For the safety of his life, Dr. Gao decided to stay away from Su Ran in the future.

And a sign should be put up on the mansion that Su Ran and Jin Yiwei are not allowed to enter.

Cherish life and stay away from Su Ran.

In contrast, Zhu Yuanzhang didn't think so much.

After confirming that Queen Ma was fine, he immediately walked to Su Ran.

A slap on his shoulder.


Su Ran dwarfed and half of her shoulders were numb.

"Good nephew! What a good nephew."

"Uncle Hong, please be gentle."

Su Ran covered her numb shoulders and said with a wry smile: "You are always a general who can kill enemies and capture flags.

My nephew is a weak scholar, and he cannot bear to be slapped like this by you. "

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed and said: "Okay, there's no need to gossip!

If you save your aunt's life, you will be the benefactor of our old Hong family.

As long as our family likes it, just take it!

Hey, boss, you and the fourth child should greet my nephew for me. "

Looking at the excited and incoherent dad.

Zhu Biao and Zhu Di couldn't laugh or cry.

Just listen to Su Ran and go down.

When Su Ran stepped out of the threshold, it was already dark.

What made him most unhappy was that there were no lights around.

It was pitch black.

"Hey, hey, Hong Laosi, and eldest brother."

Su Ran said to Zhu Di: "Can you please stop acting like a kidnapper?

When I came back to your house for the first time, you still didn’t let me know the door? "

"What's there to see?"

Zhu Di quickly pulled him and said: "A bunch of aunts and aunts,

They were all my father's three wives and four concubines, and they were noisy and uncomfortable. "

"No wonder." Su Ran shook her head and said, "I guess my aunt is ill.

It was because of my uncle’s anger. "

Zhu Biao followed closely with a sullen face.

A look that wants to laugh but dare not.

"Hey, let me tell you, Mr. Hong, Mr. Hong, can you find a place for me to wash up first?"

Su Ran pointed to the wet clothes on her body and said, "I made your fourth son miserable."

"Haha! Isn't this difficult to handle?" Zhu Biao immediately waved his hand.

Several pretty maids came over and said, "Take Mr. Su down to wash himself first.

Don’t neglect changing your clothes! "

"Here." Several pretty palace maids agreed at the same time.

They gathered around Su Ran and walked towards a bathroom.

Watching Su Ran being surrounded by several palace ladies into the bathroom.

"Prepare the carriage."

Zhu Biao said calmly: "I'll send him back soon."

"Brother, have you drugged Brother Su?" Zhu Di said suspiciously.

"I just arranged a furnace of soothing incense for him."

Zhu Biao glanced at Zhu Di: "What does the queen mean?

I don’t want Su Ran to know the identity of our royal family, so..."

Zhu Biao smiled bitterly and said, "I'm afraid his nephew won't be able to do it."

"Brother, do you also recognize him?" Zhu Di asked curiously.

Zhu Biao nodded and said: "With his talent, knowledge and wisdom, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a friend of his peers.


Zhu Biao paused and said, "If Nongji Academy is established and expanded,

Su Ran's achievements will not be inferior to those of the founding father. "

Zhu Di saw the worry on Zhu Biao's face and couldn't help asking: "Brother,

You seem to be in a bad mood. Who has messed with you again? "

"No one messes with me."

Zhu Biao stroked his forehead, walked a few steps and sighed: "It was the two books you presented a few days ago that really scared me."

"Oh! You mean that political economy?"

Zhu Di couldn't help but ask: "What other treacherous and unethical statements are recorded in it?"

"The last record above..."

Zhu Biao couldn't help clenching his fists: "If we get to the end, the world will be unified and there will be no class anymore."

He sighed dejectedly and said word by word: "This is how the world will be unified!"

Zhu Di looked at Zhu Biao in surprise: "This has created an unshakable foundation for eternity.

Brother, why do I always feel that you are so unwilling? "

Zhu Biao closed his eyes for a moment and then said slowly: "At that time, our royal family will be like the wood carvings and clay sculptures on the shrine, with no power at all."

"If you don't have it, you won't have it. Brother, you can't compare to our father in this regard. It's very despising."

Zhu Di said coldly: "Royal power can never be controlled.

No matter how hard you try to fool and weaken the people, it will all be in vain.

As long as those cowardly and ignorant people have no food to eat,

Even if you are hungry, you can still overturn the world with a dung fork and a hoe!

Brother, the lesson from the previous dynasty’s downfall is not far away.

Do you think you can do better than the previous administration?

You know, those are the descendants of Genghis Khan, the once invincible cavalry of the Northern Yuan Dynasty!

In the end, it was overthrown by the people who they thought were like mud.

There are also lessons learned from Qin Shihuang. Do you think you can beat them? "

Listening to Zhu Di's sarcastic tone, Zhu Biao remained silent.

Obviously, this time.

Zhu Di has been completely brainwashed by Su Ran's advanced theory.

"I know you look down on big brother."

Zhu Biao shook his head with a wry smile: "But don't forget,

I have been the crown prince for decades, and I have been waiting for it for decades. "

"But if we want to inherit the Ming Dynasty for thousands of generations, we must make sacrifices."

Zhu Di said calmly: "Brother,

Your desire for power is nothing compared to the might of the Ming Dynasty!

You laughed at those rustic clan leaders before,

Are you different from them now? "

Zhu Biao remained silent.

"...Forget it, brother."

Zhu Di held his shoulders: "It's not easy to do this.

Maybe it may not be solved in the next generation of Xiongying, so you should feel at ease. "

Zhu Biao sighed and could only nod.

"Let's go."

Zhu Biao patted Zhu Di on the shoulder: "That kid Su Ran should go home."

A black carriage sped towards the palace gate.

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