Once the people of Beiyuan have tasted the taste of a stable life, they may not want to change.

Lao Zhu was a little too happy. After finally getting rid of Lao Zhu's patting,

Su Ran then hugged the wat board and continued: "I thought,

Those patriarchs must not be allowed to return to power.

Move all tribal chiefs to live in the city!

The rest of the Beiyuan people were all scattered in various places,

Each household shall not exceed the number of persons, cattle and sheep,

Once this number is exceeded, the family must be divided.

And let them monitor each household.

"It makes sense!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded with satisfaction and said: "It's just a snake without a head!"

It is not a good thing for people from Beiyuan to live together like this. "

"I think we can ask the major temples in the country to send monks.

Temples were built in gathering places across the grasslands. "

Su Ran immediately said: "Over time, the role of monks can replace the patriarch.

There is a custom of opening Naadam in Northern Elements.

The Naadam can be placed near the monks' temple. "

"Let those monks replace the clan leader?" Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes flashed strangely.

He felt it was a bit absurd.

Can those pretentious monks completely deceive the Mongols?

He picked up the teacup, took a sip, and said slowly: "Is there any precedent for this?"

"Tubo!" Su Ran immediately replied: "Originally, Tubo had strong soldiers and horses.

After being unified by Songtsen Gampo and Ludongtsen, it once became a threat to the Tang Dynasty.

But later Lotus Flower gave birth to Tubo and settled in Tubo. Only a few generations later,

Because the Tubo people believed in Buddhism, they never built a country again.

I think that the monks of the big temples in the country are no less than Lotus Flower.

Such a multi-pronged approach, both soft and hard.

No matter how violent the northern grassland is, it will be completely controlled.

Zhu Yuanzhang put down the tea cup and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Are you so confident?

Those monks are all empty of all four elements. "

"Even if all four are empty, at least he is a monk of our Ming Dynasty."

Su Ran nodded and said: "Coupled with materials and policies,

A multi-pronged approach can quickly assimilate Beiyuan!" 19 "Good!" Zhu Yuanzhang said with satisfaction: "Aiqing's ideas are always practical. Those monks of our Ming Dynasty,

We are so fat from eating so much, it’s time to make some contribution to the country. "

The two quickly agreed on the next plan.

According to Su Ran's vision, the grassland will be productive in about two years.

In three years, Lao Zhu will be able to control Yumen Pass.

As long as you defeat the lame Timur, you can prepare to open the Silk Road to the Western Regions!

Xu Da has not completely withdrawn from the northern border.

Su Ran is already very busy.

With the help of the strong digestion capabilities of merchants such as Hui merchants and Shanxi merchants,

The loot was quickly consumed, and some pension rewards were thrown away.

Not only was the treasury not drained, the court actually had a lot of surplus.

This made Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao almost laugh from ear to ear.

It turned out that after the Northern Expedition, the two men were prepared to live a tough life of ten years of belt-tightening.

But who would have thought that with Su Ran's precise calculations, he would move around and mediate back and forth, and actually make a lot of money!

Especially the icing on the cake.

Zhu Di's Haidilao operation this time directly plundered all Bei Yuan's belongings.

After thousands of tons of gold were deposited in the bank.

Su Ran's large-scale workshops arranged in various places are ready to start construction.

A large number of female workers were hired to produce textiles day and night.

Now that the grasslands are initially stable, the consumption of various daily necessities is simply unimaginable.

There is a huge gap in the market, let alone the royal merchants from the four places.

Even Zhejiang merchants and Hu merchants were jealous.

It's a pity that Zhu Yuanzhang ignored them.

On the contrary, it opened the door of convenience to Hui merchants, Lu merchants, Yan merchants and Shanxi merchants.

They were allowed to purchase advanced machinery from the academy at high prices to improve their own workshops.

For a time, the production capacity increased more than dozens of times.

Various high-quality and cheap daily necessities are continuously imported into the grassland through trains.

Merchants from all over the world made a lot of money.

According to Su Ran's vision, when the merchants in the four places were fully developed, they would have to prepare to open a shipping market.

Ready to snatch meat from Jiangnan wealthy families.

Royal Academy, in the office.

Su Ran was surrounded by a group of businessmen as soon as he finished counting the business taxes.

This group of businessmen, speaking in accents from the South and the North, chattered around Su Ran.

Their purpose here is very simple, they want to expand production capacity.

I want to place a large-scale order for new textile machines from the academy's machinery processing factory.

But now Su Ran refuses to sell at any cost.

This made them a little anxious.

"Okay, okay!"

Su Ran rubbed her temples with a headache: "Speak directly if you have something to say.

I will do what I can do, and I won’t do anything I can’t do even to death!”

"Master Jijiu."

Zhang Yuanchao, who spoke with a Shandong accent, said: "You should at least relax.

Sell ​​us a few hundred more textile machines? Our merchants are waiting to open workshops. "

"Yes, yes, it's the same over there!"

The other merchants were also all talking.

"You haven't made enough money yet, have you?"

Su Ran glared at the group of merchants, slapped the table and shouted: "I told you,

This is the policy formulated by the imperial court, to put agriculture first and then industry!

Nowadays, people all over the country still don’t have enough to eat. How can they have money to buy things?

Let me tell you, once there is excess production capacity and prices drop, will you take advantage of the northwest wind?

Go back to me honestly!

Helping the government build bridges and pave roads more is better than anything else!"

The rest of the merchants were severely scolded, with stern expressions on their faces.

There is no doubt that Su Ran is still in Zhu Yuanzhang's heart.

Agricultural development is always the first priority.

Now, Su Ran is taking advantage of this gap to build a state-owned enterprise by dumping goods on the grassland.

But the first purpose is to boost the local economy, and the second is to control these merchants.

Farming is the root of business, and we must never do things that put the cart before the horse.

Moreover, the agriculture in northern Ming Dynasty is not stable now.

Once all farmers go to work, food production will be insufficient.

Then those plutocrats in the south will have the opportunity to take advantage of the imperial court.

Unless agriculture is developed to the extreme, industry and commerce must not be developed unbridled. 【013404319 Feilu 123331021】

Zhang Yuanchao, who had a Shandong accent, didn't give up.

He said shamelessly: "Su Jijiu, if we produce the goods,

Can it be sold to Japan and Goryeo?"

"Stop dreaming." Su Ran sneered: "There are pirates everywhere along the coast now.

The imperial court is restricting the sea and cannot take action to suppress the bandits.

Besides, do you think those maritime merchants from Jiangnan and Zhejiang merchants will let you go?

Are you crazy if you want to snatch the meat from their pot?"

All the merchants present were smart people, and when they heard Su Ran's words, they were shocked.

Suddenly my heart brightened.

One of the Huizhou merchants lowered his voice and said: "Su Jijiu, the imperial court has always banned the sea.

But those maritime merchants from Zhejiang continued to trade privately,

I’m afraid the court cannot tolerate this, right?”

"...Is this what you should ask?"

Su Ran said with a straight face: "Do a good job in your workshop and train suitable workers.

Now the imperial court is preparing to open up the Silk Road.

If there is any benefit in the future, it will be rare to have you imperial merchants?"

One day, the imperial merchants immediately became very bright-eyed!

The information revealed in just this sentence was enough for them to know what to do.

The imperial court will never consider the interests of maritime trade.

In the future, if the imperial court can free up its hands, it will destroy the pirates.

With Zhu Yuanzhang's temper, he would definitely leave it to these imperial merchants who are closest to the royal family!

By then, those Zhejiang merchants and maritime merchants will not be able to wait for nothing?

There is also the Silk Road that has been stagnant for thousands of years!

When I thought of this, these royal merchants and beauties were about to fly.

However, it has always been the essence of a businessman to push ahead and to reach Longwang and Shu.

So they began to pester Su Ran again and sell them a small part.

"Let's do this, each person can only purchase ten textile machines at most! No more."

Su Ran waved his hand impatiently: "Here comes someone!"

Immediately, a large group of royal guards rushed over.

The merchants present didn't know what Su Ran wanted to do, and their eyes widened immediately.

"…………The dialects of these guys are really noisy and give me a headache.'

Su Ran took out his ears, waved his hand and said, "Take all these merchants to the farm.

Find some tutors to teach them how to speak Mandarin,

When did you speak eloquently in Mandarin before letting them go? "

After saying that, he asked Jin Yiwei to escort all the merchants who were dumbfounded.

Su Ran rubbed her temples with a headache.

This group of merchants sent many precious gifts this time.

In response to this, the imperial censors almost impeached him into a sieve.

Every time, Zhu Yuanzhang blocked everything by saying that everything should be turned over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

I guess after Xu Da comes back this time.

During his wedding to Xu Miaoqing, he will also receive a lot of good things.

After all, Li Jinglong and his gang still owe him a huge favor.

"Tuk-tuk-tuk!" There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

There were three students standing outside the door, each holding a list.

"Return to the sacrificial wine." The leading student said respectfully: "At this time, all business taxes are collected.

As well as the profits of the imperial merchants and the profits of selling textile machines, all were calculated.

Three groups of us checked it again and confirmed that it was correct. "

"Thanks for your hard work."

Su Ran took three tax forms and said, "Go to the Academic Affairs Office to receive the award yourself."

"Yes." The three students looked happy, turned around and retreated.

Su Ran picked up the tax form and smoothed it out.

After binding it again, he rushed towards Qianqing Palace.

It is estimated that at this time, Zhu Yuanzhang and his father are more anxious than him.

This was also the time when he fully demonstrated his power in studying physics.

Of course, this is also the time when I show my face the most.

In the main hall of Qianqing Palace, the atmosphere was extremely solemn.

The eunuch guarding the palace gate stood at attention.

I didn't even dare to take a breath.

Because since Su Ran arrived, Zhu Yuanzhang has been reading the list repeatedly.

All eunuchs who are familiar with Zhu Yuanzhang's temper know this.

This was the time when Zhu Yuanzhang was in the most extreme mood.

If they are not careful, these eunuchs will be pulled out and beaten to death.

"Su Ran." Zhu Yuanzhang's voice was very calm.

But his big hands with exposed veins proved that he was not at peace in his heart.

"Are all the data above conclusive?"

"Reply to Your Majesty."

Su Ran hugged the wat board and said: "I have arranged for three groups of students from the academy to study arithmetic, and they calculated and checked repeatedly before confirming it.

As for Zhu Biao on the side, veins popped up on his forehead and he was sweating.

For no other reason than Su Ran made too much money.

Twelve times the tax revenue collected by the treasury last year.

This is just a simple industrial and commercial tax and the profits made by major imperial merchants and weaving companies.

It does not include the autumn tax of a whip.

"You haven't seen that those guys are selling their goods like crazy."

Su Ran spread her hands and smiled bitterly: "The trains in Jin, Lu, Hui, and Yan have never stopped.

During this period, even a top-grade war horse would be useless.


These guys also wanted to expand production capacity, but I stopped them. "

Zhu Yuanzhang took a few long breaths to suppress the surging blood in his heart.

He gently put down the tax bill, stared at him and said, "Are you worried that it will affect farming?"

Zhu Yuanzhang, who had been afraid of poverty since he was a child, faced such a huge industrial and commercial tax.

I was also shocked.

"It's not just that." Su Ran calmly analyzed: "Let these guys expand their production capacity.

I'm afraid there will be a conflict with Zhejiang merchants and maritime merchants.

After all, these Jiangnan tycoons have deep roots, and a real conflict would be detrimental to the country.

When it comes to Jiangnan Chaebol.

Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biaoye both looked murderous at the same time!

Because he made too much money, he was in the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty as early as the previous dynasty.

The Jiangnan gentry has passed the era of profit and has begun to touch power.

In addition, the Mongolian and Yuan Dynasty's affairs were rough and there were leaks in the government's affairs. This gave them a thorough taste of power.

Capital and power, once tasted, are difficult to give up.

Ming Yuzhen, Zhang Shicheng, Chen Youliang and other heroes have their shadows behind them.

Now, they want to reach out and control the court and officials.

He even wanted to control the emperor!

Su Ran suspected that Lian Zhu Biao's untimely death was related to these Jiangnan plutocrats!

After all, in his previous life, after Zhu Yunwen came to power, he was deceived by Huang Zicheng, and he deposed Zhu Yuanzhang and formulated heavy taxes for Jiangnan!

The reason why Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di insisted on moving the capital.

We also realized that the civil servants in Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas were too powerful.

After the Tumu Fort incident in Zhuqi Town, some civil servants requested that they move south.

Then the Zhengde Emperor Zhu Houzhao died of typhoid fever, which was inextricably related to the Jiangnan gentry!

“…………Everything you said makes sense.

Zhu Yuanzhang's face was extremely heavy and he hesitated for a few steps.

"Just wait until we can calm down!"

After the warship was built, the pirates were first suppressed and then their wealth was cut off.

Huh! How much trouble these Jiangnan chaebols have caused us,

We will get it back from them a thousand times over!"

Speaking of this, Bao Yuanzhang flashed a ferocious look in his eyes.

Su Ran couldn't help but let out a long breath.

My father-in-law Xu Da is coming back.

At that time, I will not be able to escape the marriage mark no matter what.

At the same time, in my mind.

The Qi Luck system, which I had never paid much attention to, made a ding sound.

The Qi Luck system breaks through 100% and unlocks the fourth level.

Obtain skill: [Predict bad luck].

In Jinling City, there is an abandoned mansion.

It looks dilapidated on the outside, but inside it is elegantly and luxuriously furnished.

A middle-aged gentleman's face was as solemn as iron.

Sitting in the middle of the hall was a handsome young man wearing a moon-white robe.

There was a mysterious light in his eyes.

"Mr. Li, does it really have to be like this?" A middle-aged man said in a harsh voice.

"Otherwise, our death is now.

The young man known as Mr. Li flipped the lid of the tea in his hand, and the aroma filled the air.

Another middle-aged man in brocade robes sighed: "Back then, when you colluded with the secret sect to drive away the refugees,

I don’t agree,

This move not only harms the harmony of heaven, but also goes against the way of the Saint!

Fortunately, not only did the emperor not get hurt at all, but he also helped him out!"

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