Seeing the change in the value on the detection sign, Notch was stunned.

"It's... What's going on?!",

although the pass rate was only 1% just now, it really didn't meet Notch's expectations.

But now the pass rate has suddenly skyrocketed to 95%, which is clearly even more in line with Notch's expectations.

"Could it be that they sensed my identity and detected that the sign was malfunctioning?...... "

Although Notch is confident enough, he still has little confidence in the face of an unknown trial.

After all, he has no actual combat experience, and looking at those who have just entered the land of trials from afar, it seems that all of them are people with considerable strength and prestige in the game.

If you want to survive in the land of trials, the difficulty is average.

Therefore, seeing the high pass rate on the inspection billboard, Notch thinks that maybe it is due to a machine failure or something.

Notch was thinking about it, only to find that the data on the inspection sign had once again become a 1% pass rate.

"It's back again?......"

Notch didn't understand what was going on when he saw the pass rate on the inspection sign go 95% again.

In this way, the data on the inspection sign has been going back and forth between 1% and 95%.

Seeing this, the players on the side were also confused.

"Ah, what's going on?......

"Who is this bald uncle, just burned the CPU of the detection sign, right?Is it malfunctioning?......

" "Jumping back and forth between the highest and the lowest, I always feel that this bald uncle is not ordinary!!"

"This reminds me of a sentence, there is only a thin line between a madman and a genius..."

"..." Although the players were a little curious about Notch, they saw that the opening time of the Land of Trials was about to come, and they didn't have time to eat melons, so they urged one after another.

"Oh, bald uncle, you can't get in

!!Hurry up!" "Don't stay over there, if you really get this detection sign out of order, then those of us who have been queuing for so long are going to kill someone

!!"Hurry up!!!I'm running out of time!!


Although Notch was also a little puzzled by the data of detecting the back and forth movement of the signs, he couldn't care so much when he heard the urging of the players behind him.

"Forget it, let's go in and talk about it!" Naturally,

being able to qualify for the trial was the best for Notch.

It's not too late to study the others later.

Thinking of this, Notch also stared at the sign, and when its data was 95%, he quickly put his hand on the inspection sign.

With a tug, Notch disappeared in place.


Minutes and seconds passed, and the time for the trial to start was getting closer and closer.

But on the grassland where the trial site is located, the number of people has not decreased.

However, there were far fewer queues in front of the signs.

Many of those who remained were basically those who had already been tested but had not been able to qualify for the trial.

The reason why everyone stayed was naturally to see if there would be some unique live broadcast mode after the opening of this place of trial.

After all, everyone has already acquiesced that this place of trial is not an officially created venue.

It is also unlikely that it will be broadcast live on the forum.

In addition, the entrance to the place of trial looks relatively high-tech, except for those detection signs.

So everyone was waiting at the entrance of the venue.

At this moment, there are not many people participating in the inspection sign.

On the monster camp's side, there is almost no queue left.

On the player's side, there are only a few people in front of the detection signs.

At this moment, a blue-robed villager who suddenly appeared in the player group attracted everyone's attention.

I saw that he kept looking in the direction of the iron puppet troops on the monster camp.

When he saw that no one on the Iron Golem side was noticing the player's side, he immediately jumped in front of the inspection sign.

The actions of this strange blue-robed villager were also watched by the players around him, and the players couldn't help but be a little curious.

"Yo, it's strange, how did this villager come to our player's camp to

test?" "Yes, the villagers, monsters, and animals are all on the other side, why is he running here?......

" "Hey, then again, it seems that he is the only villager who participated in the test this time, right?

!" "Yes, those armed iron golems are here, and they don't see the villagers!"

Although the players felt strange, they didn't stop the strange blue-robed villager from testing.

After all, there aren't many people in line now.

Besides, this blue-robed villager didn't have any equipment on him, and he didn't look like a villager soldier.

It is also estimated that it will not pass the test.

The players also came forward to look at the test results of this strange blue-robed villager with the attitude of watching the excitement.

[Test Result

] [Good

] [Estimated Probability of Passing the Test 79%] [

Congratulations on Qualifying for the Trial!]

Seeing the test results of this strange blue-robed villager, the players all broke their defenses.


" "Is this the sign that just tested the bald uncle?!It must be out of order!!" "

I don't understand!! what is the basis for this test to determine the pass rate?!!!

"Hey... It doesn't matter, the villagers seem to be alone, and it is estimated that he can't make any waves. The

strange blue-robed villager in the player's mouth is naturally Wasabi.

Ever since he came into contact with the Tyrant HIM and found the Tyrant HIM unreliable, Wasabi has continued to look for a way to save the villagers' kingdom.

Later, when he learned about the Land of Trials, he wasn't going to join.

But I saw that the iron puppet army that controlled the villagers' kingdom were all lined up at the entrance of the Land of Trials for inspection.

Even the Void-controlled Iron Golems have to participate in this trial, and there must be something that attracts the Void in this trial.

That's why Wasabi made the decision to go to the Land of Trials.

Wasabi had already arrived here, and he obviously didn't dare to go to the monster camp to line up.

He was the only villager in the entire monster camp, and that was too conspicuous.

Naturally, those iron golems controlled by the Void would not let him go, and even if they couldn't kill him in the field, they would definitely control him.

That's why he blended into the player base and waited for a long time before seizing the opportunity to test his qualifications.

In fact, Wasabi still doesn't have much hope for its own test results.

He is not as good at fighting as the villagers, and if he has any advantages, he is smarter than the other villagers.

Unexpectedly, the pass rate of the detection was as high as 79%.

Wasabi is excited about the results of his test, but he notices that the iron golems on the monster camp who failed the test have noticed.

Seeing this, Wasabi hurriedly touched the inspection sign.

I only felt that it was dark in front of me, and with a burst of traction, my body was brought into a strange space...

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