"Where is he?!"

After hearing the player's report, Yun Li was also a little nervous.

Although he already has a perfect layout, when he is about to fight, Yun Li is still a little empty.

However, Yun Li quickly adjusted his mentality.

Even if they lose this battle, Yunli and they will only lose these witherers.

No matter how bad it is, it will cost them their lives.

Anyway, the location of the war will not be chosen near the guild station, and even if you lose, it is very unlikely that it will affect the guild.

It can be said that the Yunteng Guild invested very little capital in this battle.

If you win, it will be a book of profits, and you will glorify your ancestors.

If you lose, the loss will not be great.

Again, this matter is also in a state of complete secrecy, and no one will know.

Even if you lose, you won't be ashamed, so Yunli dares to bet.

"When I saw him, he was in the jungle nearby.

After hearing the words of the high-level player, Yun Li continued to ask.

"See what he's doing?" said

the high-level player, shaking his head.

"I didn't dare to look closely, for fear that he would find me, so I hid it immediately.

Yun Li nodded when he saw this, and then continued to ask.

"Are there any monsters around him?" Everyone

has seen the battle of the Triumphant Guild before, and everyone knows very well that there are many monsters under HIM.

If this group of monsters can be annihilated in one fell swoop, it will naturally be the best.

The high-level players shook their heads when they heard this.

"No, he's the only one.

Yun Li was a little puzzled, but a player from the elite group on the side spoke.

"HIM should have let all the monsters around him out.

"It was only when we arrived that the Guild received word that the diamond zombie next to HIM was infesting the Eternal Guild.

After Yun Li heard this, he let go of his suspicions.

When the players of the elite group said this, they couldn't help but smile.

"I heard that the diamond suit zombie killed a lot of people in the Eternal Guild, and the equipment exploded a lot.

But Tianheng didn't dare to attack the diamond-set zombie, saying that he was afraid that HIM would seek revenge from them. "

I heard that a self-service feeding team has been set up, and every day the player sends it to the door to feed the zombie and entertain him as an uncle~"

After the players of the elite group said this, everyone couldn't help but laugh directly.

"Fuck?!Really?!Isn't the Eternal Guild a subsidiary guild of the First Guild?What bullshit?Being scared like this by a little brother of HIM?"


When the high-level officials heard this, a sense of superiority arose.

Although the Eternal Guild is a subsidiary guild of the First Guild, its strength is definitely above that of the Yunteng Guild.

The Yunteng Guild is about to go to war with HIM, and has a good chance of defeating HIM.

The Eternal Guild, on the other hand, grovels to a younger brother of HIM.

The faces of the Yunteng Guild members were naturally bright.

It is precisely because of this incident that the fighting spirit of the high-level members of the Yunteng Guild has become stronger.

If HIM really gets into their hands, when the time comes, the Eternal Guild will have to lose its face.

"Brothers, this battle must be won! This is a matter related to the honor of the guild!"

"That's a must! Let the group of cubs of the Eternal Guild see who is the father!!"

"After this battle is fought, it is estimated that the position of the first place in Eternal Glory is not guaranteed~


words of the players of the Yunteng Guild were clearly heard by Xu Yuan's clone hidden nearby.

After hearing their talk about the diamond set of zombies, Xu Yuan was also very pleased.

Xu Yuan naturally knew that it was 007.

After Xu Yuan released the monsters before, he was actually still very worried about their safety.

Although Xu Yuan could see if they were alive, he had no way to monitor their location.

Now hearing the news of 007, Xu Yuan is finally a little relieved.

It seems that this kid's life is quite nourishing, and he has a buffet.

However, 007 is doing well at present, and it is also because of Xu Yuan.

The Eternal Guild was afraid of HIM, so it didn't do anything to 007.

But if Xu Yuan fakes his death at that time, the Yunteng Guild will definitely spread the news.

When the time comes, the Eternal Guild may be able to take action.

After thinking of this, Xu Yuan couldn't help but feel a little entangled.

If you don't fake your death, your time will be equivalent to working in vain.

If he fakes his death, 007 may be in danger.

Xu Yuan thought about it for a long time before he finally made up his mind.

"007 also needs to be trained, he can't live under my protection all the time..."Xu

Yuan still decided to follow the previous plan.

Although this would put 007 in danger, Xu Yuan had to do so.

It's not that Xu is selfish.

Xu Yuan still has feelings for 007.

But Xu Yuan can't always protect 007, he must be strong himself in order to face all dangers and survive in this world.

This can be regarded as a test for Xu Yuan to 007.

He must be strong on his own, and he must have his own title.

Instead of living under the protection of HIM, he has always been called HIM's little brother.

After making up his mind, Xu Yuan didn't think much about it anymore.

Instead, they started to lay out the things in front of them.

After everyone laughed for a while, Yun Li also began to lay out.

"You guys first tidy up the potholes over here..."

"Then go and grow some vegetables, get some animals to raise, and make it look like it's inhabited."

Under the command of Yun Li, all the players were also busy immediately.

In less than half an hour, the players had finished repairing the place.

Seeing this, Yun Li nodded with satisfaction, and then continued to command.

"Five of you, form a team and go around the woods.

"Remember! Be sure to pretend to be in the past, don't show any flaws!"

"Don't be afraid, HIM won't touch you, he'll definitely follow you."

"When the time comes, you can just come back.

Yun Li still put in the effort to study HIM, and he knows very well that HIM has a great taste.

I like to put a long line to catch big fish.

That's why he used the same method against HIM.

But he didn't know who the fish was.

I don't even know that I've bitten the hook.

The guild members also began to march into the forest according to Yun Li's request.

Yun Li took 9 elite members and hid in a hidden place.

To be on the safe side, they even surrounded themselves with a more bomb-resistant Hell Rock.

Wither was hidden in a matchbox that had just been built.

After all the players are ready, Yunli has also set up a private voice room to facilitate everyone to exchange messages.

"The stalker is paying attention, report the situation at any time!"

"As soon as he comes, he will raid immediately!!".

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