Minecraft: The Strongest Player

Chapter 6 Traveling far! Find natural mines!

Lu Yu checked the gold coin rankings and found that his ID was very conspicuously at the top of the list, with 218 gold coins.

The second place only had a pitiful 28 gold coins, which was simply shabby compared to Lu Yu.

Even so, Lu Yu never dared to take it lightly.

If he can get the first kill, others can too.

If his guess is correct, as long as he gets the first kill of a certain type of monster, he will get the corresponding exclusive title.

In this case, I have to plan carefully.

His current goal is to get the first kill of as many monsters as possible. If he wants to kill monsters more efficiently and safely, a set of armor pits is indispensable.

There is probably enough food now. Lu Yu has just planted all the oak saplings in the box. He believes that they will grow into big trees before long, and then he can harvest another wave of apples.

And now I still have a lot of rotten meat on hand. Although it tastes a bit unpleasant, it can still be used in emergencies.

His plan during the day today was to go to the mines. If he could find enough iron before dark, his combat effectiveness would be greatly improved at night.

In order to save hunger points, he must find a natural mine.

I walked around yesterday and found nothing. Lu Yu planned to go a little further today to take a look.

Before leaving, he sealed the door of the shelter with dirt and put a special mark on it to prevent passing players from removing all the contents of his box.

During this trip, Lu Yu only brought two stone manuscripts, a stone sword, a stone axe, a stone shovel and some carrion and torches.

It's useless to bring too much. If you accidentally die when you go into the mine, it will be in vain.

Lu Yu walked all the way along the river, not daring to go far. He couldn't check his coordinates here, and he, a road addict, lost his eyes. It was better to walk the same path to the end.

As for taking a boat, Lu Yu had just thought about it, but when he excitedly came to the river and was about to put the boat into the water, he saw a few pairs of slightly shining eyes staring at him at the bottom of the river.

It was a drowned zombie, an extremely difficult zombie variant. Ordinary zombies would evolve into drowned zombies as long as they were soaked in water for 15 seconds.

Lu Yu doesn't want to take this risk. Now he can only huddle up and work as a pedicure master for zombies on land, let alone in water where movement is difficult?

Although the drowned corpse has a chance to drop a powerful weapon, the trident, which has a basic damage of 9 points, and can attack and range, which is much better than his own stone sword.

But it has a drawback, that is, it will not fly back if it is thrown out for long-range attacks. It is only useful after being marked with a loyalty enchantment book.

At this stage, even survival is a problem. Where can I get enchanted books?

Moreover, the attack power of the drowned zombie holding the trident was extremely high. Lu Yu had no doubt that if he rushed forward naked, he would definitely die in one hit.

So let’s not consider dealing with the drowned zombie for the time being, and wait until your equipment is a little better before you challenge it.

The hard work paid off. After more than ten minutes of searching, Lu Yu finally found a natural mine.

He held a torch and walked in. It was so dark inside that he couldn't see anything. Lu Yu felt a little palpitated, fearing that a monster would suddenly jump out.

Every few steps, Lu Yu would plant a torch, and it was very regular.

For a mine with such intricate terrain, the only way to avoid getting lost is to mark it well.

Lu Yu's torches were placed very carefully, all leaning against the right wall, so that it would not be easy to go wrong when he came back.

After walking a few steps, a piece of coal appeared under my feet. This was a good thing that was in urgent need.

Burning with wood as fuel is too wasteful, coal is the best choice.

It's a pity that the amount of coal in this area is very small, only about a dozen, but it does allow Lu Yu's experience bar to rise to level 5.

Fighting zombies last night had already raised his experience bar to level 4, but the experience seemed to be of little use to him now.

After wandering around in the mine for about a long time, the harvest was mediocre. I only found half a group of coal and a pitiful eight iron ores, and no other bird feathers were seen.

It has to be said that mining is indeed a laborious job. Lu Yu's hunger level dropped slowly, and he had to keep eating carrion to recover.

Lu Yu bit off another piece of rotten meat and swallowed it. As soon as the rotten meat entered his stomach, he felt something was wrong.

My head suddenly became dizzy, stars were appearing in front of my eyes, and I was a little unsteady on my feet.

"Oops! Poisoned by carrion!"

Lu Yu secretly yelled that it was not good. He didn't have the antidote in his hand now, so he could only hold on.

If he encountered a monster in the mine in this state, it would probably be a disaster.

After struggling to dig a small hole in the wall, Lu Yu locked himself in, as if he was locked in a coffin.

It was almost noon in the real world, and it was time to eat soon. Lu Yu chose to disconnect first, get up and have a meal before talking.

"Mom, is the meal ready?"

Lu Yu took off his helmet, stood up from the bed, opened the door and asked.

"Why bother? It will be fine soon. You can watch some TV first."

Mother Lu said impatiently.

As a full-time housewife, she has to worry about what to eat every day.

She not only has obsessive-compulsive disorder but also has difficulty making choices. She has to think about it for a long time every time she cooks.

Lu Yu was used to it. He had been hungry every day since he was a child, so he simply slumped down on the sofa and watched TV.

A promotional advertisement for the game "Minecraft Online" is playing on the TV.

"Woof! Woof! Woof!"

Ke Ke, who was sleeping on the ground, suddenly became energetic and screamed twice happily.

Looking at its reaction, Lu Yu knew that his father must be back.

"Honey, I'm back!"

Sure enough, the door was opened, and Lu Yu's father, Lu Xian, opened the door and walked in.

Ke Ke, the short-legged boy, happily ran up to him, kicked off his front legs and hugged his thigh.

At some point, the kitten that was basking in the sun on the balcony also ran over and rubbed his pants intimately.

Lu Yu didn't know why, but his father seemed to have a special attraction to animals. All the cats and dogs at home only clung to him.

This cat was brought home by him from outside.

"Dad, the meal isn't ready yet. You're probably going to be hungry."

Lu Yu smiled mischievously at him.

His relationship with his father is like that of two good brothers, and they usually talk more casually.

However, when I was a kid, my dad had lured creepers behind me countless times, so he made a set of explosion protection armor.

How can there be such a bad father in the world!

"Hey! Son, what is this "Minecraft Online"?"

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