Lao Yan was the group of veterans who unleashed the plague on the Tatars of the Northern Yuan Dynasty.

Now that I have finished the dirty work, I remember that I was a deserter.

Upon hearing that they were back, Su Ran suddenly became angry: "They still know they are coming back?

Lao Xue, take off my pants and beat me to death! "

"Hey!" Lao Xue ran outside without saying a word.

According to the unspoken rules of the military, no matter what happens, there will be no double punishment.

If you get beaten, you won't be kicked out.

"Wait!" Su Ran called out to Lao Xue again: "Let Mrs. Liu and the other women take action."

Lao Xue suddenly turned red.

Staggering away from here.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Zhu Di laughed so hard that he patted Su Ran and said, "Brother Huai'an, what you did is so immoral, no, I have to take a closer look later! Hahaha!"

"If you don't be cruel, they won't remember this lesson." Su Ran said harshly.

"But acting like this can be considered a deserter."

Zhu Di said: "Why do you still keep them?"

"Don't use the military tactics to trap me."

Su Ran rolled her eyes and said: "We supported each other all the way back from the north. It was a life-long friendship. Several veterans fought for me and were injured.

I just want them to live the rest of their lives well. "

Under the cool moonlight.

A dozen veterans lay side by side on stools and had their pants removed, exposing their white buttocks.

He was beaten to death by a group of tough women with canes.

This group of veterans had their faces turned into pig livers, but no one made a sound.

I was afraid of losing face in front of these women.

What's terrible is that there are a group of children watching and laughing nearby.

Zhu Di, who was hiding in the grass, rolled with laughter.

After the veterans' buttocks were beaten to pieces, Lao Xue slowly walked over with a whip and kicked them all one by one.

"Brother Xue."

Lao Yan lifted up his pants in embarrassment and said, "Young master, don't you blame us?"

"Nothing is punished twice." Old Xue said slowly: "If the young master beats you, he will not drive you away again.

While you were gone, the young master built a house for you.

Just waiting for you to come back, marry a wife and have children. "

Each of these veterans covered their butts with shame on their faces.

Looking at these old brothers, they looked so embarrassed.

Old Xue couldn't bear it and sighed: "Young Master, I don't blame you for being deserters.

They were worried that the plague would be too dangerous.

If it really harms the people, even if you die a hundred times, it won’t be enough! "

Listening to Lao Xue's stern tone, these veterans did not dare to say anything.

"This kind of thing is evil, not the right way!

It can only happen once, and there will be a next time,

You don’t need to say anything, young master, I, Old Xue, will rip your heads off and kick them like a ball! "

After hearing what Lao Xue said, Lao Yan and the other veterans immediately nodded in agreement.

Lao Xue is their leader and has great prestige.

Immediately afterwards, Lao Xue began to make domineering arrangements: "One more thing, after the young master arranges for you to get married and start a family, put away the ruffian spirit you developed in the border army!

All the children in our village, regardless of gender, must go to private schools to study and become literate!

If anyone dares to show off your ruffian spirit again and lead the children in the village, I will kick his whole family out! "

With that said, he drove the confused veterans out.

Zhu Di, who was laughing so hard that his stomach hurt, was picked up by the soldiers.

Zhu Di was not the only one who laughed as well.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The main hall of Qianqing Palace.

Zhu Yuanzhang almost burst out laughing after hearing the news.

But after the laughter.

Lao Zhu very much agrees with Su Ran's steward's methods.

With the combination of kindness and power, this group of ruffian veterans was put under this heavy curse.

He wouldn't be so presumptuous.

In fact, Su Ran didn't think as much as Lao Zhu.

After all, he was able to escape all the way back from the northern border to a large extent with the help of these veterans.

Although these veterans are full of military spirit, many of them still do not forget their original intentions.

This adventure can be seen in the desperate rush back to the north to release the poison.

After confirming that the Beiyuan Tatars suffered heavy losses.

The desire for revenge among these veterans became indifferent.

This beating was not to confirm his authority.

It was to get rid of their military arrogance and live a peaceful life in the future.

Su Ran thinks that these veterans are used to being wild and ruffian.

Only men who have a family and a career will guard the door and establish a household.

Only when you have children will you be as honest as a dog.

Ever since, Lao Xue got married ten days apart.

Nanhu Village once again ushered in a wave of marriages. A dozen veterans who had escaped returned married the widows who had beaten them.

At this moment, the ten maids Su Ran had been thinking about were soon sent to his door by Zhu Di.

To his satisfaction.

Apart from being beautiful, these ten maids do not have the bad habit of foot binding.

But thinking about it, women are inherently fragile.

If the feet were bound again, then there really would be no need to do any work.

"Your veterans just married off all those widows? So hasty?"

Zhu Di asked in disbelief in the vegetable greenhouse.

"Do you think you're marrying a prince or noble? It's not that pretentious!"

Su Ran picked up a cabbage and said disdainfully: "It would be nice to have a wife to warm the bed and children to inherit the incense. How could such a mess come about?"

"I always feel like there's a conspiracy here."

Zhu Di looked at him and said thoughtfully.

Su Ran rolled her eyes.

A wife is worse than a concubine, and a concubine is worse than a thief.

It is a rule that applies to any class.

Let these sneaky veterans hang out with the female factory workers.

Sooner or later, a scandal will result.

When the time comes, the reputation will be bad, and the first person to hurt Chiyu will be him, the owner of the village.

How will I promote the study of physical studies in the future and how will I promote the country’s four modernizations?

Get rich through hard work and become well-off?

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