Ming Dynasty: My Brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 325 Ling Chi foreign barbarians, honor the Han and demote the barbarians!

Zhang Gui was taken aback when he heard this, and asked, "What trouble did he get into?"

Wei Zhongxian then informed Zhang Gui that Zhou Neng had killed two Confucian scholars in a row for arresting a foreign barbarian, and that one of the Confucian scholars, Zhao Liangtang, was the nephew of Zhao Yan, the governor of Zhejiang Province.

Zhang Gui jumped up directly: "Good job!"

Wei Zhongxian was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood: "What Uncle Guo said is that these people who were killed were obviously lunatics who obstructed the emperor's mission, and they deserved to be punished! Zhao Butang can't discipline the children of his own clan. There are also situations.”

Zhang Gui said with a smile: "It's rare for Nine Thousand Years to have the same opinion as my Duke!"

Wei Zhongxian smiled slightly, and continued to flatter Zhang Gui.

But Zhang Gui stood up and said: "I have to go to see His Majesty immediately, this matter must be dealt with seriously."

"Although things must be dealt with seriously, our family must protect the people who involve Uncle Guo!"

Wei Zhongxian also said something sensible at this time.

It didn't take long for Tianqi to know about it.

For a moment, Tian Qi couldn't help but frowned and said: "The Xiao Temple did promulgate such a regulation that is beneficial to the world's powerful and powerful families. Hiring workers to rebel against their employers is like treason! Employers killing hired slaves are like fathers and sons. If you can forgive them. However, this is really Improper implementation of bad governance! Now that Ming Dynasty wants to continue to harm the interests of foreigners and solve the problem of a large number of people, it can only abolish this regulation so that the lives of Han people in this country will not be easily taken away. Hook it up!"

Zhang Guidao: "What your Majesty said is that at least such regulations cannot be applied to the Han people. Now that the Ming Dynasty wants to break the shackles of the previous dynasties, it is difficult to have a three-hundred-year national destiny, it must cultivate the national consciousness that our Han family is the only one in the world, so as to benefit the world. The benefit, strengthen the country of the clan!"

Tian Qi nodded: "Then draw up an edict and promulgate it to the world, and rewrite the regulations on maintaining the dignity of the Han people!"

"Han killing foreigners is not considered a violation of the criminal law. Han killing of Han, no matter what the ethical relationship or life relationship between them, is handled according to the principle of 'the murderer pays with his life'."

"In addition, do not abuse the matter of treason. The so-called treason can only communicate with foreign barbarians, conspire to destroy one's own country, or kill one's own monarch, and there are foreign barbarians attempting to subvert the order of China! And if the barbarians also To be a noble person, one must be sinicized and become my people, or all of them will be regarded as barbarians. If Han people turn to barbarians and practice barbarian customs, they will be regarded as self-deprecating and self-deprecating behaviors. They can no longer be regarded as Han people, but also barbarians treat!"




But at this time, there was an endless sound of drumming outside.

"It's a Dengwen drum!"

Wei Zhongxian said hurriedly at this moment.

"Who beat Dengwen drum?"

Tian Qi also asked a question at this time.

Zhang Gui glanced outside and said, "Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that Qianhu Zhou, Fusi of Beizhen, is now able to send the foreigner Zha Deer to prison."

Sure enough, as soon as Zhang Gui's words fell, Ye Chengxue came quickly and said: "Your Majesty, there is a Confucian scholar Cao Benrong who is beating the drum and suing Jinyiwei North Town Fusi Qianhu Zhou Neng for perverting the law, killing scholars, and arbitrarily Arresting foreign guests and sending them to prison will damage the state and the emperor's morality, and ask the emperor to punish him severely!"

Tian Qi stood up after hearing this, and said with a sneer, "So, this Confucian scholar named Cao Benrong is quite bold! Is there anyone else coming with him?"

Ye Chengxue replied at this time: "There are also many Confucian scholars who came with him, shouting that Zhou Qianhu's behavior is against the benevolence of good-neighborliness and friendship, and is detrimental to the national system! The vassals and foreign guests should confess! To show His Majesty's justice!"

After Zhang Gui heard this, he couldn't help but get angry. He had to admit that these stubborn Confucian scholars are really cheap. In order to protect the Confucian social model of ruthless and lenient outside, they even ignored their personal life and death, and directly beat the Dengwen drum , Justice for a barbarian. There are so many Han people in the world, even in the capital city, many people are really bullied by the officials, but few dare to stand up, let alone beat the drum.

Of course, Zhang Gui understood that the reason behind these Confucian scholars' desperate maintenance of the Confucian ritual system was naturally related to their interests.

Because they still hope that they can continue to cooperate with the emperor to oppress the Han people in the country as before, and at the same time get along well with the foreign barbarians, inspire them with virtue, so that the foreign barbarians will not invade them, and even collude with the foreign barbarians to further squeeze the Han people in their own country, and then create everyone together. The prosperous years of sucking the blood of the Han people, that's why they are so active in speaking for a foreign barbarian.

And because of this, Zhang Gui said at this time: "Your Majesty, since there are still so many daring and reckless people who are unwilling to admit that there is a difference between Ming and Yi, then we should let them see the court's attitude with their own eyes, and understand the emperor's will! They may not love His Majesty's people, but they cannot even be disloyal to His Majesty! If not, then they can only be disloyal and disloyal."

"If so, I will be punished!"

Tianqi also said the same thing, and said resolutely: "Declaration, regarding the incident reported by Zhou Neng about the killing of Han hired workers by foreigners. This is the imperial approval, expressly stating that this matter is a crime committed by the subordinates, and a crime of accomplice rebellion. Zha Deer must be Ling Chi! And directly in front of a group of Confucian scholars who are beating Deng Wengu and waiting for him! Any Confucian scholar who asks for the explanation for foreign rebels will be dealt with as an accomplice, and all of them will be dismissed!"

"Follow the order!"

Where Dengwen Drum is located.

Confucian scholar Cao Benrong was beating the Dengwen drum with all his might.

The other Confucian scholars present also looked at him passionately.

Some Confucian scholars really shouted from time to time to guard the etiquette system, saying that factory guards should not break the law.

But at this time, Chadel was escorted by the Jin Yiwei and tied to the mobile execution rack.

"The imperial edict said: the Han people in the world are my people, and they are all the people of the upper country, so they should be more important than the barbarians of other countries! According to the investigation, there is a Han Chinese Li Yin who was beaten to death by the Frangji Chadel, which is really disrespectful to the upper country People, if you don't take me seriously, you are committing the crime of the above, which is like treason! If you do it, you will be Lingchi! And Lingchi in front of the ignorant young people, so that they can tell right from wrong, good from bad...Jinyiwei Qianhu Zhou can protect the dignity of the kingdom For meritorious deeds, I will be appointed as an official in Jin Yiwei to direct the matter, and I will give you fifty gold, this is my honor!"

At the same time, some eunuchs came to read the will.

Then, the eunuch ordered loudly: "Execution!"

Immediately, a professional medical soldier stepped onto the execution frame and stabbed Chadel's chest muscle with a knife. The pain caused Chadel to scream: "How could this happen! Why, if I kill my hired worker, I will be tortured. I protest against your disrespect for our Frangji people!"

Not long after, Chadel gave in again and said: "I was wrong! I know I was wrong! His Majesty the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, for God's sake, please forgive my sins. I promise I won't dare to kill any Han Chinese again. I won't dare anymore. I really dare not!"

Confucian scholars Cao Benrong and others looked at this scene angrily. They could not accept this reality, especially accepting that an employer would be sentenced to a lingering sentence after beating his employee to death.

As a result, they began to worry, would employers all over the world not be able to deal with Han employees at will?

"The edict said: Han people who kill foreigners can only be punished with the stick, and no more than exile will be punished! Han people kill Han people, no matter what ethical relationship or life relationship they have with each other, they are all dealt with according to the principle of 'killer pays life'..."

Immediately afterwards, the eunuch read out another edict, which is equivalent to a direct roll call. If the hired worker is Han, once the hired worker is killed, no matter whether the murderer is a Han or a barbarian, he will have to pay for his life. If Yi was the murderer, he would be sentenced to a much heavier sentence.

"This decree shall be sealed!"

At this time, Cao Benrong shouted loudly.

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