Obviously, Jin Yiwei's words hurt the pride of the craftsmen present.

Although they were engaged in making the most advanced firearms of the Ming Dynasty.

But there is no status at all in the dynasty!

The group of craftsmen looked at each other, with an evil fire secretly brewing in their hearts.

After Su Ran arrived, he was ready to pour it on his head again!

At this time, Su Ran came over in a hurry.

"Sorry for the trouble, everyone. I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Su Ran quickly saluted the Jinyiwei and all the craftsmen present.

But what embarrassed him was that the guards and craftsmen in this group had cold expressions.

Not a word was spoken.

Su Ran was startled for a moment, then understood.

"Master Su, there is no need to be so polite."

The leader of the Jinyiwei general banner stepped forward to salute and said meticulously: "The Jinyiwei are the emperor's personal soldiers, and they naturally practice military law.

You just need to give orders and we will obey them. "

The tone was cold and stiff.

Su Ran turned to the craftsman aside and asked, "I wonder which master is the foreman?"

"Master Su." An old craftsman in his forties stood up.

He raised his hands carelessly and said: "The old man's surname is Fang, and his family name is low.

You only need to call me Foreman Lao Xianfang, just like these Lords of Jin Yiwei,

We do whatever the adults tell us to do. "

Compared to Jin Yiwei's blunt and cold tone, Lao Fang's tone was obviously provocative.

"You all obey my orders, right?"

Su Ran looked at the sky and said, "I heard that you haven't eaten yet.

In this case, let's go to the cafeteria to eat first and then talk after eating. "

With that said, Lao Xue came over with a few veterans.

Seeing that the general flag still refused to cooperate.

Lao Xue slapped the commander-in-chief on the back of the head with a big blow.

The commander-in-chief of Jinyiwei was immediately furious, and a team of Jinyiwei next to him also started to become at war with each other.

"Who are you trying to scare, you little brat from Beizhen Fusi?"

Lao Xue crossed his arms and walked over slowly.

He said angrily: "Trolling in front of our young master?

Our young master will not argue with you, but since he has met the seniors in the army,

Don’t you know how to salute? "

The leader of the Imperial Guard, General Qi, had a stern look in his eyes and took three steps back: "This military master has also fought in a war?"

"Xue Zheng, a hundred households in the vanguard camp under Wei Guogong's command!"

Old Xue said proudly: "There are ninety-two Tartar heads in the military tent!

Followed the Northern Expedition of Wei Guogong twice!

Little bastards, are you convinced? "

The general's arrogance immediately dissipated, he raised his hands and said: "As a senior in the army,

That would be rude to me. "

"Little boy, don't use chicken feathers as arrows here. Who are you fooling with military laws?"

Another veteran came over and patted him on the shoulder: "When the Lao'zi were killing the Tatars at the border,

You are still wearing crotchless pants!

My young master lets you eat. This is to give you face. Why don't you go? "

It's strange to say that he was scolded by Lao Xue and other veterans.

This team of uniformed guards actually entered the cafeteria obediently.

Su Ran looked at Lao Xue in surprise.

"You just scolded these royal guards?"

"What Jin Yiwei are, they are just a bunch of monkey cubs who have never seen blood or chopped anyone before."

Lao Xue sneered and said, "Don't worry, young master.

In the past, our old Xue dealt with such thorns in the Northern Army! "

It's strange to be ridiculed by a veteran like Lao Xue.

These royal guards were indifferent, as if it was a matter of course.

Seeing that Jin Yiwei was exhausted, the craftsmen had no choice but to enter the cafeteria.

Rich dishes in the cafeteria.

And the way of picking up the dishes made these Jin Yiwei and craftsmen feel fresh and new.

Under constant scolding and correction by the veterans.

They each picked up their plates, found their seats and ate happily.

Lao Xue looked around at the craftsmen again and whispered: "Young Master, those craftsmen seem to be very unconvinced."

"It's right not to be convinced."

Su Ran knocked on the rice plate and said: "These craftsmen are not developing firearms for one generation or two.

Each has their own unique skills, but they don't know how to use lathes and machine tools, so their skills can only be limited to this. "

Foreman Fang, who was listening on the side, couldn't sit still.

He stood up and said loudly: "Mr. Su, you can look down on our humble status.

But don’t look down on our craftsmanship!

The craftsmen here are not craftsmen of the same generation.

Each has his or her own set of family skills!

The firearms in the entire Shenji Camp are all made by us! "

"Yes, why do you look down on our craftsmanship?"

"If you can come up with something better, let us take a look!"

A group of craftsmen could no longer hold back and immediately began to set up rice seedlings and make a fuss.

Su Ran glanced at them coldly.

After a long while, he said calmly: "Finish the food in your hands.

Today I will let you open your eyes. "

"Okay!" Foreman Fang slapped the table: "If Master Su can come up with something better.

I, Lao Fang, will obey your orders from now on! "

After eating, Su Ran took the group of craftsmen to the farm.

Follow Su Ran to the center of the farm.

After seeing a complete set of lathe machine parts in front of them, the craftsmen were suddenly confused.

They are all used to making things by hand, but they have never seen such a power device!

Because it requires animal power, the machine tools made by Su Ran are somewhat large.

The entire set of machine tools takes up as much space as a living room.

Su Ran put on fireproof and heat-insulating gloves.

He pulled out a steel rod as thick as a child's arm from the furnace nearby.

After cooling and quenching is completed, place the steel rod at the drill bit and drill the entire rod through.

A fresh barrel comes out.

Su Ran put the barrel on the lathe and stamped it one after another, and then took out a bunch of parts.

Under the eyes of these craftsmen.

Quickly assembled into a complete revolver gun.

"Master Su, your blunderbuss is really strange."

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