In MC, three wither skulls can be placed on top of the T-shaped soul sand to summon wither.

As the boss in the game, withering is still very strong.

The main thing is that he can fly, and he can throw the withered skull, which is not only strong in attack, but also in destroying terrain.

And after attacking a player or mob, it heals itself.

That's where it's harder.

If it's in the air, it's hard for the player to aim at it.

Again, when facing it, the terrain will always be blown up with potholes.

This makes it harder to hit it.

And its skills also have the effect of regenerating health.

Even if the players have worked hard to grind it to half blood, it will be difficult to fight.

After half health, wither is directly immune to ranged damage.

It can only attack in close combat, and when it takes damage, it destroys a 3x3x3 block centered on itself.

It's like a small explosion skill.

Therefore, many people feel that wither is more powerful than the ender dragon, and it is also more difficult to fight.

But even the most powerful monsters can't match the wisdom of the players.

MC players also came up with a way to kill wither without damage.

One of the easiest ways to wither without injury is to dig a tunnel deep enough and long enough.

and summons wither in a tiny space, preferably made of obsidian or end stone, which is more resistant to explosiveness.

In this way, the wither will not be able to destroy the surrounding rocks, and it will not be able to take off.

It is equivalent to completely restricting the actions of withering.

Then prepare a bow and a sword, and if possible, a shield is the best.

If you have more than half blood, shoot with a bow, and if you have less than half blood, change your sword, and slash and retreat to prevent explosions.

This way, you can kill the wither without taking any damage.

Xu Yuan naturally didn't need such a method.

Previously, Xu Yuan had upgraded the Deadly Axe to level 5.

The level 5 Deadly Axe can directly deal damage equal to 100% of the enemy's maximum HP.

Xu Yuan only needs to wait for the invincibility time of withering to pass, and before it takes off, he can directly teleport over to kill withering in seconds.

Xu Yuan arranged the soul sand into a T-shape, and then placed three withered skeleton heads.

As soon as the withered skulls were put on, the three withered skulls placed in front of them came to life in an instant.

Immediately after, the soul sand under the three skulls slowly transformed into withered torsos.

After the transformation was completed, the entire withered body immediately began to expand and expand.

Its health volume also expanded, slowly increasing from half health to full grid.

At this moment, the withering is in an invincible state, and even Xu Yuan has nothing to do with it.

Seeing this, Xu Yuan was not in a hurry, and waited silently on the side.

As the withered health rose to its fullst, a familiar sound came from within its body.

After the sound effect is played, Withered is also officially opened in Liberation mode.

In this mode, Blight will start flying and launch the Blight's Skull to attack.

Creatures that die by its attacks leave a withered rose in its place.

Kill you and don't forget to plant a flower on your grave, this is the tenderness of withering...

When wither is activated, it will prioritize targeting the player to start attacking, and after the nearby players die, it will indiscriminately attack all non-undead creatures in the field of vision.

Xu Yuan was clearly the first target of Withering.

Wither was about to take off, Xu Yuan was also quick-eyed, and a teleportation came to Wither's side.

Out of thin air, he took out an iron axe and pointed it at the withered brain.

Xu Yuan's axe instantly performed a blood bar disappearance technique.

Withered was born less than 5 seconds ago, and was instantly killed.

[Gain Skill: Fly]

[Fly: Gain the ability to fly, and you can fly in any space. [

Acquired Skill

: Head of Wither] [Head of Wither Lv1: Can launch the Head of Wither to attack, flight speed of 1m/s, after attacking the target, it will produce a 3X3 explosion range, and the explosion can destroy obsidian.

[Consume 100,000 kill points to upgrade

] [Life Absorption Lv1: Absorb the life of the killed creature to heal yourself, and restore 5% of your life without killing a single one.] [

Consume 100,000 kill points to upgrade]

"Finally got the flying skill!!"

Seeing the flying skill obtained by killing the withering, Xu Yuan didn't mention how happy he was.

Although the other skills provided by wither are also very powerful.

But for Xu Yuan, just one flying skill is worth 10,000 dollars.

After having flying skills, Xu Yuan's work efficiency will be improved a lot.

After having flying skills, Xu Yuan glanced at the perspective of the clone again.

After seeing that the Yunteng Guild had no plans to return home, Xu Yuan began to be busy making various large monster farms.

The best choice for mob farms is naturally the zombified piglin spawn towers.

The main thing is that the spawn conditions for zombified piglins are simple.

Any two high places in the Nether can be refreshed, and there is no brightness requirement yet.

Therefore, zombified piglins have a higher refresh rate than other monsters.

Naturally, it became the best choice for monster farms.

It's also very easy to make a zombie pigman monster farm, and you can directly use the zombie pigman's ability to attract turtle eggs.

And then it would be good to be executed in batches.

This time, Xu Yuan also had a heart, and Xu Yuan decided to make this monster farm tower on top of the bedrock layer in the upper layer of the Nether.

After all, there are already players who have set foot in the Nether, and if they do it in the Nether, it is still easy to be discovered.

"Hey... It's another big project..."

After thinking of this, Xu Yuan couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Although I already have the ability to fly, it is still very cumbersome to build a monster farm.

But it can't be helped, no matter how tedious it is, it has to be done.

After all, the deterrent provided by the small monster farm tower before was no longer enough.

Since the last time the monster control range was upgraded, the deterrent power required has directly reached a high number of 1 million.

The previous 50,000 per hour production of the previous monster farm was not enough.

For the sake of development, even if Xu Yuan no longer wants to, he can only do it.

After adjusting his mentality, Xu Yuan also devoted himself to his work.

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