Generally speaking, Zhu Di is still very satisfied with the production of new ordnance.

Since you are satisfied, there is nothing to say.

Tianxiang Juli is still waiting.

It’s still the same private room, still the same food and drinks.

Zhu Yuanzhang, who was eavesdropping next door, was calm and calm, not angry and confident.

Standing next to him was Prince Zhu Biao.


With a clang, the two wine glasses collided heavily.

Then I heard Zhu Di sigh with satisfaction: "Since you took over the Wuhan Academy,

It's been a long time since we two had a drink together. "

"Aren't you helping to train the new army now?"

But I heard Su Ran said with a smile: "You are still following Wei Guogong, he is the military god of our Ming Dynasty.

Hey Lao Hong, what is the relationship between your family and Mr. Hong Wu?

I'll leave such an important department of the Wuhan Institute to your boss.

According to Lord Hongwu's temper, a prince must take over? "

Hearing these words, Zhu Yuanzhang smiled slightly: "This guy knows what he's doing."

"Hey, this is my family secret."

Zhu Di interrupted him with chopsticks and said, "Don't ask Brother Huai'an, don't talk about you,

Even my wife doesn’t know. "

"If you don't tell me, don't tell me." Su Ran didn't ask any further questions and drank another drink with him.

Zhu Di picked up an elbow and chewed it, then said: "Brother Huai'an, after this experience,

You are considered to be in Master Hongwu's pocket. According to Master Hongwu's plan, he may want to recruit you as his son-in-law. "

Su Ran almost spit out the drink in her mouth: "Lao Hong, please don't hurt me!"

"Oh?" Zhu Di said jokingly, "Why should I harm you?"

"How can anyone be Lord Hong Wu's son-in-law?"

Next door, Zhu Yuanzhang's body trembled, and his face suddenly turned black.

Zhu Biao on the side looked embarrassed.

Su Ran shuddered and said, "It would be tragic to become the princess's consort.

He cannot be an official, cannot take the imperial examination, and can only live in the palace of the ten princes for the rest of his life.

You still have to pay respects to the princess, isn’t that really like raising her like a pig? "

Next door, Zhu Yuanzhang's old face twitched for a while.

But there is nothing we can do about it.

After all, many regulations and rules were established by him.

The purpose is to prevent relatives from interfering in politics.

"Brother Huai'an, are you not satisfied with this?"

Zhu Di heard the meaning of his words and couldn't help but say.

"Master Hongwu means to prevent the harem from usurping the throne."

Su Ran sighed and said: "Princesses and consorts are also human beings.

A good marriage turned into enemies due to royal rules.

Do you think this is unfair? Who are you provoking? "

Zhu Di also felt particularly unhappy after hearing this, shook his head and said, "Who says it's not the case?"

"In the final analysis, power is also a resource, and this is also a monopoly."

Su Ran shook his head and said: "Any industry,

Whenever a monopoly occurs, the results will not be good. "

"Why?" Zhu Di asked involuntarily.

Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao in the next room were slightly moved after hearing this.

The two of them somewhat understood what Su Ran meant.

“Once power is monopolized, conservative ideas will emerge.”

Su Ran said: “I always want to keep my income stable and my status unchanged.

Instead of thinking about how to innovate and expand, being bound by rules one after another,

He plays tricks, tests people's hearts, and is suspicious of his subordinates.

But I don’t know that the more you want to be so stable, the more alienated you will be.

Rebellion occurs when you give constraints that suppress more than you give benefits. "

Zhu Di rarely became serious and said, "Brother Huai'an, did you ask me, Lao'zi, to give those two books to Master Hong Wu, was that for some purpose?"

"That's what it means."

Su Ran nodded and said: "Master Hongwu is different from those traditional noble emperors.

He not only pretends to be the world, but also pretends to be the people!

But Lord Hongwu was not born in a noble family, and he was not aware of the fighting tactics among nobles.

That's why I hope those two books can be helpful. "

Having said this, he smiled bitterly: "If it were an ordinary emperor,

My head has been chopped off at this point. "

In the next room, Zhu Yuanzhang showed a satisfied smile.

He likes it best when Su Ran flatters him, especially when he flatters him so sincerely.

Zhu Biao next to him was a little embarrassed.

Because when he saw these two books, Zhu Biao had already thought of burning them!

This is because the pattern is not enough!

"That's true."

Zhu Di nodded and said: "As long as the people can have enough food and clothing,

But what the nobles want is more! So they have many tricks.

Unlike those farmers who only rebel. "

"Brother Huai'an, I will go to the Northern Expedition next year."

Zhu Di said calmly: "The trouble is huge now."

"What's the trouble?"

Su Ran raised his head and glanced at him: "Wang Baobao is dead.

After experiencing such a plague, Beiyuan was nothing more than a chicken and a dog. "

"Exactly at this point."

Zhu Di slammed the wine table in a circle and said angrily: "When the Beiyuan Tatars are strong, they will attack.

Run away when you are weak. The grassland is so big that you can’t even catch it.

The transportation of grain and fodder alone is a big problem!

At least 80% to 90% of the 10% of the food must be wasted on the way! "

After venting his anger, Zhu Di suddenly felt something in his heart when he saw Su Ran's half-smiling expression: "Brother Huai'an, you must have an idea about the transportation of grain and fodder, right?"

When Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao in the next room heard this question, they immediately became energetic.

The issue mentioned by Lao Si is a key issue related to the Northern Expedition.

In these several Northern Expeditions, all the efforts of the whole country were devoted.

The soldiers and horses had to go ahead with food and fodder before they moved. Nine times out of ten, all the food needed for the Northern Expedition would have to be consumed on the road!

If the transportation problem can be solved, why is it so difficult?

Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao couldn't help but listen attentively.

But I heard Su Ran say: "It's not that I have an idea, but this problem was solved as early as the Qin Dynasty."

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