Ming Dynasty: My Brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 327 The Xiyi dog will be punished by the Ming Dynasty!

Zhang Pu and other Confucian scholars stared at this scene in astonishment.

They didn't expect that Cao Benrong would suddenly not give up the exam because of this.

Cao Benrong did not expect that he would have to make such a choice.

But for him, it was a choice he had to make.

After all, it was too difficult for him to refuse the kindness of the imperial court!

You know, his family has not been a Jinshi for three generations.

Whether it's his grandfather or his father, or himself, or even all the clan and neighbors, they are all eagerly counting on him to win the crown and become a Jinshi master.

Cao Benrong himself has failed for the third time in a row, and he is still tirelessly trying to take the imperial examination, which shows how much he hopes to get a Jinshi in the imperial examination.

But now, the imperial court has increased the number of Jinshi to five hundred, how could he just sit back and watch himself lose this opportunity with a greater probability of being ranked first?

Therefore, and because of this, Cao Benrong suddenly felt that no etiquette and kingly way are good, as long as he can realize his dream of honoring his ancestors.

Can etiquette and kingship be compared to the importance of honoring one's ancestors?

Cao Benrong then abandoned the boat and landed in the eyes of the Confucian scholars who were shocked and disdainful, and headed for the capital.

"The emperor's kindness is vast, and the emperor is thirsty for talents. How can we refer to it regardless of the king's worries. As for the maintenance of famous teachings, let's take it slowly."

"Yeah, let's go and refer to it. You can't make the court full of treacherous officials and villains. How can scholars be willful?!"

Most of the Confucian scholars could not refuse the temptation to have more opportunities to become officials, and each of them began to find their own excuses to explain why they suddenly gave up the exam again, and then they all followed Cao Benrong, preparing to return to the capital.

Seeing this, Zhang Pu became furious. He didn't expect that his fellow scholars would be so vulnerable in front of the court's so-called "ende". When a bone comes, it wags its tail.

This made Zhang Pu feel very uncomfortable, and couldn't help but clenched his fists and said, "We are not dogs! We are scholars who continue to learn for the past saints! The imperial court can't humiliate us like this, and we can't despise ourselves like this!"

"What do you want brother to do?"

At this time, the Confucian scholar who came with Zhang Pu asked a question.

Zhang Pu also followed the abandoned boat and went ashore and said: "Beat on the drum, I implore the imperial court to abide by the ancestral system, restore the old imperial examinations, and withdraw the edict to increase the number of Jinshi to 500 in order to show favor to the scholars of the world!"

Then, Zhang Pu said again: "Anyone who is a gentleman of blood should not despise himself so much. He should stop taking the exam if he says he will, instead of being an inconsistency, hypocrisy and cunning villain!"

Many Confucian scholars were shocked when they heard this, and then scolded Zhang Pu one after another.

"Zhang Gandu, how can you spoil His Majesty's grace, everyone's future!"

"Zhang Qiandu, you are a fame-seeking person, you will only bring yourself to humiliate yourself!"

"Zhang Qiandu, if you do this, you will die badly, and no one will sympathize with you!"


But Zhang Pu didn't listen to these people, and resolutely walked to the capital.

Cao Benrong was about to arrive at the capital and was about to enter the city, but a few Confucian scholars from Xilin Academy blocked his way.

Among them, Confucian scholar Li Yu asked Cao Benrong: "Are you Cao Xinmu?"

Cao Benrong replied: "I am right, I wonder who this friend is?"

Li Yudao: "You don't have to ask me who I am, I just admire your feat of beating the drum for a foreign guest in the past, let me ask you, you really don't agree with the saying of 'respecting the Ming and degrading the barbarians', but think that people in the Ming Kingdom are not Should it be above all barbarians?"

Cao Benrong didn't know Li Yu's real identity, he just thought he was an ordinary Confucian scholar who came to see him out of admiration, so he puffed up his chest and said, "Naturally! If the common people are slaves, how can they be disrespectful to allies for being slaves?"

After hearing this, Li Yu asked with a smile, "Since that's the case, if foreigners kill Han people, what should we do?"

Cao Benrong said: "If the person killed is a commoner, forgive him if he can! If it is a nobleman's request, he should also consider not damaging the diplomatic relations between the two countries."

Li Yu still just smiled slightly, and immediately cupped his hands: "Thanks for being taught!"

Then, Li Yu left here with a group of Confucian scholars from Xilin Academy.

Cao Benrong was stunned for a while, and he didn't know why people like Li Yu asked such a question.

And when he was about to walk towards the gate of the outer city of the capital, a Western barbarian suddenly appeared in front of him, and directly pulled out a broken blade and stabbed him in the chest.

The Xiyi man also sneered: "Now that I kill you, shouldn't you also think that my behavior can be forgiven?"


Cao Benrong was very surprised and asked, "Why did you kill me?"

The Xiyi man smiled and said, "Why do you ask why you kill people?"

Cao Benrong said: "You will be tortured! His Majesty has just issued a decree that foreigners who kill Han people will be complicit in treason!"

The Xiyi people asked: "Didn't you want your majesty the emperor to return this imperial decree? Why are you thinking of threatening me with this imperial decree now? Isn't it cheap?!"

Cao Benrong panted heavily, and said weakly: "I regret it! From the moment you killed me, I regret it! You barbarians don't know good and evil, not only do you not appreciate my speaking for you, but you even want to kill me!"

The Xiyi man replied: "You are wrong. It's not that we don't know good and bad, it's that you don't know good and bad. Besides, why should I be grateful to you, why should I be executed for disobeying the master's order?"

Cao Benrong was taken aback when he heard this, and struggling to draw his last breath, he asked, "Who is your master?"

Xiyi said: "It's okay to tell you, the person who asked you just now is my master!"

Only then did Cao Benrong realize that he had been duped, and he gritted his teeth and said, "How could they use foreign barbarians as slaves? This is not the etiquette that Confucianism should have!"

Cao Benrong closed his eyes as he spoke.

All the Confucian scholars who followed behind saw this scene.

These Confucian scholars were quite angry for a while.

Because they didn't expect that the barbarian would kill Confucian scholars of the same class as them. This obviously touched their bottom line. In an instant, the concept of treating barbarians with courtesy collapsed at this moment, and they wished they could Immediately swallowed the barbarians alive.

At this time, Jin Yiwei, who was guarding the outer city, came over.

"Catch him! He killed Benchao Juzi!"

"This barbarian should be hacked into pieces! How dare you kill Confucian scholars!"

"You Jin Yiwei can't tolerate him!"

Suddenly, some Confucian scholars shouted angrily at Jin Yiwei who came over.

At this time, the foreign barbarian knelt and explained to the Jin Yiwei who came over: "I am not a foreign barbarian, I am a dog of the master. Even if you want to kill me, you have to ask my master what he means!"

Li Yu came over at this time and patted the white-skinned foreigner's head: "He is indeed one of my dogs, a Western pug I bought from Nanyang, called Laiwang."

Li Yu said to the white-skinned barbarian, "Laiwang, you can bark like a dog for the big guys."

This white-skinned foreigner called Laiwang really screamed.




It caused all the wild dogs at the city gate to bark together.

At this time, a Confucian student said angrily: "How can you let a foreign barbarian be your dog? If you do this, it is not in line with the sage's way of treating barbarians with courtesy! Of course, regardless of this, even if this foreign barbarian is yours Dogs, but your dog has killed the Juren of the court, and must be punished by Ming Zhengdian!"

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