Ming Dynasty: Cured The Emperor's Grandson At The Beginning, And Relied On Science And Engineer

Chapter 91 Lao Zhu Wants To Move The Capital! Lao Zhu Is Trying To Force Me To Death!

Xu Da couldn't help but think of the army that had just been transferred to Jiangsu and Zhejiang by Zhu Yuanzhang.

There is also Li Jinglong who is making waves in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

He couldn't help but sigh: "Now that the world is at peace, why did Your Majesty raise the knife again?

Civil servants just want to live in peace for a few years. "

"Peace in the world does not mean that the world is in ruins.

Tian De, there is still a difference. "

Zhu Yuanzhang snorted coldly: "We brothers, when we raised troops to fight for peace,

It is for the common people to enjoy, not for those blood-sucking worms!

Now for their benefit, they have even done evil things to frame your son-in-law.

If we don't show any expression, will those gentry really think that we are weak and can be bullied?

They thought that fanning the wind and blowing up the will-o'-the-wisps would

Create some public opinion and we will play cards according to their rules.

Let them kick your nose in the face? What a big mistake!"

Zhu Yuanzhang sneered and said: "This emperor of ours was killed!

For the sake of the people of this world, since we cannot coax them,

I’m not afraid of bringing peace to the world again!”

After hearing that Su Ran was framed, Xu Da was particularly angry.

But the anger is anger, towards the power of the wealthy tycoons of Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

He was still very afraid in his heart.

After all, there were heroes like Chen Youliang, Zhang Shicheng, and Fang Guozhen behind them.

It is the support of the Jiangnan Chaebol's strong strength.

Xu Da really couldn't guarantee that there would really be a fuss.

What are these people going to do?

"Tiande, don't worry!"

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed loudly and said, "Don't even look at the methods they used!

I can't bear to see it!

The most powerful trick they have come up with so far,

It's nothing more than using our dragon robe to frame your son-in-law. "Zero Seventy" Now our army is stationed in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, as long as there is a little more trouble here.

We will destroy all their families!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's tone was harsh.

The cold murderous intention gave Xu Da all the goosebumps.

"Your Majesty is not really going to kill anyone, is he?" Xu Da asked worriedly.

"of course not!"

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand and said: "To put it bluntly, we are also trying to buy time for Su Ran.

The talents coming out of the Royal Academy are not yet ready.

Let's wait another five or six years before those who come out of the Royal Academy can really enter the center.

Take on a big responsibility!

By then, it will be time for those academic officials to be swept into the dustbin of history. "

Hearing what Zhu Yuanzhang said, Xu Da was completely relieved.

As long as this old man no longer has any murderous intentions, it will be fine.

Because once you get used to slashing people, I'm afraid the blood in your hands will never stop.

This is not only detrimental to the Jiangsu and Zhejiang chaebols, but also makes those nobles uneasy.

After a family dinner, the king and his ministers returned happily.

Thinking back on the wasted years.

Zhu Yuanzhang did have some regrets.

Today's civil servants are not only powerful, but also experienced in fighting with the emperor.

In these years, on the one hand, I want to cultivate myself, on the other hand, I need civil servants to govern.


He was deceived into the web woven by these civil servants.

Just when these Neo-Confucian officials thought they had secured the tiger Lao Bao.

Lao Zhu suddenly came to his senses.

The world belongs to oneself.

Why should we compromise with these civil servants?

Why should I act according to your rules?

Besides, even if I am eating steamed buns and pickles in the palace.

Not to mention saving a few taels of silver, it has no effect on the people's livelihood.

Maybe the civil servants below are still secretly laughing at themselves for being idiots.

Moreover, after Su Ran clarified the fog in front of him.

Only then did Lao Zhu realize that there was really no need for him to follow Huang Lao's method.

Economy, people's livelihood, construction, and combating external factors.

These things can all go hand in hand.

As long as the overall planning is good and all aspects are complementary and tacit, it will greatly stimulate the rapid growth of people's livelihood.

If we blindly follow the plans of the Neo-Confucian civil servants, we will follow the path of Huang Lao Wuwei.

Allowing the people to develop themselves cannot be accomplished by one or two generations of emperors.

On the contrary, it will cause many problems.

Not to mention anything else, it was just a long period of time to execute Huang Lao Wuwei.

It's enough to make these civil servants eat their crotches with fart oil.

Therefore, Lao Zhu decisively gave up the policy of cultivating the people that had been implemented in all dynasties.

Turn to implement the large-scale infrastructure policy promoted by Su Ran.

At the end of September, Su Ran married the second princess of the Wang family in Zhongshan County.

Officially became Xu Da's good son-in-law.

The Zhongshan County Prince's Mansion is draped in red and colorful, and the doors are full of joy.

Xu Da, who was wearing a bright red wedding robe, looked at the newlyweds in front of him and smiled so hard that he couldn't close his mouth.

The only thing that makes Su Ran extremely regretful is that his parents did not travel with him.

Naturally, I couldn't see the scene in front of me.

When he was paying homage to his family's high hall, Zhu Yuanzhang and Empress Ma forcibly occupied the magpie's nest.

I accepted the worship of the newlywed couple.

At this point, Su Ran has completed a major life event in this world.

It can be regarded as making up for the shortcomings of the previous life.

When entering the bridal chamber, he looked at Xu Miaoqing who was shy and timid.

Su Ran was filled with emotion.

It has to be said that if you gain something, you must lose something. Women in ancient times often couldn't find a few points when they fell in love, but when they got married, they were first-class wives.

What an evil feudal society.

After enjoying the beauty of the bridal night, I can live my honeymoon period with peace of mind.

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't give Su Ran much time.

The honeymoon period of one and a half months is over.

Zhu Yuanzhang, who was impatient with waiting, sent Su Ran back to work.

After the train track was laid to Chang'an City, Lao Zhu then made an excuse and said that he wanted to restore people's livelihood in the north.

Reproduce the cultural events of the Han and Tang Dynasties in the north.

And arranged for Su Ran to build a branch of the Royal Academy in the ancient capital Chang'an.

Recruiting literati from the north to study.

Still according to the old rules of the Dali Chief and the Emperor's disciples, no food or lodging is required.

As a result, the northern students who had been looking forward to it suddenly burst into joy and shouted long live.

All literati who could and wanted to study flocked to Chang'an. 【013404319 Feilu 123341361】

Lao Zhu's oral instructions won over the hearts of the northern literati.

Poor Su Ran is about to break her leg.

On the manor land outside the Royal Academy.

Su Ran was walking around with Zhu Yuanzhang who was in a bad mood.

After seeing Su Ran's budget table for relocating the capital to Chang'an, Lao Zhu was in a bad mood.

After all, as long as you have to spend money.

Especially when it comes to spending a lot of money, Lao Zhu, who has always been stingy, will not be in a good mood.

Although Su Ran won't take bribes, this bastard is a God of wealth.

Wealth comes like landslides and tsunamis, and wealth goes away like the sea bursting its banks.

Having just received a large amount of taxes and royal merchant profits, it is time to spend it when changing hands.

But Lao Zhu felt very distressed.

"The money earned by the imperial merchants this time will also be collected in taxes."

Lao Zhu's old face was so gloomy that he could squeeze out water. He raised his finger and pointed at Su Ran: "You can smash it in for us, and you can use all the manpower and material resources."

At this point, he snorted coldly.

Su Ran, who was following him, understood that Lao Zhu's stingy temper had flared up again.

…………Be sure to build the Chang’an branch to the largest and most complete one! And...”

Lao Zhu gritted his teeth and let out two harsh words, and then added: "Take it with you,

The palace over there has also been repaired for us!"

Su Ran groaned secretly in her heart.

Lao Zhu's decision to move the capital has been finalized.

The only people who knew about this were Lao Zhu, Zhu Biao, Xu Da, and Su Ran.

Repairing the palace in Chang'an is not a good job.

If we say before, Zhu Yuanzhang was not very clear about moving the capital.

But now, he fully understands the move.

Set the capital in Chang'an, control the southeast, control Guanzhong, and open up the Silk Road to the Western Regions.

At that time, all nations will come to court.

At least the scene can be compared with the Qin Emperor, Han Wu, Tang Zong and Song Zu in history.

After walking all the way with Lao Zhu, Su Ran asked again: "Does your Majesty have a time limit?"

"Three years!"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the sky in the distance and exhaled.

He held up three fingers and waved them in front of him.

"We'll give you three years.

After three years, we will prepare to move the capital to Chang'an.

If you dare to let us live in that leaky hall, I will skin you. "

Ignoring Lao Zhu's threat, Su Ran sighed: "If it takes three years,

I'm afraid Wei Chen will have to rely on the power of the wealthy families around Chang'an. "

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed loudly, pointed at him and said: "Boy, don't fool us here.

You think we don’t know?

The wealthy gentry around Chang'an have surnames from all walks of life.

As early as the previous dynasty, the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty had been completely destroyed and had no success!

If they want to grow into the size of the Jiangnan chaebol,

Even if the right time, place and people come together, we still won’t be able to unite in a hundred years!

Besides, you have seen it now,

What are those groups of Jiangsu and Zhejiang scholars?

Make a conspiracy and dig at it like a mouse. "

Speaking of this, Lao Zhu couldn't help but sneered: "By that time,

The emperor’s disciples in our academy have already spread all over the world!

What else can they use to resist us? Why are we worried here?"

As he spoke, he laughed twice more and continued to pace forward.

When I walked to the Chuju court, I saw a large group of students chasing each other while shouting.

Zhu Yuanzhang was in a trance for a moment and couldn't help but sigh: "No wonder Tiande likes it here, we also like the atmosphere here.

Staying here makes you feel more than ten years younger.

In contrast, the Imperial Academy and eunuch studies,

It was almost like an old cemetery. "

Having said this, he shook his head involuntarily.

After being lost for a while, Zhu Yuanzhang came back to his senses.

"Su Ran, it will take a long time for you to go this time."

Zhu Yuanzhang pondered for a moment, and then asked: "Do you have any other suggestions for the government?"

“Government needs to be accumulated slowly.

Su Ran followed him for two steps and said in a deep voice: "Now I have a suggestion.

Establish a military academy! Win the hearts of the soldiers!"

"Build a military academy?"

Zhu Yuanzhang narrowed his eyes involuntarily.

Obviously, Su Ran was preparing to abolish the guard system and implement a recruitment system in the future.

And we have begun to pave the way for the professionalization of the military.

Besides, there was military training on the playground that day.

This gave Lao Zhu great shock and excitement.

It was like pouring hot oil on his increasingly flagging ambition.

He wished that all the soldiers in the world would look like this.

Have it firmly in your hands!

"In establishing a military academy, we must fundamentally follow the principle of disciples of the emperor."

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded silently and took a few steps: "Those soldiers climbed on the ice and lay in the snow.

Risking life and death, we cannot let them die.

As for the courses required by the military academy?”

Chen has already made plans for the course. "

Su Ran rolled up her sleeves and said, "The generals in the army are not very literate.

In the early stage, we still have to focus on winning people's hearts. "

"Very good!" Zhu Yuanzhang nodded with satisfaction.

Su Ran's statement was completely in line with his vision.

"...In addition, I plan to use new methods to build the city wall.

Su Ran said.

This time, he opened several cement factories in the surrounding areas of Chang'an.

Prepare to build the city wall by pouring cement concrete blocks.

However, steel bars cannot be used now, so Su Ran plans to use tung oil bamboo strips to replace the steel bars.

This way the wall can be built very quickly.

"In a new way?"

Zhu Yuanzhang said suspiciously: "Will the new method work? Don't make it collapse by then, that would be embarrassing!"

"Weichen has School Disciple built a section of the city wall."

Su Ran said: "Your Majesty will be asked to inspect it at that time."

"Okay then." Zhu Yuanzhang nodded and said, "Let's see how effective your new city wall is."

Originally, Su Ran wanted to make some suggestions on taxation.

For example, the slaves are assigned to the acres, and the servants are assigned to the acres.

But the current situation is to put it bluntly: Zhu Yuanzhang is very separated from the civil servants in the court.

Previously, he had killed the nobles of Huaixi and skinned the corrupt officials.

Lao Zhu was severely blinded by isolation.

This situation continued until the establishment of the Royal Academy before it improved.

Now that this power has been accumulated with great difficulty, we must not squander it wantonly.

When the Chang'an branch is built, the academy will have enough talents. 3.6

Lao Zhu has enough advantages to vigorously promote it.

Therefore, Su Ran had no objection to going to Xi'an to expand territory.

But just because he has no objections does not mean that Xu Miaoqing has no objections.

In the palace of Zhongshan Prince, Xu Miaoqing was furious with the county prince.

Now Xu Miaoqing is no longer dressed as a girl, but as a standard young woman.

But in front of dad, it's better to be angry.

"How could the emperor do this?"

Xu Miaoqing stamped her feet and said angrily: "With one stroke, I will send my husband to Chang'an to expand the territory."

"Yo ah?"

Xu Da was lying on the recliner provided by Su Ran and was touching his back with the tickler.

He looked at his angry daughter in surprise: "It seems that my son-in-law really loves you.

This will spoil your temper, haha, Mu Cuo is good!"

"Father!" Xu Miaoqing stamped her feet angrily and glared at her unreliable father.


Xu Da sighed and sat up automatically as soon as he pressed the armrest of the recliner to expand.

"Do you know how powerful Su Ran is now?

Don't look at it, he is just a wine-producing man from famous academy.

In fact, the four chief secretaries of Shaanxi, Henan, Shanxi, and Shandong all have to serve him!

Moreover, the north has been controlled by the Liao and Jin Dynasties since the Song Dynasty.

Most of the Han people there were not quite sure of their homeland, so the purpose of establishing an academy was

Just to win over the hearts and minds of all the scholars in the north!

How much authority is this?"

Xu Da scolded his daughter dissatisfied.

She was warned overtly and covertly to put her husband first.

"... Then we can't really treat people like big animals, right?

Is there no one around the emperor? Are you going to kill my husband?"

Xu Miaoqing muttered dissatisfiedly. .

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