HIM led the crowd up slowly.

After reaching a certain height, it finally stopped.

The players glanced down, and beneath their feet was the interior of the Eternal Guild Residence.

From this angle, you can clearly see the panoramic view of the Eternal Guild Residence.

Just as the players looked down, they saw HIM raise his hand again, and then they saw that the guild station suddenly looked like a cross-section had been cut.

The various blocks on the upper floor were all floating.

The entire internal structure of the Eternal Guild is fully exposed.

It's like a flat top view.

Players can clearly see the various structures inside the guild, where the various materials and treasure chests are.

After seeing this, the players were even more puzzled.

"What the hell is he going to do

?!" "If you want to destroy the station, you will destroy it????......

"!!Kill if you want to, don't be TM grinding and chirping!!"

"Damn! I'm going to be driven crazy!

It's a very simple thing to die, but HIM just won't let them die.

And they don't know exactly what HIM is doing by doing this.

At this moment, the perspective of the players in the live broadcast room is not so high, and they don't know what is happening inside the Eternal Guild Residence.

But they could see the obsidian suspended in the air and the various blocks of the Yonghui Guild Residence building suspended in the air.

"Newton, rise from the coffin of the dying!"

"As we all know, the game "Minecraft" does not belong to Newton. "

This game really jumps back and forth between reality and virtuality?!"

"HIM is really outrageous?he can control all these blocks?!!!" "

I'm already numb to HIM's ability, the magma earthquake of Necromantic Knight just now is enough to shock me, and I'm still HIM's younger brother, I'm more curious, what is HIM doing here?"

I feel that I brought them into the sky to restrict their movements, right? trap them, but why did you lift up the guild station?"

At this moment, Peng Peng was also a little puzzled when he saw the scene in front of him.

He didn't care about anything anymore, and immediately raised a few blocks.

Only then did I see the appearance of the Eternal Guild Residence.

After seeing this, Peng Peng immediately reacted, what HIM wanted to do.

Peng Peng thought for a moment and made a very risky decision.

After digging out the blocks under his feet, he began to slowly approach the Eternal Guild Residence.

Peng Peng had only taken a few steps closer before HIM's gaze turned over.

The Necromantic Knight on the side looked a little anxious, as if he was afraid that HIM would hurt Peng Peng.

But he did not dare to disobey HIM's orders.


this, HIM didn't make a move on Peng Peng, but just withdrew his gaze and stopped looking at Peng Peng.

Judging by HIM's reaction, it should be a tacit acquiescence to Peng Peng's behavior.

Seeing this, Peng Peng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He then sped towards the Eternal Guild Residence.

At this moment, the players in the live broadcast room were all dumbfounded when they saw this scene.


" "Why did HIM let the anchor in?!"

"HIM didn't attack the anchor ?!!!

" "Damn?

Why did the anchor go in?The more I watched, the more I was fascinated!"


soon as Peng Peng's figure appeared, he was discovered by the players of the Eternal Guild.

I saw Peng Peng enter the station and run straight to the warehouse.

He opened the boxes and packed them into his backpack with all the goodies inside.

After taking the things, Peng Peng began to wantonly destroy, seeing what was unpleasant and smashing.

He even went directly to Tianheng's room, took out a TNT, and blew up Tianheng's room, and even spat on He-tui after the explosion.

After doing this, he was still not puzzled, he turned and looked up, and made an international gesture to the players of the Eternal Guild in the air.

"TMD, aren't you crazy

?!" "The first guild is very ambitious, and now it's really high-minded!" "

The scenery above is not bad, right?~

" "But the guild materials are really good, you can't get down anyway, these materials are also put away, what a pity to waste them..."

By the way, I forgot to tell you, I'm a big anchor now~ Many

people in the live broadcast room are watching me!" "I believe that more people will patronize here soon~ You must treat them well~"

After Peng Peng finished speaking, he adjusted the perspective to the third person and said to the players in the live broadcast room.

"Brothers, the anchor has given you benefits today!I'll tell you the address of the guild's residence in a while, these materials are on a first-come, first-served basis~"

Peng Peng yelled after saying these words, not to mention how happy he was.

The moment he saw the inside of the guild station, he immediately understood HIM's intentions.

HIM is all about keeping everyone in the Eternal Guild trapped here.

And let them watch the materials in the guild station they have worked so hard to develop be snatched away.

Watching the guild rout.

Let them be trapped here, despised and looked down upon by all who come.

Every time a person comes here, they are humiliated by this memory.

It's like they use small bugs to stimulate 007.

At this moment, the players of the Eternal Guild saw Peng Peng's behavior, and after hearing his words, they finally understood HIM's intentions.

"He... He's going to trap us in this ?!!!! all the time",

"Does he want us to keep watching our guild's things being taken away?!!"


"It's over... This is all the supplies of the three guilds!!If they are all taken, what will happen

in the future?!"Heh, what are you still thinking about in the future?Do you think we can get out?!"


this moment, Eternity, Canglong, and Tianheng saw all this that HIM had done.

They just feel their scalp tingling.

This is undoubtedly the greatest mental torture for them!

You must know that Yonghui and Canglong brought most of the guild's materials and manpower for this battle.

If all this was directly destroyed by HIM, then they also admit it, after all, they are not capable.

But now, they have to watch the guilds they have always looked down on, or the scattered players, come to their own territory to spread wild, rob, and even ridicule them!

It's worse than killing them.

"!!Labor and management don't play anymore

!!""Don't play, how do you explain to the consortium above?!"Gan!!What should I do then?!I've been trapped here, it's not that I can't explain?!


Eternal Glory

is different from the Yunteng Guild, and there is a consortium behind Eternal Glory.

It's not that they don't want to play because they don't want to play.

At this moment, the three of them were also in despair.

After the players in the live broadcast room understood Peng Peng's approach, they all gasped.

"Shhh HIM is really ruthless

...""What's more uncomfortable than death is that they see their carefully built city being burned and looted..."

Every time a player passes, it's a humiliation for them..."

"Although they are controlled by obsidian, there is still half of their bodies exposed, isn't HIM afraid that someone will come and kill them?"Won't they come out?"

?????Who dare???Who dares to kill ???? brother, do you dare?......"

Yes... Who else would dare to oppose HIM?......".

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