Seeing the expression on her husband's face, Queen Ma couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

Originally, my husband thought that this boy was deliberately seeking an official position, and he was ready to manipulate him.

Wait until the heat is almost done before cooking it for him.

Who would have thought that people would not like it at all!

This oolong is really a big deal.

In the next room, Zhu Di said angrily: "Brother Su, the gap between your teeth is big enough.

However, with your way of spending money,

The imperial salary is indeed not enough for you. "

"Lao Hong, don't you understand now?"

Su Ran clinked a drink with him and said with a smile: "Being able to make money is not a skill.

Being able to spend money counts! "

"I think you are a traitor and a prodigal, right?"

Zhu Di glanced at him sideways and said, "I earn more than anyone else and spend more money than anyone else.

Tens of thousands of taels of silver were thrown in immediately.

My father...I, Lao'zi, are not as troubled as you. "

"Do you think I just make money and spend it?"

Su Ran picked up a chicken leg and said vaguely while chewing: "The knowledge in our family is practical knowledge!

It’s not Confucianism like those in the court who talk about bad things and discuss bad things, looking for chapters and extracting sentences.

In the eyes of the world, money is a good thing.

But in my family’s view, money is just a tool.

Just like the sickle in the farmer's hand and the hammer in the blacksmith's hand,

You have to keep using it to get the most out of it.

Always stored away, no different than scrap metal. "


Zhu Yuanzhang, who was eavesdropping, raised his eyebrows: "Money is a tool. This statement does make some sense."

He couldn't help but smile, and then continued to listen.

"Brother Su, what is the sect of your family's knowledge?"

Zhu Di asked curiously: "I think you are good at economics.

In terms of physical studies and arithmetic alone, no one in the court can compare! "

"Our ancestors were originally from the Ji Ran sect who were good at economics."

Su Ran continued to chew on the chicken legs and brag: "Later, he combined Shang Gao's arithmetic and Wu's studies.

I also studied some agricultural and miscellaneous subjects.

Generally speaking, the core is still to improve people's livelihood and economy. "

"Like!" Zhu Di immediately slapped the table and cheered: "No wonder!

All the refugees in your village are extremely rich.

Just because of Brother Su’s big heart,

Let's go one! "

As he spoke, he raised his glass and touched it heavily with him.

Hearing these words, Zhu Yuanzhang's brows relaxed slightly in the room next door.

After listening to so much nonsense, I finally heard something practical.

It seems that this Su Ran is not just a shallow profiteer.

But he inherited a mysterious school of thought!

From this point of view, it is not a bad thing to let the fourth child interact with him.

He suddenly thought of the incident of the refugees just now, and immediately said to Luo Qianshi beside him: "After you return, you School Disciple will go to Nanhu Village to investigate carefully, see clearly how the people in the village are living, and then report to me."

"Here." Luo Qianshi immediately bowed and saluted.

At this time, Su Ran in the next room sighed: "It's a pity.

This line of knowledge in my family is almost lost.

Now I'm alone, I have to get the farm up quickly,

Then open a private school to pass on knowledge. What if my knowledge is lost?

When I return to the underground in the future, my master will beat me to death. "

"It shouldn't be."

Zhu Di seemed a little excited: "Brother Su, your lineage of knowledge is profound and profound.

He also specializes in people's livelihood economy. In that dynasty, he would definitely be reused by the emperor! "

"Pull it down, my family's knowledge is aimed at people's livelihood and economy, not the emperor." Su Ran sneered: "Old Hong, you have never been an emperor.

You don't know what the emperor wants most. "

Upon hearing this sensitive statement involving the emperor, Zhu Yuanzhang's ears immediately stood up.

Stones from other mountains can attack jade.

He usually listened to the flattery of those Confucian scholars in the court.

He wanted to know about Su Ran, a guy who claimed to have a background in economics.

What can you say?

"The emperor, of course, wants the peace and prosperity of the country and the people!"

Zhu Di's tone became more excited and he banged the table.

"Wrong!" Su Ran said flatly: "What the emperor wants most is stable power!"

Zhu Di was stunned immediately.

Zhu Yuanzhang's heart skipped a beat in the next room.

Su Ran's words hit the nail on the head.

Thinking of this, Lao Zhu couldn't help but wonder.

However, aren’t the peace of the country and the stability of the throne the same thing?

When the country is stable and people's livelihood is stable, the throne will naturally be stable.

But the question in his mind was asked by Zhu Di: "But aren't the stability of the throne and the peace of the country and the people the same thing?"

"For an emperor, the most important thing is not to innovate, but to secure his power and position."

Su Ran pointed a chicken bone on the table: "Any innovation that is beneficial to society will inevitably have an impact and shock on the social structure and the power class. This is what the emperor least likes to see.

Just think about it, which emperor likes the country to be in turmoil all day long?

A lot of trouble?

So, I just plan to make some money and live a good life.

As for entering the court as an official, don't even think about it. "

Zhu Yuanzhang, who was sitting next door, immediately became as dark as water.

"Chongba." Empress Ma couldn't help but ask, "Isn't this a bit treasonous?"

"No problem, girl."

Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head slightly and showed a wry smile: "But this is the truth.

Even though we have struggled all our lives, why don’t we want to live a stable life?

There are not so many bad things in the court, and the Northern Yuan royal family has also calmed down a bit.

The wealthy gentry down there are corrupt officials..."

Speaking of this, Zhu Yuanzhang showed a helpless look.

Queen Ma couldn't help but smile slightly.

This is the pain of being in a high position.

As a wife, she completely understands that her husband has repeatedly raised a butcher knife in anger.

The Northern Yuan Mongols were always restless and wanted to regain control of the Central Plains.

The officials below are corrupt and take bribes, and the local tyrants and evil gentry oppress the people.

As well as the Huaixi nobles and Zhejiang Group in the imperial court, they are not law-abiding masters.

No wonder Zhu Yuanzhang brandished the butcher's knife when he was furious.

Although Empress Ma repeatedly prevented Zhu Yuanzhang from using the knife, she understood her husband from the bottom of her heart.

When he was about to speak, Zhu Yuanzhang, who was listening attentively, raised his hand to stop him.

"Brother Su, shouldn't this be right?"

Zhu Di in the next room thought hard for a while and said unconvinced: "Can you give me an example?"

"It's too easy to give examples, you know the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, right?"

Su Ran said: "How do you think the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period came about?"

Zhu Di disapproved and said: "It's just because the Emperor Zhou is fatuous and the Quanrong foreign enemies invaded."

"Wrong! This is just the superficial reason."

Su Ran knocked the chicken leg bone on the table: "If only the emperor of Zhou was stupid and the dogs invaded,

It is not enough to shake the country's foundation. After all, there are princes and nobles under the Emperor of Zhou.

Even if Emperor Zhou continues to fool around,

The middle-level princes and nobles still hope that the country will be stable;

Don't destroy the current class. "

"That's the truth."

Zhu Di nodded and said, "These princes and nobles certainly don't want the country to be in turmoil."

Zhu Yuanzhang, who lives next door, also deeply agrees.

During the reign of Emperor Zhou, although the emperor's control over the vassal states became weaker.

But every prince is also a vested interest under the rules.

No one wants to just flip the table and play.

Therefore, during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, it was popular to ignore the monarch and rarely replace him.

The country is in turmoil, which does them no good at all.

But I heard Su Ran continue to say: "The most fundamental reason,

Cheap iron farm tools and cattle became widely popularized, replacing bulky bronze tools! "

Upon hearing this argument, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but feel doubts in his heart.

Regarding the theory of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there were different opinions in the court.

His ears almost felt like cocoons.

These two reasons made Zhu Yuanzhang feel particularly novel.

He couldn't help but continue to listen attentively.

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