The Ming Dynasty’s Prodigal Son

Vol 2 Chapter 1066: : Big Fortune

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Zhu Hou Zhao paused. ┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

He was silent, looking at the black Japanese.

The abdomen draft that seems to have been prepared, all at once ... without a trace.

Zhu Houzhao: "..."

After a long time ... Zhu Houzhao waved his big hand: "This house must be bought anyway. If you don't buy it, you just don't love Daming!"

Step down.

Everyone in Japan: "..."

Fang Jifan: "..."

Fang Jifan couldn't help but applaud: "It's good to say, Your Royal Highness is good. Listening to His Highness's words is better than reading ten years of books."

"Come and come, Wang Jinyuan, come here as a dog and take everyone into the model room to have a look."

Japanese: "..."

They seemed unpredictable. His Royal Highness Prince Ming was so simple and straightforward.

It makes no sense at all.


The Japanese were in discussion.

His Royal Highness Prince Ming is very speechless, it is not ... well, it seems that he can't wash it.

Oda Xinding frowned, couldn't help but stepped forward and said: "It seems very barren here, I don't know the price, how much?"

"Thirty-five thousand two!" Fang Jifan fang Yao, and then pointed to the sales office in the distance.

The Japanese people looked in the direction of their fingers.

But I saw that the sales office was already crowded. In the early morning, many people came.

"It's all here to buy a house. To tell you the truth, the price here was 17,000 a few days ago, but now it has risen. Why? There is no new theater near here. There will be a commercial pedestrian street, and there will also be schools, hospitals ... these will not go into details. "

"The down payment is low. Come on. Let's take a look first. In addition, Xishan Jianye will also launch value-added security services."


That Oda Xinding couldn't help looking at Fang Jifan suspiciously.

Many Japanese people are not very satisfied with this place.

Previously, the 17,000 houses sold us 35,000, and they all said what would happen in the future, but looking at such a large area of ​​wasteland ... it was ... a little uneasy.

Daming's routine is a bit deep.

Fang Jifan said with a smile: "Aren't you buying our house?"

Many people nodded.

Fang Jifan said: "So natural, it is necessary to borrow."

Everyone nodded again.

Fang Jifan said: "Since borrowing money, how can Xishan Bank fail to guarantee that its loan can be recovered? You are all secretaries of the Japanese state. It is reasonable to say that there is no problem in repaying the loan. Where is it? "

Many people hesitated.

At present, the shogunate can't control the situation.

For example, at the moment, Ouchi Yoshihide brought troops into Kyoto, controlled the shogunate, and professed himself to be a leader, and threatened the princes with the shogunate.

As the shogunate weakened, contradictions began to intensify among the various guardians, and there were some signs of weak meat and strong food.

In addition, with the advent of Xia Ke Shang, the ritual collapse has broken down and has gradually revealed its signs.

In history, the family of Nobunaga Oda, as a clerk under the guardian of Ozhanguo, seized the power of Ozhangokuo. Afterwards, he proclaimed himself as a guardian and began to join the war in the Japanese kingdom.

The essence of this situation is that the shogunate has lost control of the various guardians, and the guardians, who are ambitious and full-fledged officials in their own territory, have begun to lose their power.

Everyone understands that a storm is coming.

But what if Daming provided various security?

think about it.

A group of Ming pirates, dozens of ships, can cross the Wa Kingdom, and any place in the Wa Kingdom can be the target of their attack at any time, not to mention, the Ningbo naval division, hundreds of ships have already been issued, occupying Zhou Fanguo, Use it as a supply and defense base for naval forces, and control the sea trade of Japan.

Of course, they may not be able to support any guardian Daming to enter the shogunate. But it is entirely possible to let any name dare to break the rules of the game and teach them to die without burial.


Many Japanese eyes brightened.

Someone said: "I buy, I buy ..."

Nobunaga Oda looked towards the sound source, which is exactly the son of Ozaki's guardian son, Spo Renye.

On the whole, Oda Nobuyoshi is the official of Spouse.

After the rebellion of Yingren, Spoel's power declined sharply, and his power was almost abolished by his family. The Oda family was already frightened. This Oda family was Cao Cao of Ozhang.

If ... Once Daming's assurance was obtained, then ... Sports, which should continue to be weak, at least in name, should never have to worry, and was eventually usurped by the Oda family.

For Spoelberg, it is no longer as simple as buying a house.

This is simply the purchase of a house with an iron book coupon.

In his eyes, even if it was a pot and iron, this mansion must be bought, one acre, no, ten acres, the more you buy, the better. Only the more money you owe to Xishan Qianzhuang, you can sleep at ease .

If not, the Oda family had to take advantage of it and directly usurped the guardian of Spouse. The more you owe, the safer it is.

Fang Jifan smiled and said: "Don't worry, go to the model room first."

"You don't have to watch it." A lot of exciting Japanese said: "We buy it now."

Zhu Houzhao was a little embarrassed, and he didn't think ... the house still has such a selling method.

Fang Jifan is very speechless, these people are very annoying, how can they feel like boss Mei, so vulgar, there is no sentiment at all, do you think you are a local tyrant from big food?

Fang Jifan had no choice but to say: "If you want to buy it, go to the sales office and line up. It will be late. It will only sell 500 acres today, first come first served."

As the words fell, many Japanese were crazy.

Especially Nasper Renye, like a rabbit, ran towards the sales office.

Many Japanese like him, who dare to be negligent, are also swarming and running wildly.

Security is, for many people, no amount of money that can be bought.

In particular, the ruined eyes of the Japanese nation will soon be in chaos.

At the sales office, some people queued to drain the water. A group of merchants pushed and shouted, "You **** Japanese, don't squeeze, I don't know what it means to come first and come later?"

The **** of the sales office is also holding a whip and shouting: "Come one by one, don't be excited."


The remaining Japanese were no longer interested and stayed here.

Oda Xinding was already anxious.

He is the servant of Ozaki Scorpio, and this is not wrong. Now Oda ’s power in Ozaki has indeed far surpassed that of Spoel, but why did he think that buying a house actually involved the domestic power Fight.

Daming Kingdom used the mansion to kidnap security, which is unfavorable to the now-family Oda family.

If so, would n’t this have caused the Oda family to always be trapped in the status of Owari ’s minister. If you want to overthrow Naspo and replace Ozhanguo ’s guardianship, you will not only have to face Sibo, but you will also need to use Daming Marine as an enemy.

Of course this is bad news.

But think about it, even more terrifying.

Spoel already occupied the position of Dayi. Nominally, Oda was their vassal. Once they received the support of Daming Marine Master, if they took this opportunity to cut off the influence of the Oda family in Ozaki What about?

Spoel has become invincible.

Nobuo Oda gritted his teeth, and I had to buy it. How much can I buy? At least ... I also wanted to maintain the neutrality of Daming.

Wang Jinyuan was on the side and said enthusiastically: "Come, come, let's take a look at the model room."

But the wandering Japanese people had no thoughts.

They each began to weigh their own financial resources, thinking about how many mansions they could buy, and thinking about whether this Fang Jun's guarantee was effective.

But you can see His Royal Highness Prince Ming standing in front of Fang Jun. At this time, no one hesitated anymore.

Five hundred acres of mansion, not much.

Countless people lined up in front of me, and the Japanese in the back anxiously red eyes, and even ... there were several fights.

In just a few incense kung fu, these 500 acres are sold out.

The people behind did not want to disperse and shouted.

Wang Jinyuan had no choice but to squeeze his hands in countless roars: "Quiet, quiet, quiet, everyone calm down, come back tomorrow, it is sold out today."

That's how people are. Under the situation of a swarm of bees, it is difficult for people to be rational.

Everyone refused to go when they saw other people leave.

Nobuo Oda saw that Naspoche had a deposit in his hand. Obviously he had already placed the order. In the next few days, he had to make up the down payment and deposit. , Even more afraid to go.

A group of Japanese people, actually refused to go home, prefer to stay here next to hunger.

The weather was a bit cold at night, but everyone was very worried.

In the early morning of the next day, the brand was finally listed. Today, a thousand acres are listed for sale, and the price ... went up.

A thousand or two ...


This is one thousand two. For many people, it has increased by two thousand in just one day, which means that the expenses of a family for decades.

But here ... it seems to be worthless.

In fact, if you count it carefully, one thousand two is nothing. After all, it is caught in the down payment, but it is more than twenty or two silvers. The monthly loan repayment, more and less, does not matter.

Those who had bought it before, looked at the price in amazement, and went crazy again.

Nani ... just because I bought it one day earlier, Pingbai earned a thousand or two silver?

There is so much money in this world.

People cried and went crazy to continue to push ~ ~ Oda Shinden only hated that he didn't bring a knife and hacked the stubborn prince.

It's just an incense kung fu, but it was sold out.

Some people seem to realize that it is profitable, and actually bought more than twenty acres at a time.

Xishan Jianye is empathetic. If the down payment is not enough, a down payment loan has also been launched. When you come back to your country by letter, let your family come. This down payment is only a short-term loan, but the interest is high and scary.

But it seems that because they have tasted the sweetness, these people who have never seen such a gameplay are intoxicated by this passionate atmosphere.

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