At this moment, the players of the Yunteng Guild seemed to have lost their souls.

They couldn't figure out why Yun Li had already killed HIM.

But HIM showed up while they were partying at the station.

They couldn't figure out why those ten withered were obviously Yunli's summons.

But they will do what HIM does.

They couldn't understand it, but they remembered the smile on HIM's face before they died.

That smile wasn't the first time they'd seen each other.

When HIM led monsters to slaughter the Triumph Guild before, he had that smile when he touched the wolf cub's head.

After seeing that smile, they didn't know what was going on.

But they guessed something by that smile.

"He's playing tricks on us

...", "So it's still the same as the Triumphant Guild, isn't it?!It's all acting?!

"Why?!The vice president has already seen his body dissipate, why ?!!!

" "We do have countless chances, but we naively think he only has one chance..."

From playing the game to now, what I admire the most is the vice president, his mind is extremely meticulous, I didn't expect him to step into the trap of HIM..."

Although the players of the Yunteng Guild don't know what the story is.

But they could guess that this must be the layout of HIM.

That's what shocked them.

If you change to their president, or the president of another guild, they will be able to accept it by HIM.

But they never expected that an extremely thoughtful person like Yun Li would be designed by HIM.

Moreover, after HIM appeared in the guild, players remembered Yun Li's appearance very clearly.

Scared, frightened, incredulous.

Players have been following Yun Li for so long, and this is the first time they have seen such an expression on his face.

Yunli has always been the existence of the brain of the guild.

He and Yun Feng also started from scratch and did not rely on any consortium to develop the Yunteng Guild.

And the development is still very good, in less than five years, it has become one of the top ten guilds.

These are all thanks to the resourcefulness of Yunli.

The reason why it can't compare to the top-ranked guilds is entirely due to hardware factors.

It's really hard to fight the consortium.

Yunteng Guild has such achievements, not to mention all of them, most of them are due to Yunli.

This is also the reason why players are afraid of HIM.

Even people like Yunli were arranged by him clearly.

It wasn't until he died that he realized that he had been designed.

At this moment, Yun Li looked at the guild channel in a daze.

He kept thinking about what was wrong with the details.

But he couldn't think of it.

Because from the planning to the implementation of the plan, he didn't feel anything wrong in every process.

He is such a cautious person, everything will be considered again and again.

In Yunli's view, this plan is also quite perfect.

He couldn't figure out what went wrong.

This is what makes Yunli feel terrible.

He didn't even know when HIM had been planning all of this.

I fell into the trap of HIM without knowing it.

For the first time playing the game, he felt frustration.

And this frustration was brought to him by a monster.

"... Labor and management are no longer playing!"

Yunli really couldn't stand this feeling.

As long as HIM existed for a day, he could always remember the contemptuous look he had when he faced himself.

He was completely suppressed by HIM, whether it was strength, strategy or brains.

How could Yun Li, who had always been arrogant, stand this?

What's more, the other party was not a human being, he was still a monster!

Again, since the beginning, he had been receiving private messages from various players.

The content is also very different.

"Huh, isn't HIM dead? Why is your house gone?"

"You're a little quick to slap your face, I don't know if you hurt or not." "

Hey, why did you say you provoked him so well


Li is a good-looking person.

In this way, the face can be regarded as a loss.

Even if Yunli doesn't retreat, he won't be able to raise his head in the game in the future.

After thinking of this, Yun Li also gritted his teeth and made a decision.

"Brother, I'm quitting.

After Yun Li sent a message to Yun Feng, he quit the guild and then went offline.

After Yun Feng saw Yun Li's news, to be honest, he was not surprised.

Yun Li's heart is so high, if he continues to stay in the game, he will probably be suffocated to death.

Yun Feng didn't stop Yun Li either, he knew that he couldn't stop it.

Soon after Yun Li quit the guild, Yun Feng posted a message on the guild channel.

"Brothers, I'm sorry, there will be a date later. After

saying that, Yun Feng disbanded the guild.

Yun Li is not there, and there is no need for the guild to continue.

Again, the equipment and materials that the guild had accumulated with great difficulty were all gone in an instant.

All these days' efforts have been in vain.

The reputation was ruined because of this incident, and the hearts of the players were scattered.

Yun Feng also has no need to stay anymore.

It's better to find another game and start over.

After Yun Feng disbanded the guild, the players were all kicked out of the guild by the system.

Although the players were a little surprised, it was actually expected.

The death of HIM was known to the whole server.

As a result, it didn't take long for the Yunteng Guild to be wiped out.

Even if Yun Feng and they don't dissolve the guild, they will quit by themselves.

The main thing is that it's too TM to lose face.

"It's good that it's disbanded, otherwise it's not easy to retreat, and it's embarrassing to go out

...""Hey, I don't want to play anymore, and I have to start again..."

The rest of the players left and started over.

After Yun Li quit the game, although it was his own decision, he still didn't know where to vent his anger.

He also came to the game's official website immediately and began to report problems to customer service.

"What kind of broken B game do you guys?What kind of monster did you make?!

" "I advise you to find out what HIM is quickly!!!Otherwise, you will finish the game sooner or later!!!"

Under Yun Li's persuasion, Yun Feng and the senior management of the guild game also gave the game official a reaction to this problem.

And also attached a picture of HIM and a video of his previous siege.


Customer Service Department of Zero Company.

After receiving Yunli's message, Xiao Wang glanced at the video.

Then they threw their feedback and videos in a "HIM Feedback" folder.

The customer service department basically submits player feedback to the senior and technical departments once a week.

It's been 4 days since the last feedback, and it will be possible to submit it again in another 3 days.

At this moment, the folder fed back by "HIM" has reached more than 5G.

Although there are videos and pictures in the folder, those occupy at most 2.5G.

The rest is text feedback.

In other words, text feedback accounts for 2.5G.

Seeing such a huge amount of data, Xiao Wang was also surprised.

"It's strange, why do so many people give feedback to HIM?"

and "What the hell is this HIM?......?"

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