Minecraft: The Strongest Player

Chapter 353 Helping the evildoer

"Master Him's Void Sword! Why is it in your hand?"

The Death Knight let out a light sigh, his eyes a little confused.

"This Sword of the Void is indeed his, but... I got it from another guy. His name is Bill."

Lu Yu said with deep meaning.

"Bill? You mean... the guy from Woodland Mansion?"

"Yes, I got this weapon after defeating him, and I also fought against Tim once."

"Tim? Who is that?"

The Death Knight's voice was full of doubts.

"Tim is Him, or in other words, he is a more evil Tim who wants to destroy everything. I guess it is Tim you are following now, right?"

Lu Yu looked at the Death Knight with a slight smile.

"That's nonsense! There is no such thing as Tim. I will always be Lord Him's loyal follower. You can't even try to confuse me!"

The undead knight's voice sounded a little excited, and he shouted angrily.

"Why should I lie to you? The real him was imprisoned in the lower world many years ago, suffering from the magma all day long. And the fake him is domineering outside, you are still stupid If you follow him, you are helping others to do evil! I advise you to see the reality quickly and stop being obsessed with it!”

Lu Yu's words were like a heavy hammer hitting the undead knight's heart.

His expression slowly became tangled, and he was caught in a fight inside.

"How is it possible! How is it possible! You must be talking nonsense! I don't believe it!"

The undead knight jumped high from the spot, flew over the huge pit, and landed in front of Lu Yu.

The lava blade in his hand was pointed straight at Lu Yu, and the tip of the sword trembled slightly. It could be seen that he was a little excited now.

"Speak quickly! You lied to me! Right!"

He stared at Lu Yu with a strange red light flashing in his eyes.

"I'm not lying. This doesn't mean anything to me. Besides, he should be in this world now, and he is also looking for Tim's whereabouts."

Lu Yu said calmly and without any fear.


The undead knight's voice trembled a little, and he had already believed most of this human's words.

He also felt that Mr. Him's temperament had changed drastically over the years, and he would lose his temper at every turn.

Moreover, his whereabouts are secretive and he never allows his subordinates to follow him. Even his former confidant general does not know his whereabouts.

A few days ago, he suddenly appeared and found the Necromancer Knight, saying that he had a task to give him.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Yu met him here.

Now that Lu Yu said this, the Death Knight couldn't help but feel a little suspicious.

Is it possible that Lord Him, whom he has been loyal to for so long, is actually a fake?

If that were the case, he could really just go find a piece of tofu and kill him.

The real Lord Him was imprisoned in the lower world by the impostor and suffered a lot, but he was here to help him.

But after all, Lu Yu was just a stranger to a human being. Even if he had doubts, he didn't dare to make such a conclusion.

"Human, I believe what you say for the time being, but you must lead me to find the real Lord Him, otherwise, I will kill you too!"

The Death Knight said coldly.

"Okay! Then follow me and see how I expose Tim's conspiracy!"

Lu Yu assured him, patting his chest and unable to stop the smile on his face.

This was great. Not only did it save a fierce battle, but it also naturally found a powerful thug.

Hearing this, he almost smiled crookedly.

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