The group of players surrounding the frame of the Nether portal are members of the Yunteng Guild.

Yunteng Guild is one of the more famous guilds in the game.

Yunteng is a large game studio established in the early years.

Since their inception, they have been featured in major games.

Yunteng can also be regarded as one of the top ten large guilds in China.

It is still somewhat famous in the industry.

Although the Yunteng Guild is currently only a Level 1 Guild, it is not far from a Level 2 Guild.

After Steve released the strategy for the pedicure shed, it is estimated that it will be able to upgrade to a level 2 guild soon.

The strength of the players in the Yunteng Guild is definitely much higher than that of the Triumph Guild.

After all, most of the guild members are old members of the studio, and they are all professional players.

Coincidentally, the place where the nether portal that Xu Yuan opened happened to be the place where the players of the Yunteng Guild were clearing the wasteland.

The players of the Yunteng Guild only came here yesterday and found the remains of this nether portal.

Originally, the group of players didn't care about the wreckage.

After all, players don't know there is such a thing as a nether portal yet.

However, the change in the wreckage has attracted the attention of the players of the Yunteng Guild.

The members of the guild also immediately told the news to Yun Feng, the leader of the Yunteng Guild.

It was probably more than an hour after the message was sent.

I saw Yun Feng hurrying over on a black horse.

"What's going on?" As

soon as Yun Feng came over, the players immediately reported the situation.

"That's right, President, we only explored this side yesterday, and then we found this obsidian built up, and there is a treasure chest next to it.

"I've told you about that before.

After hearing this, Yun Feng nodded.

The saddle on the black horse is the one that the players found in the chest yesterday.

The player then proceeded to report back.

"Yesterday there were only 5 obsidian pieces here, but today we came to see it and found that it took the shape of a door frame...", the player said, pointing to the obsidian door frame

behind him.

Seeing this, Yun Feng thought for a moment, and then asked.

"Are there any other players around here?" the

guild member shrugged his shoulders uncertainly.

"Logically speaking, there should be none. "

But we were here for the first time yesterday, so we can't say..."After

all, it's an hour away from the guild headquarters, and players don't usually move here.

So there's no way to know for sure if there are any other players here.

After hearing the words of the guild members, Yun Feng opened the message list and sent a message to the vice president Yun Li.

"How long will it take?"

"Waiting for you.

After closing the message list, Yun Feng also began to study the obsidian door frame with the players.

About half an hour later, Yun Li finally arrived.

Yun Feng relayed the description of the players just now to Yun Li.

"What do you think?"

Yun Li came over, carefully observed the obsidian door frame, and thought for a moment.

Then analyzed.

"This obsidian can't grow on its own, it should be man-made.

"In other words, this person already has a diamond pickaxe, otherwise he would definitely not have been able to get obsidian.

"He's gone to great lengths to dig up so much obsidian and build this thing, and it's definitely going to be useful."

"I look at this shape, it feels like a door..."Yun

Li is Yun Feng's younger brother and the vice president of the Yun Teng Guild.

Yun Li is a talented player and has a deep understanding of the game.

He is equivalent to the brain of the Yunteng Guild.

The Yunteng Guild was able to develop and grow, thanks to his contributions.

Naturally, no one will disagree with his analysis.

Seeing this, Yun Feng also nodded, and then asked.

"If it's a door, where is it?"

"We just tried it, and we went through it, and nothing happened.

Hearing this, Yun Li smiled and said.

"I guess it's some kind of space portal or something, it should need to be activated.

"As for the conditions for starting, then you have to try slowly.

After hearing this, Yun Feng nodded, and then patted Yun Li's shoulder.

"Then I'll leave it to you.

Yun Li raised his chin and agreed.


Just as the players of the Yunteng Guild were studying the obsidian door frame.

Xu Yuan also got the first kill of many monsters very smoothly.

[Magma Immunity: Immunity to fire, magma, and magma block damage. [

Throwing: Attack can throw the target into the air]

[Wither Lv1: Attack produces a withering effect (health turns black, blood loss is not easy to detect), and blood loss is 5% per second.

[Consume 20,000 Kill Points to Upgrade]

[Explosive Fireball Lv1: Shoots an explosive fireball, which explodes when it touches the attack target, the explosion power is 1, and blocks with a hardness of less than 1 will be blown up, and the surrounding 3x3 blocks will be set on fire after exploding. [

Consume 20,000 Kill Points to Upgrade]

[Fireball Launch Lv1: Launches three fireballs, fireball accuracy is 50%, and fireball attack range is 30. [

Upgrade by consuming 20,000 kill points]

[Lv1 of Group Attack: When a target is attacked, piglins and piglin brute soldiers in the 15X15 range will be hostile to that target. 【

Consume 20,000 kill points to upgrade】

The skills of these monsters in the Nether are also not bad.

The two fireball-type abilities are naturally provided by ghasts and blazes.

I have to say that these two skills are still very useful.

It is equivalent to Xu Yuan having two more ranged attack skills.

The explosive fireball provided by ghasts is equivalent to a ranged area damage skill, and it should still be very powerful after upgrading.

It's directly equivalent to a long-range shell.

The skills provided by blazes are more like long-range machine guns, and the number of fireballs fired, accuracy, and distance should be significantly improved after upgrading.

With these two skills, Xu Yuan doesn't have to rely only on explosions for melee attacks.

Furthermore, the withering effect provided by withering is also a pretty good skill.

It is equivalent to a black screen blood deduction, and the blood deduction rate should also increase a lot after upgrading.

Needless to say, the group attack is naturally a skill provided by piglins.

This skill is of little use to Xu Yuan, after all, Xu Yuan can control monsters.

Other monsters, such as zombie hoglins and magma slimes, did not provide Xu Yuan with any skills.

Zoglins have little skill on their own, and Magma Slimes are not much different from slimes.

It is estimated that it is also a skill that provides a clone, which Xu Yuan has obtained before, so it is directly offset.

Although this trip was fruitful, Xu Yuan was still a little disappointed.

When he came to the Nether this time, what he wanted most was flying skills.

I thought that killing ghasts would give me flying skills, but I didn't get my wish.

The ghast did not provide Xu Yuan with flying skills, and it seems that the ghast is also the kind of monster that flies autonomously.

Xu Yuan could only pin his hopes on withering and the ender dragon.

After all, both of them are boss-type monsters, so it shouldn't be too much to give a flying skill, right?

Thinking of this, Xu Yuan also had the next plan.

"Let's talk about the withered first kill..."

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