Yonghui's secrecy is very good, so the players of the Eternal Guild have never known that the ender dragon has been tamed by the dragon.

Although they don't know that the ender dragon is the boss of the End, anyone who has played the game knows it.

The dragons in the game are absolutely dominant.

Again, although this ender dragon does not look very large, its overall appearance looks very domineering.

The scales on his body glowed black, and there were a pair of eyes that glowed with a dark purple light.

Although the ender dragon is still in his teenage years, he already has the demeanor of a hegemon.

At this moment, Tianheng saw the ender dragon hovering in the air, and his heart was also shocked.

"It turns out that this is the hole card that the boss said!" Before

seeing the ender dragon, Tianheng didn't have much confidence.

Now Tianheng has much less to worry about.

Although I don't know the strength of the ender dragon, since it can be used as a hole card by someone like Yonghui, its strength will definitely not be weak.

Yonghui and everyone have been on the road for so long, and they don't want to rest at all when they arrive.

He immediately ordered Tianheng Dao.

"Get that zombie out and put it to the test against

the ender dragon!" Although the ender dragon is indeed very strong, Yonghui is not sure if a monster of HIM's type can hurt it.

That's why I'm so anxious to let them compete.

When Tianheng heard this, he immediately asked the people below to bring 007 up.

Only then did the people of Yonghui see the true appearance of 007.

Its skin is grayish-black, its entire body is extremely strong, and its eyes glow a strange red.

In his hand, he held an iron sword.

Holding the iron sword is nothing, but what makes it strange is that the way he holds the iron sword is very special.

Most people use swords with their blades facing forward.

007, on the other hand, holds the iron sword, but the blade is facing backwards.

It doesn't feel like you're holding an iron sword, it's more like you're holding a dagger.

Although his size is not very large, the aura exuded from his body is not weak.

It already looks like a little devil.

After seeing 007's appearance, Yonghui was also very satisfied.

"That's good!"

Yonghui didn't say much, and directly let Canglong control the ender dragon and landed on the ground.

The ender dragon flapped its wings and slowly descended.

The huge wings flapped and the wind around them whirred.

The surrounding players were also blown back a few steps by the gust of wind.

When the ender dragon descended, 007 stood a short distance across from it.

He glanced at the ender dragon, but there was no trace of fear on his face.

And he looked the ender dragon up and down, as if thinking about something.

007's reaction surprised Yonghui.

Generally speaking, a low-level creature like this would be afraid of dragons.

And 007 is conscious, and he didn't flinch when he saw such a powerful existence.

"Interesting!" Yonghui

had to admit that this conscious monster was indeed extraordinary.

Yonghui is also looking forward to the game between 007 and the ender dragon more and more.

After Yonghui nodded, Tianheng immediately gave the order to attack.


I saw 007 come to the ender dragon with one lunge, and jump more than ten blocks in a single bounce.

Then with a wave of his arm, the sword in his hand immediately pierced the ender dragon's eyes.

When Yonghui saw this, everyone was stunned.

"?!! stop, stop!!!"

Yonghui never expected that 007 would attack the ender dragon in such a way.

He had expected 007 to attack the ender dragon's body, but he didn't expect him to analyze the ender dragon's weakness so quickly, and ran straight towards his eyes.

At this moment, seeing 007's actions, all players were also shocked.

"Damn, is this zombie so smart?"

"Damn, he still knows the weakness of attacks?!"

"The scales on the ender dragon are not easy to deal with, so let's deal with the softest eyes first

!!" "It's HIM's number one little brother now!!" "Now it's our number one little brother!!"

Fortunately, the dragon has been controlling the ender dragon, after seeing 007's move.

The dragon immediately controlled the ender dragon and raised its head.

The sword in 007's hand didn't pierce the ender dragon's eyes, but slashed down his neck.

With a sharp loud "stab" sound.

The scales of the ender dragon's neck were cut into a large crack.

Keep in mind that attacking the dragon's scales with an iron sword can only scratch a slight scratch.

And 007 directly split the scales, which is enough to see how terrifying 007's power is.

However, although 007 broke through the scales of the ender dragon, it was not deep enough to cut the ender dragon.

Seeing that the ender dragon was not injured, Yonghui also wiped his sweat, and he hurriedly ordered.

"Don't let it take a weapon!!Try it with your bare hands!" Yonghui

was also a little worried about another accident.

Seeing this, Tianheng immediately ordered 007 to lay down his weapon.

Tianheng's order was given for a long time, but 007 was still unmoved.

Tianheng couldn't help but be a little puzzled, and he was also afraid of losing face, so he raised his voice again and said it again.

At this moment, I only heard Peng Peng, who was hiding in the crowd, suddenly cough a few times.

007 reluctantly put down the weapon in his hand.

He then attacked the ender dragon with his bare hands.

After what happened just now, Tianheng also deliberately emphasized that 007 should not attack the eyes.

I saw 007 attack again, and the two fists of "Pound Pound" hammered into the dragon scales of the ender dragon.

Despite 007's strength, the scales of the ender dragon were as hard as steel plates.

It doesn't do any damage to the ender dragon at all.

Seeing this, Yonghui applauded excitedly.

"Good !!

" "Looks like he can't break through the ender dragon's defenses with his bare hands!" Yonghui

was so happy because he knew that HIM was unarmed.

Although he can make armor and weapons for his younger brothers, he doesn't seem to have the habit of carrying weapons.

And according to Yonghui's observation, HIM doesn't seem to be a power type.

The reason why 007 was able to split the scales of the ender dragon was, to put it bluntly, because of his strength.

And HIM's previous appearances were all based on skills.

Yonghui had tried it before, and the skills of the other monsters were a tickle for the ender dragon.

There is no threat.

Therefore, when it comes to HIM, Yonghui only needs to protect the eyes of the ender dragon.

Seeing the battle between 007 and the ender dragon, Yonghui was more confident in this battle.

Although 007's move just now really scared Yonghui, his move undoubtedly helped Yonghui.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for HIM to attack the eyes of the ender dragon like 007 when the time comes.

After thinking of this, Yonghui immediately gave an order to the players.

"Keep feeding the ender dragon and this zombie and let them grow quickly!"

"We don't have much time left!".

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