
Queen Ma adjusted his collar and said with a smile, "There's no need to buy a loom.

It can be knitted with four knitting needles.

From now on, the empress and maids in the palace will have more entertainment. "

Zhu Yuanzhang picked up this woolen sweater, looked at it carefully up and down, and took a deep breath.

"You mean you can weave with just four small sticks without using a loom at all?"

"Yes." Queen Ma felt that Lao Zhu was a little strange.

Normally, Lao Zhu would never be interested in these women.

Why has it changed today?

"Sister, can you demonstrate it to us?"

Zhu Yuanzhang suppressed the excitement in his heart and urged.

Queen Ma felt strange, but still asked the accompanying maid to bring her sewing basket.

In front of Zhu Yuanzhang, he took four bamboo sticks and quickly weaved a section.

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes lit up when he saw it, and he couldn't help laughing loudly: "Okay, okay, these are really good clothes!"

In his excitement, he picked up Queen Ma and spun her around several times.

Queen Ma blushed, slapped him and said, "What are you doing, so happy?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed loudly and said: "Sister, you have helped us solve a huge problem!

That’s it! "

He slapped his palms hard and said: "There is not so much wool now.

Later you gather all those ladies and teach them how to knit this kind of sweater!

Promote it gradually! Not only do we need to teach them how to do it, but we also need to popularize it all over the world! "

Lao Zhu excitedly held this woolen sweater and spun around.

"You don't have to worry about that."

Empress Ma smiled and explained: "Su Ran Farm also has a specialized wool workshop.

There are female workers who specialize in cleaning and softening wool, and sell the whole wool and yarn. "

"This guy knows how to do business."

Zhu Yuanzhang thought for a moment and said, "It's better to slow down for the time being.

In addition, I will issue another order that the wool business will be tax-free from now on! "

The village head of Nanhu Village.

A large group of ragged tenants were accompanying Smiley.

Seeing the housekeeper, Old Xue, arrogant and bossy, foaming at the mouth.

"You paupers, listen to us!"

Lao Xue put his hands on his waist and shouted loudly: "I know you are interested in the food here and want to eat enough.

But let me tell you, our young village owner’s full meal is not so delicious!

Today I will tell you a few rules.

First, obey the order. You must farm the land how we ask you to do it!

Anyone who dares to fry wings will be kicked out of the farm!

Second, you have a one-month probationary period. If you pass the probationary period, your wife can also go to the workshop to work! Don’t worry, the workshops are all female workers and the shopkeepers are all female shopkeepers.

Don't worry about cuckolding you. "

Lao Xue's voice caused a burst of laughter.

Then he yelled: "Third, if you work for a year,

Your child can study in a private school!

It’s free for my child to study and eat in a private school, okay! "

Lao Xue waved his hand and shouted: "Everyone should go to the canteen to advance half a month's meal tickets!

After you have eaten, I will take you to the farm! "

As he said that, he led a group of ragged tenants and rushed toward the canteen.

All this was seen by Su Ran and Zhu Di next to them.

"Your housekeeper is quite arrogant." Zhu Di said with a frown.

"If he is not overbearing, how can the private school teacher be gentle behind him?"

Su Ran crossed her arms and said slowly.

"Huh?" Zhu Di was a little surprised: "I thought you had always looked down on the power of those Confucian officials."

"Since when did I look down on power?"

Su Ran glanced at him with disdain: "Besides, when did this power technique become the exclusive preserve of Confucianism?"

Zhu Di was immediately speechless.

"Old Hong, I don't look down on power."

Su Ran snorted coldly and continued: "Don't go too far in anything, use power and power.

In the final analysis, it is just a set of means formed around power.

Appropriate use can improve efficiency, but excessive use will ruin it.

When the whole country is filled with intrigues, intrigues, and intrigues, then there is no need to do anything else. "

Zhu Di picked up the telescope and peered for a moment, and couldn't help but said: "Brother Huai'an, I see many tenants who don't look like refugees fleeing famine."

Su Ran climbed up the slope, nodded and said, "There are many small landowners in Zhuangzi around.

I want to send my tenants undercover, and I want to secretly imitate my skills. "

"What's the result?" Zhu Di asked curiously.

Su Ran shrugged: "These tenants don't want to leave after they come."

Zhu Di burst out laughing.

Su Ran's farming techniques are different, but the treatment is really poor.

There is a special kitchen in the farm, with meat and vegetables, all purchased with food stamps.

After all, we are all working as tenants for others, so who should we work for?

"Just wait, this model will be fully rolled out."

Su Ran said slowly: "The food shortage in the Ming Dynasty can be solved, based on this.

That’s when my lineage comes into full swing. "

"You are just a private school now."

Listening to Su Ran's heroic words, Zhu Di couldn't help but pour cold water on him: "There are only four or five gentlemen, less than a hundred students."

"Old Hong, you don't understand."

Su Ran sneered and said: "If any knowledge wants to last forever,

You can't be divorced from the people's livelihood!

People's livelihood determines the longevity of a subject. "

"According to what you say, the Confucianism, which you deeply hate, is also the same?"

Zhu Di obviously caught his flaw and asked immediately.

Su Ran took a long breath: "Everyone in the world longs for stability.

Confucianism is precisely the least fussy knowledge.

It's a pity that Confucianism has lost its original intention.

Not to mention the open-mindedness and courage to embrace all rivers.

Instead, it has become a tool for the rulers to deceive the people.

Do you think this kind of Confucianism will last long? "

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