Then, several small officials smiled wryly.

All the laborers were dragged into the canteen.

"...Let's drink some meat porridge to cushion our stomach today!"

The little official shouted and said: "Looking at you, you haven't eaten for a long time.

After dinner, each person is given two sets of linen clothes and rests for three days to regain strength before going back to work!"

Then all these laborers were pulled down.

What Su Ran and Zhu Biao admire a little is.

These poor Guanzhong men are very courageous.

After eating and drinking, no one escaped.

After two days of rest, I consciously started working.

In their perception, they eat other people's food and wear other people's clothes.

It is completely normal to do some work for others.

Seeing these orderly labors on the construction site, Zhu Biao's eyes grew hot.

He seemed to understand.

Why did emperors of all dynasties choose Guanzhong as their first choice for their imperial capital?

With this group of arrogant old Qin people by your side, you really feel more at ease.

It is much more reassuring than those sanctimonious scholars.

With these illiterate Guanzhong guys.

Even Zhu Biao felt like he was much stronger.

Following those bookworms all day long, I was deceived by them, which made me seriously insecure, and my whole person became feminine.

Even his father, who has always been strong and domineering.

They were all deceived by these scholars and became suspicious.

"It seems that dad had the foresight to set up an academy here."

Zhu Biao thought to himself, turned around and left quietly.

The laborers on the construction site are still in full swing.

Those laborers sent by major villages and towns.

Although their labor money was paid by the patriarch of their family.

But the food in the canteen made them very satisfied.

Although the big pot dishes taste great, the big white flour steamed buns are not enough.

Next, something even more ecstatic happened.

Just after the summer battle, they thought they would be driven back like dogs.

But the construction site immediately gave them money for autumn labor.

At this moment, the laborers holding a huge silver coin went completely crazy.

No one understands better than Su Ran.

Once real money falls into the hands of these laborers.

Even their parents and ancestors cannot be dug out!

Everyone knows this truth, but it is a pity that their clan leader does not understand it. 467

Ever since, when Zhao Yuanwai showed up with a group of vicious thugs and swordsmen.

The outbreak occurred.

Outside Zhaojia Village.

Officer Zhao looked gloomy outside, followed by several swordsmen with sinister faces.

The group of laborers standing in front of them were as silent as a mountain.

Each one of them clenched their hands tightly.

Member Zhao was very angry.

This bunch of stubborn officials didn't explain it clearly, but the labor money was actually distributed in two batches.

In addition to summer labor, there is also autumn labor money!

He lost half of his money in vain.

Although, he thinks so.

In his concept, the labor of the lower-class tenants in Zhaojia Village is no different from the livestock he raises.

"...Hand over the autumn labor money in your hands!"

Member Zhao became impatient, stepped forward and shouted sharply!

The swordsmen who followed behind them had grins on their faces, and they took a step forward.

The crowd remained silent.

No one replied even a word to member Zhao.

But there is a dangerous atmosphere brewing and rising.

"I won't say good things twice." Zhao Yuanwai looked at these laborers gloomily.

Squeezing out a sentence from the gap between his teeth: "Do you want to make friends, or don't you want to make friends?"

"We won't pay!"

An old man in his fifties finally couldn't hold himself back and roared angrily

"Zhao Laosan! You have already collected our summer labor money.

Why do you still need our autumn labor money?

This is all our hard-earned money!”

It was like a spark detonating gunpowder.

The rest of the laborers were also angry, accusing and shouting.

"Yes, we won't pay!"

"You treat us like cattle and horses, and you still want money for our hard work!"

"Fart! Zhao Hanlin!"

Zhao Yuanwai sneered: "Even the land you farm belongs to me.

If Lao'zi and I hadn't fought with the government, would you have been able to eat this hard labor meal?"

He laughed evilly and shouted sternly: "I ask you, do you want to pay or not?"

"We would rather die than surrender!"

The old man called Zhao Hanlin was so angry that he trembled: "You still have the nerve to say it!

If your family hadn't taken away five acres of my land,

Will my family be reduced to this?

Now you don’t even let go of our hard-earned money…………I, I will fight with you!”

Zhao Hanlin said that his pupils were bleeding and he hit his head.

Immediately, member Zhao gave a ferocious laugh.

He was knocked to the ground with one kick.

Zhao Hanlin, whose head was bruised and bleeding, turned over and got up, shouting angrily: "There is no way to survive anyway, let's fight him!"

As he said that, he raised his hand and grabbed a handful of sand and threw it over.

"You bastard..." Zhao Yuanwai was caught off guard and was thrown all over his face.

When he finally opened his eyes, a hoe hit him head on.

Officer Zhao was caught off guard and was shot on the spot.

Blood was splashed all over his head and face.

Member Zhao was completely confused.

This is not the first time he has been beaten since he was a child!

And he was beaten by these tenants.

The remaining thugs and swordsmen were caught off guard and were beaten down with hoes and sticks.

The beating made the rats run away with their heads in their hands.

Zhao Hanlin's eyes were red, he raised his arms and shouted: "There is no way to survive anyway.

Simply call up all the people in the village and divide Zhao Laosan's family!"

After a roar, everyone present called out to their friends.

They led the people in a mighty manner and rushed towards Zhao Yuan's wife's house.

Guanzhong people have never lacked bravery and blood.

Especially after seeing blood, the ferocity in their bones was further aroused.

With an order, Baokang, armed with a hoe and a stick, broke into Zhao's home... 013404319 Feilu 123371451]

Similar things are happening in other places.

It was not until the government troops arrived that the riot calmed down.

However, the homes of these wealthy gentry were smashed into a mess, and even a lot of their property was robbed.

All of a sudden, these Guan Zhonghao were at a loss.

Although they immediately used their tried-and-tested trump card to prevent these poor tenant farmers from cultivating their land, these tenant farmers were not used to their bad habits.

He threw down the plow handle and rushed to the court to open a farm.

In addition to presiding over the reconstruction of Chang'an City, Zhu Biao also built farms.

Nowadays, farm treatment is the same as hard labor.

If the tenants wanted to stay, they could sign a tenant contract with the court.

After fifteen years, you can own land!

Only then did Zhao realize that they had been fooled!

Fell into Su Ran’s trap!

With no other choice, Zhao Yuanwai and the other wealthy gentry summoned Li Yunsheng again.

Be prepared to discuss countermeasures.

In the hall of a mansion in Wannian County.

Li Yunsheng was still drinking Longjing tea brewed with water from Hupao Spring.

Looking at these embarrassed Guanzhong gentry with ridicule on their faces.

A few months ago, they were still talking loudly and cajoling.

He acted like the boss of the sky and their second child.

But now they are all disgraced and embarrassed.

Especially member Zhao, whose whole head was wrapped up like an Indian Asan, was full of joy.

The other gentry in the hall didn't look good either.

Some had their heads broken with sticks, and some had their faces scratched by the fierce Guanzhong women.

This made Li Yunsheng, who was gloating about his misfortune, almost burst into laughter on the spot.

The most terrible thing now is that these poor tenant farmers will no longer be afraid of themselves!

The imperial court provided a generous way out.

Working on construction sites can earn money and provide food and accommodation.

In addition, there are farms to be developed!

As long as a fifteen-year agreement is signed with the government, the government will immediately make a fortune.

There are few landlords and many tenants, but it is the landlords who are valuable.

If there are many landowners and few tenants, the most valuable ones are the tenants.

"Master Li, please tell me what the regulations are like?" (bjef)

Zhao Yuanwai held the bandage on his forehead and said with a gloomy face.

"We obey Mr. Li's orders!"

"Zhao Yuanwai, please don't do this."

Li Yunsheng said quickly: "We Jiangnan gentry, are we not like this?

Forced into a dilemma between life and death by Zhu Yuanzhang's garrison, countless people were destroyed and exterminated. "

Li Yunsheng knew that it was not time to criticize them yet.

But we must fight for the greatest common enemy!

"Master Li, don't say any more." Another king member said with a sullen face: "We and Zhu Chongba are irreconcilable! In one sentence, what to do!"


Li Yunsheng immediately said: "Start the Qinling refugee riot immediately, the sooner the better!"

With one sentence, all the gods present immediately raised their eyebrows.

"What?" Li Yunsheng said strangely: "Is there anything else difficult about this?"

"Master Li doesn't know something."

Zhao Yuanwai shook his head solemnly and said: "It is not so easy for us to launch a riot.

The hungry and wild people in the Qinling Mountains have been in poverty for a long time.

Eating and sleeping in the open is commonplace.

In other words, they don't even have the strength to launch a riot,

We must first feed them with food. "

After hearing what Zhao Yuanwai said, Li Yunsheng understood the secret.

It is the time when these refugees and wild people are hungry.

Now I don’t even have the strength to start a riot!

If we really want to start a riot, I'm afraid I won't be able to run more than a few steps and will die from exhaustion.

Li Yunsheng began to make calculations in his mind.

Thinking about how to allocate a batch of food from where to feed these hungry people.

But now the government blockade is very severe, and our own transportation capacity is not as good as the train...

At this moment, Zhao Yuanwai's confidant butler hurried over from outside.

"Master, something big happened!"

The housekeeper was out of breath and kept saying: "Those refugees hiding in Qinling Mountains,

They’ve all gone down the mountain!”

"What?" Everyone present was in an uproar!

As soon as they heard the news, everyone present felt bad.

They are now planning to use these refugees to cause riots.

It's fine now, these refugees went down the mountain directly!

There was a loud crashing sound of broken porcelain pieces.

Li Yunsheng's heart suddenly became cold.

He finally understood now that he was still playing a standard trick of making a fool of himself.

First use the labor money to attract these gentry.

This led to conflicts between them and the lower-class tenant farmers.

While they were fighting fiercely, Su Ran took the opportunity to use School Disciple to pick up all the refugees down the mountain!

More importantly, he has that terrifying train transportation ability!

Officer Zhao grabbed the housekeeper and said angrily: "Did you see clearly?

All those refugees have come down the mountain!"

The servant stamped his feet and said: "

I can see clearly, Master.

These days, the imperial train has been transporting people and food without stopping!"

Everyone present was stunned.

In the woods of Lijiaping.

Groups of black monkey-like refugees squatted on tree branches and cliffs.

He looked at the burly man in shorts with amazement and foaming at the mouth.

This big man is burly, with thick eyebrows and eyes, looking like a fierce Zhang Fei.

It's just that what he's wearing is a bit unflattering.

On her steel-like body, she wore only a pair of obscene pants to cover her shame.

The other brothers who followed him were all the same.

There is nothing we can do about this.

Because these refugee brothers are too poor and don't even have a pair of pants.

As soon as they came here, they took off their clothes.

First, let’s cover up the shame of those older girls and younger wives. There are many eldest girls who look a little strange wearing Confucian shirts and long robes.

But it's better than bare thighs and butt.

"What's wrong, you still don't believe me?"

The big man beat his chest and roared: "I, Li Laotie, am a dignified man.

This time I am going down the mountain to find a way out for you!

Now that the way to survive has been found for you, why don't you go and do it? Are you going to stay here and wait to die?

Come and take a look, do you think I, Ji Laotie, haven't had enough to eat?"

There was silence among the hungry people around.

"Damn it!" Li Laotie beat his chest and shouted: "I, Li Laotie, have been with you for so long, and have been friends for more than ten years, and you don't believe me anymore?"

Finally, a skinny man like a skeleton said: "Brother Tie,

Of course we trust you, but what does the government want us people to do?"

"Because you still have some strength and can still farm!"

Li Laotie suddenly became anxious when he looked at this group of refugees who were still suspicious.

"Okay! In this case......"

He reached out and grabbed the son beside him and shouted: "You all know that this is our Li Laotie's son, the only seedling of our Lao Li family.

I will let my son follow you today! I will take my son into your hands!"

After hearing Li Laotie's words, the surrounding refugees finally took action.

Li Laotie's son was not afraid at all, but instead puffed up his chest.

"Okay, life or death, I, Shouhou, will go out with you, Old Tiege!"

The thin monkey stamped his feet and jumped down from the cliff.

With one person taking the lead, the rest of the refugees are like a chain reaction.

They all came out of the woods.

"Don't panic, everyone! Go collect some firewood first, make some porridge, and slow down your strength!"

Li Laotie immediately asked his entourage to set up an iron pot and cook rice porridge.

Soon, a pot of fragrant rice porridge was cooked.

The chain reaction continues in the Qinling Mountains.

After a group of refugees came down the mountain, more refugees followed.

Immediately afterwards, all the refugees came down the mountain.

Qinling Mountains, under the Lantian Plateau.

Li Yunsheng and Zhao Yuanwai rode the carriage for a while and arrived at the foot of the plateau.

The scene before them almost caused them to collapse on the spot.

In front of us, densely packed refugees almost covered the entire wilderness.

Accompanied by the sound of horse hooves like drums.

A long train came over from far to near. .

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