The housekeeper said anxiously: "The people of Nanhu Village have surrounded the Imperial College!"

"What?" Several old scholars present stood up at the same time.

Fang Xiaoru's face suddenly turned pale, and the teacup in his hand fell to the ground with a clatter.

The situation was completely changed in just the blink of an eye.

Imperial College in Beijing.

The imperial students, who had been arrogant and domineering just a few days ago, looked frightened.

Holding the door latch, he tried his best to hold the door that was constantly shaking.

At this time, the gate of the Imperial College was blocked by angry people.

"The Imperial College dog thief set fire to our home!"

"You have food to eat and beautiful wives and concubines, but you come here to burn our homes!"

"Students who set fire, please stand up for us and compensate our home!"

"We have no food to eat, we want to eat your food!"

There were constant angry shouts and curses outside.

In addition to the people of Nanhu Village, some people in the market also joined in the fun.

These common people and veterans are not the gentle Imperial Academy Gongsheng.

The enraged people hurled obscene words and obscene remarks at him.

Pity these Imperial College Gongsheng students.

While desperately resisting the attack of the people.

While enduring these people's constant greetings to their ancestors for three generations.

It can be said that the body and mind are tortured!

After continuing to fight for a while.

With a bang, the solid red lacquer door fell apart.

In the end, these Gongsheng students, who are indifferent to all aspects of work and have no regard for grain and grain, are still no match for the hard-working common people.

More than a dozen Gongsheng who were holding the door in their hands fled out in panic.

The people in Nanhu Village are like locusts in the crown state, and they are going to be born like these!

When they arrived, Lao Xue gave them special instructions.

Only grab things, don't hurt anyone.

At most, he could scratch the faces of these Gongsheng students.

You must not hurt anyone's life.

As a result, the red-eyed people of Nanhuzhuang robbed anyone they saw and got tired of arresting them.

The valuables of these tribute students were looted in a blink of an eye.

Some Gongsheng students were even stripped naked on the spot.

She covered her crotch in shame and anger!

These Gongsheng students almost wanted to wipe their necks on the spot.

After the people of Nanhu Village finished making noise, they broke into the dining hall directly.

After eating and grabbing, he walked away.

Only a group of Gongsheng students were left, covering their crotches, sneezing, and filled with grief and anger, not knowing who to complain to.

Under the biting cold wind, these stupid Gongsheng students thought of a 657 question.

Where did Fang Xiaoru go?

Where has Huang Zicheng gone?

Why didn’t any of those old Confucians who encouraged us to cause trouble show up?

An air of resentment began to gather in the hearts of these Gongsheng students.

Feelings, people like myself have been used as gunmen by those old guys!

But these tribute students didn't know.

The families of Huang Zicheng and Fang Xiaoru were also affected.

However, it was not the people of the village who surrounded their home.

But hundreds of female workers, as well as lonely elderly people who have lost the ability to work!

These female workers were all women who had fled the famine with Su Ran.

He lost his husband and son, and experienced Tatar plunder. He was extremely tough.

The master who won't suffer any loss even if he fights with the veterans of the village.

Only then did Fang Xiaoru and Huang Zicheng understand.

Su Ran not only used female workers, but also opened a charity hall to take in hundreds of lonely elderly people.

What frightened these great scholars was.

At this time, these female workers and old people all held three feet of white silk in their hands!

What are they going to do?

Are you going to hang yourself here?

Fang Xiaoru and Huang Zicheng became more and more frightened as they watched.

Once these people collectively hanged themselves in front of their door.

That would be a big trouble, and their reputation would definitely last forever!

And it will be infamy for eternity!

"You...what are you going to do?"

Fang Xiaoru took a step forward and said in a stern voice: "In broad daylight and the sky is clear, aren't you afraid of the king's law when you break into private houses?"

"Wang Fa, bah!"

Mrs. Qin, the leader of the female workers, stepped forward and shouted sternly: "You old immortals,

We are not afraid of Wang Fa even if our greenhouse is burned down? Why should we be afraid now?"

"You..." Fang Xiaoru was choked and her face turned red.

The grief and anger in his heart could not be suppressed, and with his mind in turmoil, he said loudly: "I just let those Gongsheng students teach them a lesson..."

Huang Zicheng kicked him on the leg.

Fang Xiaoru, you old fool! Are you admitting it without understanding?

"Okay, it turns out you are the one instigating this!"

Mrs. Qin pointed at him angrily: "Today, you have to give us an explanation!

Otherwise, I will hang myself here today!"

Looking at the fierce woman in front of me, she looks fierce.

Fang Xiaoru was almost suffocated to death.

Lao Fang, who has read the books of sages all his life, "How could I ever forgive (bjba) the characteristics of such a country woman?"

For a moment, he felt like a scholar encountering a soldier's embarrassment!

Huang Zicheng's face turned red at this time and he had nothing to say.

There is no reason to talk to these untouchables, they only care about the jobs in their hands!

"Everyone, fellow villagers and elders."

Huang Zicheng took a long breath: "I guarantee my reputation. This matter is definitely not our fault."

"How much money is your reputation worth?"

An old man held the white silk and said angrily: "Can your reputation be exchanged for our fields?

We don’t want your reputation as a guarantee, we just want food!”

"Yes, yes!" The surrounding female workers and elderly people were shouting.

This made Fang Xiaoru and Huang Zicheng look embarrassed.

Looking at the angry crowd around them, it was myself and Huang Zicheng who were talking about Lotus Flower.

There was nothing we could do at this point.

After being greeted by these shrews one after another about his ancestors, Fang Xiaoru finally couldn't hold himself back any longer.

He became cruel and shouted sternly: "It is a capital crime to break into a private house! Aren't you afraid that I will ask the troops from five cities to arrest you and put you in prison and behead you in public?"

Fang Xiaoru completely lost his face and was ready to be cruel.

But the clinker responded with a sneer.

"Come on! Come if you want!"

Mrs. Qin immediately sat down on the ground, patted her plump breasts, and screamed: "I have earned my life from the Tatars!

I am not afraid of death! Now I have not died at the hands of the Tatars.

But my job has been ruined by you Confucian scholars, and I will starve to death soon!

Just in time to let the world see the vicious faces of you guys in turbans!"

Just when these female workers were entangled with Fang Xiaoru and the others.

Rumors are already spreading in Jinling City.

The great scholar Fang Xiaoru and several other old scholars took a fancy to Su Ran's greenhouse vegetable skills.

He wanted to come to ask for secret skills, but when he was rejected, he became angry and immediately encouraged Gongsheng to cause trouble.

In order to suppress Su Ran, he even set fire to Nanhu Village.

He did not hesitate to put the livelihood of tens of thousands of villagers at risk!

For a time, the entire Jinling City was in turmoil, and rumors and rumors were flying everywhere.

What made these two great Confucians even more devastated was that the Imperial Confucian students they had always relied on also ignored the two great Confucians!

Fang Xiaoru and Huang Zicheng could only watch as their reputation went down the drain.

It was they who started this rumor and used it to even force the emperor to make concessions.

Now they are spreading rumors.

But it was literally burned on their heads!

The arson incident happened at this time!

That's really just yellow mud falling into the crotch, which is either feces or feces.

Fang Xiaoru didn't know who was behind the fire, but this move was too vicious.

Just push them to the forefront!

Su Ran, it must be Su Ran!

Fang Xiaoru almost didn't think twice and decided who was responsible!

But, what is his purpose in doing this?

Fang Xiaoru was shocked and confused.

In the court hall, Lao Zhu could look at the ashamed censor below calmly.

Because of the impact of the Fang Xiaoru incident.

These censors, who were also scholars, also felt ashamed.

Many of them were disciples of Fang Xiaoru and Huang Zicheng.

"... all you read are the books of sages,

All day long, he kept saying that he wanted to plead for the people and seek peace for all living beings. "

Zhu Yuanzhang dropped the memorial in his hand and mocked coldly: "Is this your plea for the people?

For a little reputation dispute, a little benefit.

Tens of thousands of people have been forced to lose their food and clothing!

How do you have the nerve to say such things?

On the contrary, Su Ran not only feeds the people of more than 100 villages in Nanhuzhuang,

They also support the helpless old, weak, sick and disabled!


Lao Zhu didn't have the harsh words he had in the past, he just looked up and sighed.

But this is more slap in the face than pointing at the nose and yelling!

Several censors and the Imperial Academy were offering wine, and they were almost embarrassed to dig through a crack in the ground.

What they usually say the most is "please for the people."

Now, Lao Zhu uses their words to slap them in the face!

Everyone present felt their faces were burning.

Even more embarrassing are Fang Xiaoru and Huang Zicheng.

The fame of these two famous old Confucians has plummeted.

The most shameful thing is that they obviously want to suppress Su Ran.

But he is actually working for the tiger.

It is said that a wealthy family from Jiangnan took a fancy to Su Ran's greenhouse vegetable skills and wasted no time.

So two old Confucians were invited to suppress him and force him to hand over his vegetable greenhouse skills.

This crime is really shameful.

The rumors I heard became more and more outrageous and disgusting.

Fang Xiaoru finally couldn't hold it any longer and ran to Nanhu Village again to ask for a meeting with Su Ran.

These days, he has been blocked by lonely old people and female workers.

Being greeted by eight generations of ancestors almost every day has already made me angry.

"Mr. Fang." Su Ran said with a smile, "Why do you have time today?"

"Zhuang Master Su, have you had enough trouble now?"

Fang Xiaoru asked suppressing her anger.

Su Ran got annoyed when she heard the words of relying on one's elders.

What do you mean I've had enough trouble now?

In the beginning it was you who provoked me and suppressed the slander. Now you have ignited the flames of war. If you can't control it, you come to me to cause trouble.

It's all your fault whether it's right or wrong, right?

"Mr. Fang's words don't make sense."

Su Ran narrowed her eyes and said with a sneer: "You were the one teasing me throughout the whole process.

My Zhuangzi workshop couldn’t keep running, and my vegetable greenhouse was set on fire!

Mr. Fang, now you ask me if I have had enough trouble?"

Fang Xiaoru was so suppressed that her face turned red and she said angrily: "You encouraged those untouchables to go to the Imperial College to cause trouble and blocked the door of my house!"

"Hey, hey, hey, who are you calling a pariah?"

An old man with white hair walked next to him, holding a cane and said angrily.

Fang Xiaoru saw that he was an old man older than him.

I was so suffocated that I couldn't speak for a while.

He could only return the favor and stand aside.

Elders are respected, and many years of Confucian education really prevent him from doing anything disrespectful to the elderly.

"You say we are pariahs."

The old man poked him with a cane and said angrily: "Without us growing food,

Go ahead and eat shit!

A very old

The eldest mother-in-law also came over with a cane and angrily said: "We are planting land and weaving cloth to offend you scholars?

When you are full and full, you come here to destroy our jobs!"

Before Fang Xiaoru could complain about Su Ran, a group of old men and women from Futian Court in Nanhu Village surrounded Fang Xiaoru and started to complain.

Fang Xiaoru was so anxious that she almost got angry.

Because his current disciples and disciples don’t look right at him.

Moreover, there are some old scholars who even want to draw a clear line with him.

If this continues, the reputation he has accumulated for the rest of his life will be in vain!

Looking at Fang Xiaoru who was scratching his head, Su Ran showed a look of pity and disgust.

In the previous life, Fang Xiaoru was trying to clear his name for the rest of his life.

Even to add a halo to his own reputation.

Only then did Zhu Di kill the ten tribes alive.

In Su Ran's eyes, this generation of scholars in the Ming Dynasty.

The pursuit of fame has reached a sick and twisted level.

Fang Xiaoru is undoubtedly a living example.

Fang Xiaoru failed to achieve his wish.

In the end, he could only leave Nanhu Village with his head downcast.

The mastermind behind the scenes was revealed to be more than a dozen wealthy families from Jiangnan.

They have always been providing financial assistance to Fang Xiaoru.

This time they also encouraged Fang Xiaoru to come and try to steal Su Ran’s secret technique of greenhouse vegetables.

But Fang Xiaoru's original intention was to force Su Ran to incorporate the study of physics into Confucianism.

The skill of trying to seize greenhouse vegetables is just a passing thought.

The rich people who instigated these things are miserable.

More than a dozen principal criminals were beheaded and abandoned in the market, and all their property was confiscated by the Jin Yiwei.

"Why bother?" Su Ran heard the result.

He could only shake his head regretfully.

His original intention was just to get these wealthy households to pay some blood, and it would be enough to compensate for the damage to the greenhouses.

One step further is to allow these wealthy households to deposit their gold and silver hoards into banks.

Who could have known that the imperial court would make things worse as soon as it took action.

It seems that killing more than a dozen people and ransacking hundreds of homes is not enough to prove that the government is powerful.

"...You are not afraid of making Fang Xiaoru anxious."

Zhu Biao took off the gloves on his hands and couldn't help but ask: "This old man is forcing you to commit suicide?"

The purpose of his coming to Nanhu Village today is to transport gold and silver.

The gold and silver belongings of those rich families were confiscated and all were deposited in Su Ran's bank.

The bankers remade them into gold and silver coins and circulated them in the market.

"This old guy has a bad reputation."

Su Ran sneered coldly: "If he dies before he can, he might even splash my blood.

But if he chooses to commit suicide now, then he is worthless!"

Zhu Biao couldn't help but laugh and shook his head.

He felt that Su Ran's judgment of Fang Xiaoru was very accurate.

This old guy is pedantic, rigid, inflexible, and idealistic.

And there is a serious lack of emotional intelligence.

"Hey, Boss Hong." Su Ran grabbed Zhu Biao and asked, "Are you familiar with the prince?"

Zhu Biao felt wary and couldn't help but said: "What, you still want to have a relationship with the prince?".

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