The Ming Dynasty’s Prodigal Son

Vol 2 Chapter 1092: : Severe politics is more fierce than tiger

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Go to Baoding ...

Emperor Hongzhi was silent. Bookmark this site┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

He looked at the man in front of him.

This is a very ordinary person, not conspicuous.

But now, his eyes were flushed.

The two women in the family had already cried with red eyes.

In this small wooden house, there is also a spirit position, the incense in front of the spirit card, vaguely see the words like the father.

That is to say, the man's father is dead.

In this family, only he is such a man.

This is the pillar of the family, and ten, there is only one.

No one likes to leave their homes, especially leaving their mothers and wives at home.

Not to mention, how much inconvenience would the two women have here, and how could a man be patient and leave home.

Emperor Hongzhi was silent.

He had great-grandmother and wife, and he could not imagine how painful he would be when he needed to leave them, and what would happen to Zhou and Zhang.

I want to come ... If you have not reached the end of the mountains and waters, you will never run away from home.

"Baoding?" Emperor Hongzhi calmly said calmly: "What to do in Baoding?"

"Pave the way for people, there are three or two silver wages." The man seemed to dislike being asked more.

Emperor Hongzhi stared at the man: "Is Tongzhou bad? I ... I heard ... In Tongzhou, the poor people will all issue cash coupons ..."

The Chinese characters looked at the emperor Hongzhi strangely: "Are you a foreigner?"

Emperor Hongzhi: "..."

Xiao Jing couldn't help but say: "Bold, you put it like this ..."

Emperor Hongzhi suddenly had red eyes and a green muscle on his forehead burst out, and he was angry.

Then snapped to Xiao Jing: "Go away!"

Xiao Jing was taken aback for a moment, and the atmosphere didn't dare to come out at all.

Fang Jifan stood aside and looked at Xiao Jing like a mentally retarded man. This father-in-law Xiao was really getting older and more confused.

Emperor Hongzhi said: "I came from Beijing."

"That's no wonder." The man seemed to see the grotesque, and the person in front of him was very extraordinary.

Fortunately, the man has no doubts about others. With his knowledge, it is even less likely to doubt that it is the prince of the world who stands before him.

The man said: "What kind of coupon is clearly a harmful coupon."

Emperor Hongzhi heard the word harm, and his face appeared guilty.

The man gritted his teeth and said: "Originally, in Tongzhou, a small person can still have a bite to eat. In the past, he used to do footwork at the pier. Although he was barely fruitful, he did not starve his family. I heard that Baoding was a good place. The place, but the wife who refuses to bear the mother and the family's dross in the end. But since those dog officials have issued some coupons, this day cannot be passed. "

"In the beginning, they collected business taxes. The merchants in this canal paid the tax but did not get any benefits. Some small merchants felt that the sale and purchase could not be maintained, and they simply stopped. They did not do the rest. Lowering the wages, this business tax, after all, still received people like villains. "

"Since then, people have said that they are having a hard time. They issued coupons. Many people also thanked Dade. They all said that Zhizhou and Zhixian are really good officials who love the people like children. But where do you know that the silver coupons have indeed been issued? With the help of silver coupons, you can buy rice, oil and salt, but ... All of a sudden, so many people have silver coupons in their hands, and within only three or five days, the price of Tongzhou has skyrocketed. How terrible has it been, do you know? In the past, a pound of rice and thirty copper coins, but within a few days, a pound of rice, one or two silver coupons could not be bought. "

Emperor Hongzhi frowned, and he could not understand: "Why is this?"

Where does the man know, why?

Fang Jifan said: "This is inflation. Your Majesty think about it, there are only so many rice, oil and salt on the market for the time being, but suddenly, everyone has a cash coupon in hand, you can imagine what this price will rise to. "

Emperor Hongzhi seemed to understand, but he seemed to feel that he had read such a theory in the theory of wealth.

There has been no increase in production and no increase in supply, but there are countless banknotes on the market.

"But ... these coupons can be exchanged for real gold and silver in the future." Emperor Hongzhi frowned.

Fang Jifan smiled and said: "For ordinary people, they can't wait to exchange real gold and silver. I don't think it will take long. These silver coupons will snowball into the hands of a few people."

"Not bad." The man still gritted his teeth: "On the market, prices are soaring, a pound of rice, even one or two silver coupons can be bought, the so-called distribution of coupons, in the end, maybe a family, even half a catty rice I ca n’t buy it. The wealthy people in the city and the gentry outside the city only use a little food, and they hold a lot of cash coupons in their hands. Why do n’t people know that the silver coupons can be exchanged for silver in the future, but soon, Everyone found that not only did the silver coupons go shopping, the prices soared, but the real gold and silver went shopping, and the prices also went up a lot. Everyone was eating a hungry meal, not eating food, and they would die, except those rich households and gentry, Who still has the leisure to save the voucher. "

"As soon as the price has skyrocketed, those who have grain in their hands are even more hoarded. They can add two or two grains of sand and ash to the two or two grains. Ordinary people's homes, even if they have some homes in the past, in order to survive And I have to pull it out. You said, can you still live this day? "

On the face of Emperor Hongzhi, there was already a dark cloud.

He clenched his fists and remained silent for a long time: "Why didn't anyone go to a nearby state to buy grain."

"Where is it so easy?" The man said: "Not to mention, the local gentry, in this place, how to allow foreign businessmen to stir up, this ordinary people, in order to go to buy a few kilograms of rice, have to walk a few Is it a hundred miles to and from? Hey ... I ca n’t get through my life ... doing footwork in the pier, I used to force my family not to be hungry, but now ... I have trouble supporting myself. "

"People say that only when they arrive at Baoding Mansion will they have a good life. If they don't go to Baoding Mansion, they really can't live this day."

Emperor Hongzhi was trembling with anger.

He suddenly remembered something: "Zhizhou Yang Yiqing, I heard that he is a good official who loves the people, how could he allow ..."

The man gave a sip and disdained: "Which good official, no matter what official comes, the real thing is not those little officials. Under his eyelids, what the **** happened, who knows? Who can communicate with him, Which one is not a gentry, these gentry, a large number of purchases of securities, and then from his hands, exchange real gold and silver, what a huge profit, how many people earn a pot, they will naturally praise this as good governance. Those Little officials, they have been together with the gentry for a long time. These dog officials are not all governing the place by what, what the little officials say, what they believe, these people up and down are not rich. You are deaf and blind ... "

The man said: "It's not early, I'm going to leave, and no matter how late, I won't be able to reach Baoding Mansion tomorrow ..."

Emperor Hongzhi could not imagine that the sky was brighter at this time, and he could already see the face of the man. This man had a dish, and the two women were also thin and yellow-skinned.

This Tongzhou is a land of Ququ, who had thought that at the feet of the Son of Heaven, some people were hungry and cold.

Emperor Hongzhi said: "I also want to go to Tongzhou, so I might as well go together."

With that said, Emperor Hongzhi originally wanted to take some silver out, but he could think about it carefully, here ... I am afraid that the usefulness of silver is temporarily not so great. He turned his head and looked at Xiao Jing: "Can you bring dry food? Keep some in their home. ",

Emperor Hongzhi sighed, but felt that his eyes were red, and a tear was spinning.

Many things ~ ~ is beyond his imagination.

He thought that maybe Tongzhou had become better, but it was not as good as the Manchu literary and military bragging.

But where did you think ... the New Deal ... has become a harsh politics.

The business tax came, and in the end ... it was just a feather.

Xiao Jing busy took some dry food and stayed.

Seeing the man, there is no more hostility, thank you very much.

He said goodbye to the women, and then went to Baoding along with Emperor Hongzhi.

When he left Baoding City, he found that on the bumpy road towards Baoding, there were countless ragged people who dragged their families and led the way.

Emperor Hongzhi looked ashen.

Fang Jifan only smiled bitterly, but he was upset in his heart, Baoding Mansion ... what would be the situation, Ouyang Zhi, don't hurt to be a teacher.

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