue-purple.

The two vexeges behind them alone give people a feeling of extraordinary combat power.

Not far from the Calamity Villager Force, there is a group of iron golem troops.

Naturally, they are no ordinary iron golems.

These iron golems are all charged minions, all of which are iron golems that have fused with purple or blue level consciousness.

Next to the Iron Golem is a group of animals that have bred consciousness.

There are foxes, pandas, parrots, chickens, pigs, sheep, cows, and so on....

Anyway, some common and uncommon ones can be seen almost here.

At this moment, the entrance to the place of trials is like entering a vegetable market, and all kinds of strange sounds are everywhere.

"Moo... Moo..."

"Kusharu, sprinkle the drum!!

"Good fellow, if I didn't know that there was a place of trial, I would have thought it was a monster siege!!"

Ka Ka Ka...

"Just rushed over, is this a farmer's market?......


"The entrance was closed in only half an hour, why is everyone so orderly?...... I'm too embarrassed to do it..."

"There were two teams of people making trouble here before, and I don't know why the two teams all fell in an instant... So no one dares to make trouble..."


"I'm going, so good, I've heard that this copy still has to be tested, so many people are detecting it, and I'm going to go next year!"

"This copy is quite humane, and after there are more people, the detection sign will also become more, and the detection will be very fast, rest assured, it's in time." "

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