Ming Dynasty: Cured The Emperor's Grandson At The Beginning, And Relied On Science And Engineer

Chapter 84 Lao Zhu: What Does A King With A Different Surname Mean?

After learning that Su Ran was coming, the old housekeeper of Wei Gong's mansion was very excited.

He came up with a group of slaves to salute and say hello.

Su Ran walked at the door and looked at the mottled paint-leather wall.

"It's time to scrub the stone lions on the pillars of the Duke's Mansion."

Looking at the respectful old butler, Su Ran said coldly.

Several slaves immediately swarmed up and started scrubbing around the rag bucket.

He turned around and looked at the garden next to him: "The fallen leaves at the door,

Are there any flower beds that haven’t been pruned yet?"

The old housekeeper quickly ordered the servants to get busy, and then accompanied him with a smile.

"The fourth-rank official in front of the prime minister's door."

Su Ran glared at the old housekeeper angrily: "As a housekeeper of the Duke's Mansion, you have no experience at all? What use do you have?"

He was scolded by Su Ran, who was about the same age as his grandson.

The old housekeeper was not unhappy at all and could only nod his head.

"What I'm scolding is that the old slave is useless. The master will lose his backbone as soon as he goes to war."

Su Ran looked at him deeply: "I'm not talking about you,

In such a huge government, there is not even one person who can support the family?"

"The eldest lady used to be in charge."

The old housekeeper said awkwardly: "But now the eldest lady is in confinement.

The second young lady is panicking, so………………”

"Pass the order."

Su Ran calmly ordered: "Take care of your servants and keep your duties.

Those who sabotage their work will be punished double, and those who are serious will be directly expelled from the Xu Mansion!"

"Follow your orders." The old housekeeper quickly ordered.

Seeing the orderly Duke's Mansion in front of her, Su Ran sighed slightly.

He finally understood that Xu Da was anxious to recruit him as his son-in-law.

A tiger's father and a dog's son are nothing better than this. It's extremely cold at high places.

If Xu Da really died at that time.

No one in the huge Duke's palace of Wei could hold it together.

Not to mention those civil servants, even those nobles and nobles have some people who are interested in it.

Xu Miaoyun is considered a hero among women, but she is married to Zhu Di after all.

The Prince Yan's Mansion alone is enough to annoy her.

It is impossible to interfere too much in the affairs of the Duke of Wei.

The old housekeeper hesitated for a moment and asked in a low voice: "Uncle, if I win this battle of the Northern Expedition, what will happen if I win?"

Wouldn’t it be that his great achievements would shock the Lord? Will he be feared by the emperor?”

"Do you think my uncle is doing it for food?"

Su Ran frowned and said: "The emperor is very angry now!

What does a prince with a different surname mean?

My father-in-law can afford it!

Those civil servants were cautious and dirty in speculating about the emperor.

Why are you fooling around with me too!

You don’t even look in the mirror!

The Duke's office doesn't take care of it, how can you guess the major military and state affairs?"

After being scolded by Su Ran again, the old housekeeper breathed a sigh of relief.

He is not smart or understanding, otherwise he would not be a housekeeper.

But my uncle is a great person!

Just listen to my uncle's words.

Why do you, a little person like yourself, control the emperor's heart?

Thinking of this, he reached out and slapped the old man on the face.

He smiled dryly and said, "Master, please come inside. The second young lady and the two young masters are waiting inside."

When Su Ran walked into the hall, she saw Xu Miaoqing scolding her two younger brothers with red eyes.

Brothers Xu Yingxu and Xu Zengshou lowered their heads.

Obviously, my sister's reprimands to them were like the east wind passing through the horse's ears.

But after Su Ran walked in, the two brothers immediately trembled.

Standing upright and in danger.

"I don't remember that the academy has a holiday, right?"

Su Ran's venomous eyes almost made the two brothers dig into the cracks in the ground.

"Or do you two want to live in a dark room in the academy?"

Xu Yingxu and Xu Zengshou trembled immediately.

Although the two of them have never been in a dark room for solitary confinement, no matter how tough the dandy is, after being put in solitary confinement, they will always hold their instructor's lap and cry bitterly, swearing and swearing that they will not dare to do it again.

"Brother-in-law..." Xu Zengshou said sarcastically.

"Brother-in-law, how big are you!"

Su Ran became angry and pointed at the two of them and said: "You two,

Go back to the academy and go to class!

Go to the farm for two weeks and then come out!"

The soldiers from Duke Wei's mansion came over immediately and escorted the two of them back to the farm.

Xu Miaoqing still couldn't bear it.

Su Ran interrupted casually and said: "It will be honest to work as a big animal on the farm for a few days.

When I was restless before, my master taught me this. "

Xu Miaojin burst out laughing.

She then took Su Ran's arm and said, "Brother-in-law, I also want to go to school!

Do you think you can make arrangements for me?"

"You go to my private school in the village first.

Su Ran smiled and tugged on her pigtails and said, "Grandma Qin will arrange a nanny for you.

There are many female classmates there, so you can't bully them. "

"Don't worry, brother-in-law!"

Xu Miaojin cheered, turned around and ran out shouting.

Xu Miaoqing opened her mouth, but still didn't stop her.

Then he said angrily: "You can let go."

(bjfc) "Those with ulterior motives only have this trick.

Su Ran said with a sneer.

"I'm not like you."

Xu Miaoqing said with a sad face: "This is my father."

"That's my father-in-law too."

Su Ran said angrily: "Do you think I can stay out of it?"

Xu Miaoqing said worriedly: "Will father really be okay?"

"Who do you think my father-in-law values ​​the most?"

Xu Miaoqing bit her lower lip tightly and said, "Of course she is from our Xu family."

"Isn't this the end?"

Su Ran spread her hands and said: "Although family, country and world are important, they still have priorities.

My father-in-law had been lonely all his life and finally had his own home.

Nature attaches great importance to it.

If this great victory in the Northern Expedition really affects you, your father-in-law will never go to war. "

Xu Miaoqing frowned and lowered her head to think for a moment: "But they always say that their achievements will shock the master.

Great achievements and so on. "

"That might have been the case before."

Su Ran said seriously: "Uncle Huang killed too many civil servants and nobles, [013404319 Feilu 123311521]

So much so that all the noble civil servants below no longer agree with him.

That's why the emperor has always been worried that powerful officials will fight against him.

If my father-in-law can really win the battle, not to mention whether he is willing or not,

But at least he is really qualified to fight with the emperor. "

Xu Miaoqing's face suddenly turned pale.

She stood up and said at a loss: "Then, what should we do?"

"But now you don't have to worry."

Su Ran smiled and patted her little hand and said: "In the future, when officials come out of the academy,

There are also second and third generations of distinguished sons and daughters, as well as the two young masters in our house.

Now they are all students of the emperor!

There will no longer be any factions or factions, and the emperor's power has been consolidated as never before.

Do you think he would still care about a short-term king?"

Xu Miaoqing breathed a sigh of relief involuntarily.

Although she still doesn't quite understand what Su Ran means.

But you can hear it from his tone.

My father will have no problems in the future,

The Xu family can enjoy wealth and wealth from now on.

"Never again will noble ladies from noble families tell you these things."

Su Ran waved her hand and said: "Those are all with ulterior motives. Just pretend that they don't exist.

Instead of following their family, it would be better to go to the farm with the aunt.

Those are the real things. "

Queen Ma's voice came from outside the hall:

"Yes, it's time for Miaoqing to follow me to the village."

Su Ran and Xu Miaoqing stood up immediately.

"Wei Chen, Queen of the Circle...

As soon as he finished speaking, Queen Ma slapped him on the forehead.

"If you let me hear these two words again, I will really slap you."

Queen Ma said to him with a straight face, and then pulled Xu Miaoqing up affectionately: "Miaoqing, this brat didn't bully you, did he?"

Xu Miaoqing blushed, looked at Su Ran who was covering her head and shook her head.

Empress Ma spat at him and said to Xu Miaoqing: "You are really bored at home.

I went to Nanhuzhuang to stay with my aunt for a while.

There is a housekeeper watching over the house.

If you really can't solve something, just ask Su Ran to handle it.

It's useless for you to worry about your father. "

Xu Miaoqing hesitated, glanced at Su Ran, and then nodded to buy with a blushing face.

"This time there is a reason, so I forgive you."

Queen Ma glared at Su Ran: "We are not allowed to meet again before we get married, so as not to break the etiquette."

"As you command, Queen." Su Ran looked at Xu Miaoqing helplessly.

He could only watch as Queen Ma pulled Xu Miaoqing out.

After visiting Xu Da's wives and concubines, Liran then returned to Nanhu Village.

Queen Ma's worries were completely unnecessary.

Although the army began the Northern Expedition, Su Ran actually had more things going on.

In his opinion, even if the Ming Dynasty's Northern Expedition could not swallow up the Northern Yuan army in one go.

The Northern Yuan army could not withstand the subsequent encroachment of the wool trade.

What Su Ran needs to do now is to contact Yan merchants, Hui merchants, Shanxi merchants and Lu merchants.

The money spent on laying train tracks these few times.

All merchants from these places jointly funded it.

Su Ran wanted to take advantage of these merchants before they formed a business gang.

Pull them all into the royal merchants of his own organization.

Use rails to connect all these places, Xu Da's Northern Expedition is certain.

This is when goods are dumped onto the grasslands on a large scale.

The huge grassland will be cut into pieces by the random train tracks.

By then, the war between himself and Jiangnan's wealthy families will begin.

Su Ran's blood boiled when she thought of this.

The Jiangnan gentry is actually now too big to lose its tail.

These few times, Song Lian and Fang Xiaoru continued to cause trouble for him.

The mastermind behind this is the Jiangnan Gentry Group.

It wasn't until later that Zhu Yuanzhang was involved in the incident between Nanbang and Beibang.

It was the Jiangnan gentry who began to control the discourse in the court.

In fact, it can be seen from Zhu Yuanzhang's daily review of Haijing's memorial.

The Jiangnan gentry are actually using soft knives to grind Zhu Yuanzhang to death.

Until the period of Emperor Jianwen, Zhu Yunwen was even tricked into deposing various tax laws established by Zhu Yuanzhang.

This shows that Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism no longer simply serves the king.

But to serve interests.

If we don’t take this opportunity to abolish such an organization, how long will we wait?

What's more, Jiangnan wealthy families were involved in the red pill case, fatal assault case, and drowning case in the late Ming Dynasty.

So Su Ran would never dare to take the Jiangnan gentry lightly.

After thinking for a while, he put away his thoughts and started to deal with government affairs.

At the beginning of March, in the north, the temperature dropped.

Xu Da led an army of 100,000 people and met Wu'erhai, the Taiwei of the Northern Yuan Dynasty, who led an army of 300,000 people.

On the endless prairie, two seas of people gradually approached.

"Xu Da, you want to lure me here just to have a decisive battle with me?"

Wuerhai narrowed his eyes and watched the Ming Dynasty army slowly approaching from a distance.

"Even if you use your troops like a god, you are still not enough to rival my Beiyuan Iron Cavalry."

The deputy general on the side rode over and said: "Report to the Taiwei and report back on horseback. There are no other troops coming around!"

"That'll be easy."

Wu'erhai shook his riding whip and said with a smile: "Today, I will fulfill King Qi's long-cherished wish that he will not rest in peace until his death!"

After that, he waved his hand and shouted: "The whole army attacks, press forward!

Even if there is a crowd today, I will crush Xu Da to death!"

With an order, the Beiyuan Heavenly Army dispatched.

Looking from a distance, the Beiyuan army spread all over the mountains and plains like waves.

Coming like a flood!

Xu Da took a telescope and carefully watched the coming of the Beiyuan Cavalry.

He silently calculated their impact speed in his mind.

The impact point of the firearm, and its greatest advantage.

When this time came, Su Ran prepared three thousand fire dragons for him to emerge from the water.

After all, Xu Da is worthy of being the God of War of the Ming Dynasty. After testing the stable trajectory and range of the fire dragon's water, he formulated a complete set of fighting methods.

Now is the time to practice.

"Five hundred gunners ready!"

Xu Da put down the telescope and gestured to the side.

The artillery crew immediately set up the launcher and mounted the rocket.

"When the enemy reaches the point of two arrows, fire directly in the middle!"

Xu Da's steady tone revealed a domineering tone: "Be sure to disembowel him!

The gunmen in the front row are ready, fire from the three arrows!"

The Beiyuan cavalry came very quickly and arrived at the place of three arrows in the blink of an eye.

The speed of the war horse's impact is increased to the extreme.

It surged like a black water.

The gunmen in the front row opened fire quickly, and a series of people and horses neighed.

Countless cavalry quickly turned over and fell to the ground. The huge impact of the new fire hammer even sent people and horses flying, and then they were trampled into pulp by their companions who came from behind.

The specially made three-bow ballista began to go wild, and a large number of grenades fell into the enemy formation to bombard them.

Groups of Beiyuan cavalry fell to the ground one after another as if they had hit an invisible wall.

Stunned, unable to move forward.

"Spread out, spread out!"

Looking at the mountains of corpses, Wuerhai roared loudly.

The trumpet for retreat sounded.

But now is the time when Beiyuan's cavalry charges are at their most violent. How can they turn around at will?

Suddenly, the already scattered military formation became a mess.

Then countless fire dragons soared into the sky and plunged into the group of enemies.

In an instant, flames shot out, and the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked.

Wuerhai, who was watching the battle from behind, was completely confused. 【013404319 Feilu 123311521】

Looking at the Meng Yuan cavalry struggling in the sea of ​​fire.

"Is this the Ming army's new firearm?"

Immediately afterwards, Yan King Zhu Di appeared behind him.

Head straight towards him!

When the first good news reached the capital.

The whole city of Jinling was roaring with joy.

And Su Ran was arguing with Li Jinglong in the Royal Academy.

He was also the biggest idiot in the Ming Dynasty’s Jingnan Campaign in his previous life.

To Su Ran's surprise, Ji Long was obviously Zhu Yuanzhang's grandson.

But they are brothers to Xu Da's children.

Ever since, Su Ran was also called second brother-in-law by him.

What only surprised him was.

Li Jinglong was a famous idiot during the Jingnan War.

He was not good at fighting, but after gilding a circle in the academy, he unexpectedly discovered his talent in finance and economics.

In addition, he is from the line of Cao Guogong, and the military power is not under that of Wei Guogong.

Now a large group of noble dandies immediately gathered to invest in the wool trade.

Even Su Ran couldn't help but admire him in his heart.

He has taken advantage of his family's innate advantages to the extreme.

"Are you just confirming that the Northern Expedition will go smoothly?"

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