The sound of gunfire was an order. Thousands of Guangxi Wolf Barracks soldiers, who were the first attack echelon, quickly jumped out of the hidden bushes, threw off their camouflage and lined up quickly. They quickly formed a neat attack square, each one The phalanx is composed of five horizontal lines.

At this time, the usual hard training is fully highlighted.

"Attack forward." Lan Fang ordered. He was not interested in the rebel front troops that had already passed by. As long as he caught Li Zicheng's main force and beat him up, as long as he defeated Li Zicheng's main force, it would be a great achievement.

Of course, it would be even better if Li Zicheng could be captured alive. Even if he was killed, it would be a great achievement.

It is a pity that the whole army is advancing rapidly with light equipment and the artillery cannot keep up. Otherwise, with a few rounds of artillery fire, Li Zicheng's Chinese army will probably completely collapse, instead of fighting a tough battle like now.

However, this decisive battle was a huge test for him at the Guangxi Wolf Barracks and the Sichuan Army Camp. If he won, he would rise to prominence in the future. If he lost, he would be buried in horse leather.

A deserter? That is impossible.

On the official road opposite, the rebels were also hurriedly forming formations under the command of their leaders.

The sudden sound of gunfire really startled Li Zicheng, his men, and all the rebel soldiers. Seeing the dense crowd of officers and soldiers suddenly emerging from the roadside, the entire team panicked for a while.

Li Zicheng and the generals of the rebel army were both fierce men who had experienced battles for a long time. They quickly reacted and ordered the soldiers to form a formation to fight.

"I didn't expect that guy Lan Fang would set up an ambush here." Li Zicheng was somewhat surprised.

"Although it is unexpected, it has no effect." Military Advisor Niu Jinxing said calmly, looking calm and collected.

Setting up an ambush here does seem calm and calm, but the distance is far and the officers and soldiers have to advance in formation, so the rebels have enough time to react.

Lan Fang's troops are all musketeers, and the rebels also have their own musketeers. Musketeers versus muskets, who is afraid of whom?

Li Zicheng stroked his long beard and nodded. The military adviser was right. This was the first time he had encountered such an ambush. It was not so much an ambush as a head-on battle.

In a tough battle, as long as he wasn't facing Sun Chuanting, who was at the peak of his military power, who would Li Zicheng be afraid of?

Under his order, the three thousand musketeers who had just been formed in the rebel army quickly lined up, spread out, and pointed their guns at the densely packed army of officers and soldiers who were slowly pressing forward.

Thousands of soldiers from the Guangxi Wolf Barracks lined up in a neat attack formation, marching forward slowly with uniform steps.

Although the distance between the two sides was only two or three miles, it seemed that the distance between the two sides had shortened in an instant. It seemed that they could make contact with one charge, and then a fierce hand-to-hand combat broke out.

"Stand firm."

Following the command from the officer in front of the formation, all the slowly advancing soldiers stood still.

Before the ambush, the firing range of Suifa's gun had been measured long ago, and some unnoticed stones were piled on the grass to mark it. The distance where the first row of soldiers stood was within the effective killing range of Suifa's gun. Inside.

Bang bang bang bang——

The rebels on the opposite side opened fire. The gunshots rang out like firecrackers, and the smoke from the muzzles instantly filled the entire team.

However, none of the Guangxi wolf soldiers standing on the opposite side fell, leaving the rebels including Li Zicheng dumbfounded.

"Front row back, second row on top, hurry up." The leader of the rebel army commanding in front of the formation was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized that the position where the officers and soldiers were standing was a bit far away, and the rebel muskets could not reach it, at least they could still It has to be about six or seven steps ahead.

"First row, raise your guns and shoot." The wolf soldier commanding in front of the formation shouted loudly.

Bang bang bang bang——

The wolf soldier in the front row, aiming his gun, pulled the trigger, and the gun muzzle spurted out clouds of choking smoke and fire.

There was a shrill scream from the rebel army on the opposite side, and the musketeers standing in the first row fell in pieces.

Under the command of the officer, the wolf soldiers in the second row took a step forward, took aim with their guns, then pulled the triggers, retracted their guns and stepped back, loading their muskets and projectiles as quickly as possible.

These movements have been trained thousands of times in normal times. The soldiers have long been proficient. In addition, they have participated in several battles in Sichuan. They no longer have the panic when they participated in the battle for the first time. They appear to be very calm and calm, even mechanical. and numbness.

Killing someone is actually easier than killing a chicken. There is nothing to be afraid of.

The musketeers on both sides fired at each other with their muskets. To be precise, the Guangxi wolf soldiers stood still and fired their guns to kill people. Due to the range of the rifle, the rebel musketeers needed to advance a few steps before they could cause damage to the wolf soldiers. .

But just a few steps away, under the continuous volley fire of the Guangxi wolf soldiers, the rebel musketeers fell in droves. Occasionally, some musketeers were lucky and were not hit by the projectiles, and successfully advanced six meters. step, and successfully fired the projectiles in the gun chamber, causing some casualties to the Guangxi wolf soldiers.

The wounded and injured soldiers were immediately dragged away by medical soldiers for emergency treatment. The bodies of those killed in action were temporarily put aside to be disposed of after the war.

Some gaps in the attack formation were quickly filled by the wolf soldiers behind them. Under the command of the officer, shoot, retreat, reload, advance, shoot, retreat. The actions are simple and boring, but the cycle repeats and continues. .

Because of this, the continuous rain of bullets caused a lot of casualties to the rebel musketeers on the opposite side. The grass was filled with corpses in various forms of death and wounded soldiers struggling and screaming.

"how could this be?"

The result of the battle between the two sides made Li Zicheng, Niu Jinxing and other rebel generals open their mouths. The official's muskets did not need to be ignited and ignited the fuse, and the range was further than the muskets they captured from the official soldiers. This wave of muskets fired at each other, They lost a lot of money.

"Order the cavalry to charge for me, and the infantry to follow. Kill him without leaving a single piece of armor behind." Seeing that the three thousand musketeers suffered heavy casualties and there were not many left, Li Zicheng became anxious and hurriedly ordered the more than 600 cavalry who had just been formed to charge. .

The distance between the two sides was very close. The cavalry only needed one charge to reach the front of the formation and attack the wolf soldiers' attack formation. However, under the continuous volley of guns from the wolf soldiers, the rebel cavalry who had just rushed out of the formation screamed and fell. Horses, more than half of the more than 600 cavalry were lost.

The remaining more than 300 cavalry roared and charged. As they approached the Guangxi wolf soldiers' attack formation, grenades with green smoke were suddenly thrown out from the formation. A dense mass of them rolled in mid-air and hit the grass. Then there were clouds of fire and billowing smoke.

Amidst the violent rumbling explosions, the charging rebel cavalry were blown off their feet and their broken limbs were thrown around. The screams of misery and the neighing of the horses were heard together.

Most of the more than 300 remaining cavalry fell in a series of violent explosions. The remaining 60 or so cavalry bravely rushed towards the Guangxi wolf soldiers' attack formation. Some wolf soldiers were either knocked away by the horses or were beaten by iron hoofs. He was trampled down, cut down with swords by the knights on horseback, and stabbed to death with spears. The original dense formation became chaotic in an instant.

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