There are many reasons why "Da Ming Pao" was able to crush all major newspapers in a short period of time and become the largest newspaper in Ming Dynasty.

First of all, there are many differences in era, thoughts, concepts, design, layout, content, business model, etc., which are destined for "Da Ming Pao" to stand out and stand out from the crowd.

Secondly, all newspapers in the Ming Dynasty are free. Due to cost reasons, the circulation is not only small, but also generally only targeted at the elite circles and a small number of scholars. The audience is very small, and the number of circulation is also very small. One issue is quite a lot. Ten copies, as many as a hundred copies, and an issue comes out every four or five days, and some even come out every ten days or so.

Even if the Donglin Party boss who runs the newspaper is rich and has the support of a large group of wealthy businessmen from Jiangsu and Zhejiang who have too much money to spend, they are still reluctant to spend money and fight on their own. They even start internal strife and undermine each other in order to compete for fame and wealth.

And Zhu Youjian, who knew the power of public opinion and vowed to break the Donglin Party's monopoly on public opinion, was willing to spend money to hire talents, set up a regular editorial department, and was willing to spend money to buy all kinds of gossip and gossip provided by the paparazzi. Even delivering newspapers requires spending money to hire a group of children as paperboys.

"Da Ming Pao" has an issue every two days, and the number of copies issued in one issue is as high as 2,000 to 3,000. When important news is published, the number can even reach 5,000. The number and publication time alone crush any newspaper.

The most attractive thing about "Da Ming Pao" is the timeliness of news. The intervals between news are only one day, strictly speaking, even only half a day. This is unmatched by any newspaper.

To sum up, whether it is the issue period, circulation quantity, layout content, news timeliness, type, etc., it crushes any newspaper in all aspects. It is difficult for "Da Ming Pao" not to become the largest newspaper in the capital of the Ming Dynasty.

When the first issue of "Da Ming Bao" was published, it really caused a sensation in the entire imperial capital. People who read the newspaper were eager to read it. Those who didn't get the newspaper desperately wanted to read it. It is said that some impatient readers even fought for it. A copy of "Da Ming Bao" triggered a physical conflict, which was simply an insult to civility.

The ancients also had a burning heart of gossip like the original time and space. They relished and even laughed heartily about the various gossip news in the supplements.

For example, an official was raising a family outside, but his original wife brought a group of people to block the door. Although the official ran away from the back door, his clothes were disheveled, he fell while running, and his cheeks were bruised and swollen, making him very embarrassed.

Because the official's golden house was located in a remote area, not many people knew about it. After reading the gossip news in the supplement, they realized that the facial bruise on the official's face was not caused by a drunken fall, and everyone laughed heartily.

Another example is that a wealthy businessman kept a dozen young and beautiful concubines in his family, but they disguised themselves and secretly went to a brothel to have sex with prostitutes. It was accidentally discovered that the wealthy businessman had an unusual hobby.

To be precise, the wealthy businessman did not go to pick up prostitutes, but was willingly molested by prostitutes. Is it surprising? Surprised or not? Is it exciting or not?

The news did not give any surnames, only the title of Zhao. Several literary figures personally took care of the writing, and the plot was written in a very detailed, vivid and wonderful way, which is comparable to a short pornographic article banned under the 18th Eighteenth Period. It gives people an immersive illusion.

You say, can such big gossip news not attract people’s attention?

Although gossip is fun, it is just a kind of entertainment for killing time after dinner. In the Ming Dynasty, which valued literature over martial arts, criticizing national affairs was the focus of gaining attention, and poetry was the highlight of showing off literary talent and becoming famous.

Zhu Youjian knew very well the habits of these literati, and even more clearly the Donglin Party's urinary nature. Therefore, he asked Ruan Dacheng and other Jiangnan faction bosses to comment on some of the Donglin Party's political affairs in the supplementary editorial. This move was called Start a war.

The Donglin Party naturally wanted to respond and counterattack the Jiangnan faction's criticism. The big bosses took turns and submitted one article after another with gorgeous words and brilliant articles to the "Da Ming Pao" newspaper office.

There are also some young talents who are full of enthusiasm and want to make a name for themselves. They actively contribute articles and express their own opinions. What they care about is not the royalties, but seeing their names appear in newspapers. That is the real exposure. It's enough to show off in front of your classmates and friends.

The editors of the newspaper had already been told by Zhu Youjian that most of the articles submitted by the Donglin Party and those young talents were adopted. The more intense the fight between the parties, the more famous the "Da Ming Pao" became, and they gradually got used to it. If I don't read "Da Ming Bao" for a day, I feel like a cat's claws are scratching my heart, itching terribly.

In this way, "Da Ming Pao" crushed all newspapers and became the indispensable No. 1 newspaper in the hands of powerful circles, scholars, businessmen and celebrities.

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