
Peng promised before that he would avenge the small bug.

But as an ordinary person, he can do very little.

All he could do was to do his best to fulfill this promise.

What Peng Peng didn't know was that he was actually a very important part of the entire revenge plan.

Without his persuasion, 007 would not have pretended to be submissive, and perhaps continued to suffer mentally.

If he hadn't posted the coordinates on the forum, HIM wouldn't have found the Eternal Guild Residency so quickly.

So he didn't do a lot.

It is said that well-wishers will have good rewards, and Peng Peng's good rewards are probably these materials and equipment of the Eternal Guild.

Originally, Peng Peng was just thinking about taking it himself, taking some other gifts.

But at this moment, Peng Peng changed his mind.

In the past, he has always been a little transparent in life and games.

In the past, when encountering any difficult things, Peng Peng's first thought was to escape.

Because escape is the easiest.

Just like when he saw Tianheng's brutal killing of small bugs before, although he wanted to stop it, he didn't dare.

So Peng Peng has always felt that he is very useless and can't do anything.

But after this incident, Peng Peng no longer thinks like this.

He found that as long as he had a firm belief in his heart, no matter how hard he tried, he would try his best to achieve it.

Just like before he wanted to avenge the little bug.

If it had been before, he would have thought it would have been impossible.

How could he, an ordinary person, go against the game-first guild?

But through his efforts, this matter was actually achieved!

Although with the help of many external factors.

But no matter what, he succeeded in avenging the little bug.

and also slapped the guild bullies in the face.

"Then set another goal!" "The

next goal is to see

the little bug again!" Just after 007 and the little bug merged, he looked towards Peng Peng.

Peng Peng knew that the small BUG was still there.

It's just a pity that Peng Peng didn't talk to him.

However, this also became the driving force that drove Peng Peng to continue the game.

He's going to grow up well and see the little bugs again.

I don't know when, it will be like this again, and he will be able to help with small bugs.

After thinking of this, Peng Peng also said in the live broadcast room.

"That brother, I'm going to start a guild. "

The name is tentatively positioned as the Demon King Reserve, and the guild recruits those who like HIM and Small... Necro Knight players.

"As you can see, with these materials behind me, the guild will soon develop.

"We don't need to build a station, we can use it just by repairing it here." "

You can also enjoy the all-weather care of the players of the first guild~

" "I want to come as soon as possible!" Peng Peng's

operation can be described as a dove occupying the magpie's nest.

I have to say that Peng Peng does understand shrimp and pig hearts, and even knows how to draw inferences.

The people of the Eternal Guild already hated Peng Peng.

If you see Peng Peng's dove occupying the magpie's nest, and also use their materials to develop his own guild.

I guess I'm going to faint out of breath.

And if Peng Peng becomes the president, he will definitely come over and taunt them every day.

Forget about being tortured by HIM, how can the players of the Eternal Guild stand being ridiculed by a low-level player and traitor of the Guild?! After the players of the Eternal Guild

heard Peng Peng's words, all kinds of national essences kept coming from above.

The louder they scolded, the happier Peng Peng laughed.

What is this called, this is called impotent rage.

At this moment, some players in the live broadcast room saw this, and they didn't quite understand Peng Peng's behavior.

"Why does it feel like this anchor has a deep hatred with the Eternal Guild

?" "Demon King Reserve Army? It's the first time I've encountered a monster licker, it's a real cow..."

"What is a monster licking? Many people like HIM? Isn't this normal?"

"Please allow someone who likes villains to exist, thank you." "

Why do I feel that the relationship between this Peng Peng and HIM and the Necro Knight is not simple?"

"Indeed, he rushed over so suddenly just now, and HIM didn't even make a move

!" "Grapevine, the anchor is the one who revealed the location of the Eternal Guild!"

"Hiss... I see!!That's reasonable!The streamer is waiting for me

!I'm here to join the enemy!!""In other words, HIM won't kill the streamer and his guild people?!!I'm coming!!"


many players disagree with Peng Peng's idea of gathering players who like HIM and Necro Knight to form a guild.

But players didn't dare to underestimate Peng Peng.

When Peng Peng ran directly over just now, everyone saw with their own eyes that HIM did not attack Peng Peng.

This is the second player to encounter HIM but not be killed after being told the location of the Eternal Guild of HIM. (Steve: Thanks, don't Q)

and the Necro Knight seems to want to say something, and it seems to have something to do with Peng Peng.

Again, players also learned from various gossip that Peng Peng was the one who released the coordinates of the Eternal Guild.

This kind of thing has to make people reverie.

For a while, many players who like HIM and Necromantic Knight are also tempted.

The materials of the first guild plus the protection of HIM and the necromantic knight, so you can't go sideways in the game in the future?!

It is precisely because of these kinds of events that those guilds who have taken a fancy to these materials have dispelled their thoughts.

Originally, they thought that Peng Peng was a scattered person over there, and it should be very simple for them to grab supplies.

But thinking of the relationship between Peng Peng and HIM, I looked at the loveless faces of the players of the Eternal Guild.

They all dismissed the idea.

They can't afford to offend HIM, and they can't afford to offend the people around HIM.

The Eternal Guild is the best example, offending HIM's little brother in exchange for such a fate.

After Peng Peng turned off the live broadcast, he began to busy repairing the guild residence.

Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, I didn't expect that in just a few days, this place would become his territory.


In the jungle next to the Eternal Residence.

"Master!!Master!!Master!! I miss you!! Prprprprpr!" I

saw 007's drooping tail suddenly stand up, and then swayed so fast that I couldn't even see a shadow, like a propeller.

He stuck out his tongue and began to rub it against Xu Yuan's face.

Seeing this, Xu Yuan quickly pinched the wolf's mouth.

Although he knew that it was a small bug, it was using 007's body.

007 sticks out his tongue and licks himself like this, Xu Yuan really can't accept it...

As soon as 007's mouth was pinched, he immediately reacted.

He quickly half-knelt down, and then talked to himself as if he had a split personality.

"Don't offend my king

like this!" "I used to be like this, it must be because of you stupid big man, my master doesn't like

me anymore!Woo woo!!" "But now you share the same body with me!Can't do this anymore!You know!"I don't

! I don't! I don't! I don't! I want to lick my master's face!Prprprpr!"


I saw 007 drooping his tail for a while, and wagging his tail frantically for a while.

One moment his eyes were very calm, and the next he became watery again.

Xu Yuan couldn't help but support his forehead.

"Isn't this really schizophrenic?......"

At this moment, a fierce voice suddenly appeared in his head.

"They offended you, kill them!".

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