I have to say that Steve is able to achieve such an achievement as he is now, and it is indeed well deserved.

His strength and mind are top-notch.

As he expected, the other factions, not even the other factions in the player's faction, chose the desert terrain as their initial gathering place.

On the player's side, there are roughly four factions.

Steve, Grevor, Black Knife, and some casual players.

Grave chose a jungle terrain near the sea as a meeting point.

The jungle terrain is also covered with vegetation, but it is not as tightly covered as the forest terrain.

The abundance of vegetation is good for early development, although the number of monsters will be slightly larger.

But Grave and his men were all very skilled, and those monsters didn't pose a threat to them at all.

Those monsters can be used as a reserve resource.

If you come to the sea, the resources at sea are also very rich, and there are all kinds of shipwrecks to be scavenged.

In terms of food, you can farm on land, and send a few people to fish every day, not only to eat fish, but also to catch a lot of supplies.

And if a hidden fortress can be established at the bottom of the sea in the later stage, the security will definitely be full.


The purpose of the black knife coming over this time is obvious, it is to come to Xu Yuan.

He also knew that it would not be easy to find Xu Yuan in such a large area as the Land of Trials.

So he also made arrangements and deployments in advance.

The identity of the black knife is well known to players.

Naturally, the Black Knife himself is well aware of this.

Black Knife also planned two routes for his players.

A bright line and a dark line.

The bright line is a group of players who follow themselves on the bright side.

They had been standing in the line behind the black knife earlier, and they were being tested by the signs one by one.

These players, Black Knife also told them.

After entering the Land of Trials, meet in the snowy terrain.

Black Knife's idea is similar to Steve's, Black Knife must prioritize his own development.

Even if the black knife itself is strong enough, he will minimize the wear and tear of personnel, so that after encountering Xu Yuan in the future, he will have the confidence.

Snow terrain is the same as desert terrain, resources are scarce, and almost no player will choose to start in the snowfield.

But such an environment is difficult for the top players of Black Knife.

In addition, the snowfield terrain is located at the intersection of the other terrains, and is across the sea from the other terrains.

This is the best place to serve as a relay point for information.

Staying here is more conducive to the collection of intelligence.

When it comes to intelligence gathering, we have to mention the dark line players prepared by Black Knife in advance.

Black Knife had wanted some of his players to infiltrate Steve and Grave's side.

But these two old foxes were too cunning, and the people sent by the Black Knife did not gain their trust.

Seeing this, Black Knife had no choice but to give up, and he selected some top players to arrange them in the scattered team.

and assigned them to be scattered throughout the terrain.

These players have two options.

Either they have their own faction and co-opt some scattered players to become a faction.

In this way, it is equivalent to those idle forces being controlled from the beginning.

Either as a scattered man and blend in with Steve's or Grevor's forces.

Although Steve and Greif certainly won't reuse these scattered people who joined later, it is still possible to get some information and survey some of their movements.

In other words, if the plan goes well, Black Knife will have the equivalent of having an intelligence network for the entire player camp.

In this way, it is convenient for the black knife to find Xu Yuan's news.

It is also convenient to obtain information on various forces.

It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone.

The so-called master and servant have two hearts, and the black knife and Xu Yuan really thought of going together.

Regardless of whether the expected results will be obtained in the end, at least the strategies made by the black knife are still impeccable.

Of course, there must be a lot of Peng Peng's credit behind this.


Excluding the forces of Black Knife, Steve, and Grevor, there are only a few scattered people left on the player's side.

Most of them are divided into factions, or they are ready to take refuge in any of the three parties to protect themselves.

Since then, the whole trial has just begun, and the player camp has already begun to take shape.

The situation on the player's side is very similar to the current situation in the Overworld.

The monster faction also has the same strategy as the player faction.

Naturally, they know better than the players the importance of huddling together to keep warm in a new environment.

The monster camp is divided into three obvious forces.

Illagers, blue demons, and Void-controlled iron golems.

Naturally, the leader of the illager village chose the forest terrain as the gathering point.

In the Overworld, they live in woodland mansions covered with vegetation.

They are naturally more familiar with the forest terrain.

Again, the leader of the illagitated villagers also took into account other monsters, and it is estimated that they will also choose to survive in the forest terrain.

After all, the forest terrain is covered with vegetation everywhere, and even during the day, the sunlight does not penetrate.

This also gives the monsters an excellent time to develop.

The illagitated villagers also want to use this to win over other monsters and make the monster camp stronger to resist the crises that will be encountered in the future.


On the Blue Devil's side, the thoughts of the leader of the Calamity villagers are very different.

In the Overworld, the only things the Blue Devil believed in were the puffer fish jio and the barbecue sauce.

But he knew very well that it was absolutely impossible to complete the trial with the strength of just a few people.

They were confident enough to survive until the end of the trial.

But there is no point in surviving, and surviving to the end may not be able to pass the trial.

Therefore, it is necessary to gather the power of all monsters and animals.

For this reason, the Blue Demon also made a decision similar to that of the Black Knife.

He has always been with barbecue sauce, and he did not choose to meet with barbecue sauce.

Instead, tell the barbecue sauce to develop on its own, to find more allies.

Although Barbecue Sauce is a weak chicken, the Blue Devil is not too worried about the situation of Barbecue Sauce.

Barbecue sauce is different from him, and the skills that the Blue Demon comprehends belong to some special abilities.

When you respawn, those special abilities disappear, such as manipulating lightning.

But the trident moves that the Blue Demon had practiced earlier hadn't gone away.

Those are the things that he has practiced repeatedly, engraved in his bones.

It's the equivalent of the player's operation.

Manipulate this kind of thing and it won't be erased.

That's why he doesn't worry about barbecue sauce.

The only thing that may have been erased from the barbecue sauce was its ability to fire rotten egg machine guns.

But it's more than that.

It also has that King Kong's incorruptible little chicken mouth, and the powerful chicken wings that it has after practicing flying for two and a half months.

With these two skills, it is enough to deal with many crises.


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