
players of the Triumphant Guild thought that they could rely on the advantage of their equipment to barely fight.

But at this moment, seeing the equipment on these boss monsters, they all want to die.

They thought they could be crushed by their equipment, but they didn't expect that it was themselves who were crushed.

The two sets of diamond equipment shone with a dazzling blue light in the night, but this blue light was unusually dazzling in the eyes of the Triumphant Guild.

This light pierced their hearts directly.

After the three boss monsters approached, the monsters behind them gradually approached.

The monsters in the first row are basically all in a complete set of iron jackets, except for those monsters that can't wear equipment.

The little Rolls in the back basically have 1-2 pieces of iron equipment.

Seeing this, the players of the Triumphant Guild all shook their heads helplessly and smiled bitterly.

"Don't stop me, I'm going to Gotham City to play against Batman..."

I was actually complacent thinking that I was well equipped..."

"Damn, labor and management have played so many games, and the first time I mixed it up, I was not as good as a little Luo Luo monster!!"

"I'm tired... Destroy it


At this moment, after the players in the live broadcast room saw the equipment on this group of monsters, the barrage was full of question marks and exclamation marks.


" "WTF?!!!! what's this?!! is this TM reasonable?!!!

" "Diamond set!!Diamond set!!Monsters are wearing diamond sets!!" "

I thought the people in the Triumph Guild were very well equipped, but I saw the equipment on this group of monsters... I'm sorry, but I'm lonely. "

Brother White-eyed, can you accept me as a junior brother, I will do my best!!"

"Think about me, I can resurrect infinitely

...""Today's outrageous mother is going to be impatient, outrageous to the home too many times..."

"This Nima is crushed in all directions... Stop fighting, surrender


this moment, even Steve swallowed when he saw the equipment on these monsters.

"I still underestimate his strength..."

In Steve's eyes, the strength of the white-eyed monster is already very strong.

But he still didn't expect the white-eyed monster to do this.

Not only does he have great strength, but he also has leadership beyond the ordinary.

The planning and layout of the war are unparalleled.

And, even more outrageous.

He knows the game very well

, whether it's his previous knowledge of wolves, the pedicure shed he built, and the equipment on the monsters now.

It's all a reflection of his understanding of the game.

Just by looking at the fact that the weapons in the monster's hands are all axes, you can see that he has a deep understanding of the game!

Most players make swords when they make weapons.

For everyone, the axe is used to cut down trees.

But only those who have studied the game carefully know that the axe has a higher attack than the sword, and is more suitable for making weapons.

Thinking of this, Steve only felt goosebumps stand up all over his body.

This white-eyed monster is terrifying.

Even if he doesn't have those powerful skills, he can't control monsters.

It is estimated that it will be easy for these people to win against them.

With his scheming and understanding of the game alone, he can win everyone effortlessly.

The level of the current players is estimated to be unable to deal with even the little Luo Luo next to him.

"I hope I don't meet him again in the future..."Steve

thought that after slowly developing, he might be able to compete with the white-eyed monster.

But at the moment, I am afraid that it is impossible.

He's already too far ahead of the players, and he's going to grow just like the players.

Players are unlikely to be able to catch up with him.

Although blocking him from killing players as a source of growth does slow down his development.

But even if he develops slowly, he is much faster than the player.

But this is evident from the equipment of these monsters under his command.


At this moment, the players of the Triumph Guild lost their desire to fight after seeing the equipment of these boss monsters.

The monsters are gradually approaching this side, and many old players have seen the appearance of these boss monsters.

I was shocked again.

"Damn??That little zombie... I seem to

know it!!"That is the little zombie who broke through the pedicure shed and

attacked us before?!!! "Damn!! it's really it!!I remember it!!It has a scar on its right face

!!"I ?!!! that diamond-clad zombie I know too!!It's the one who attacked us before!!!That black-skinned sports zombie!!"

"Shhh In this way, I am also familiar with that enderman!!It is the enderman who laughs very obscenely

!!"We also remember this little white!!It has two broken ribs!!It is the one that killed us before!!"


of the first veteran players who used pedicure booths recognized the appearance of these leading monsters at a glance.

Although the monsters in the game all look similar, there are subtle differences.

Take zombies as an example, some zombies will have missing arms and legs, and some will have rotten faces and bodies.

Some have dark green skin, while others have purple sauce.

Due to the previous accident at the pedicure booth, many players also remember the appearance of the monsters who killed them.

Seeing these monsters again at this moment, they finally understood what was going on.

"It's too much of a coincidence that these monsters who killed us have become monster leaders?!"

"He definitely did what he did before!!" "Since he had made a move before, why didn't he slaughter the city that day?" "Do you have to wait until today?......

" "Is he training ?!! soldiers?"

"it?" means that we people are only enough to serve as sparring partners for his minions?!!


Although he didn't say anything, the things he did... It's too insulting!!

"It turns out that from the beginning, he didn't take us seriously at all..."

It turned out that the white-eyed monster had never taken them into account.

The players are like playthings in his hands, at his mercy.

At this moment, the players in the live broadcast room were all confused after hearing the discussion of the players of the Triumph Guild.




So what happened before is naturally unknown to the players in the live broadcast room.

Seeing this, Steve also immediately explained.

"Don't worry, when the battle is over, I will tell you all the ins and outs of the matter. "

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