The Ming Dynasty’s Prodigal Son

Chapter 664: : Really a fetish

On the next day, the fragrance on Fang Fei's body was still vaguely present, and it did not disappear for a long time.

But she couldn't take a bath from time to time, so she only calmed her face and set off for the palace.

In the palace, Xishan's performance has already been received. I heard that Princess Fang was coming to the palace to greet Empress Dowager and Queen Zhang. Early in the morning, Queen Zhang got up and went to Renshou Palace. She knew that Princess Fang had just given birth. If she was in Kun Ninggong, as a daughter-in-law, had to go to Renshou Palace to see him first. After that, she had to rush to Kunning Palace. Instead of letting Fang Fei move around, it was better to go to Renshou Palace and let her see it.

The status of this concubine has been completely different. Previously it was Zheng Fei, but now she is the mother of Huang Sun.

His Majesty had plans to establish Emperor Sun as Emperor Tai Sun. Even if he did not stand for the time being, Emperor Sun was also the most well-known successor of Daming.

Therefore, Fang Fei's status is naturally different.

Emperor Hongzhi came to Inshou Palace early in the morning to greet him. He was thinking about the cross-toe in his heart, but he heard that Princess Fang was coming, but he deliberately stayed for a while longer. At this time, Emperor Hongzhi also wanted to see him. Hero.

"Emperor, Ai's family heard something." The Empress Dowager and the Hongzhi Emperor pulled home, but they remembered something.

Emperor Hongzhi smiled and said, "What did the grandmother hear?"

Zhou became happy, and she stared at Emperor Hongzhi: "The Emperor gave Xiu Rong the desert land?"

"Yes." Emperor Hongzhi nodded.

Zhou could n’t help saying: “You ’re a parent, it ’s too unkind. Your daughter went to her husband ’s house with a dowry, and the emperor took it. The dowry, the dowry ... why is it called the dowry As a parent, you do n’t want her to marry and be despised by her husband ’s family. It ’s good that you ’re good, do n’t give a few acres of good land, even if the land is barren and the number is too large In the past, you did n’t take these characters away, and they were given by the Tatars. Are you not afraid of jokes? "

"..." Emperor Hongzhi had nothing to say.

Men and women have different perspectives on the problem.

The Zhou family naturally knew that the emperor Hongzhi had the habit of being frugal. In his view, this is a good thing, but as an old lady, what is wrong with your daughter.

Emperor Hongzhi shame: "Yes, yes, yes."

Zhou's emotion: "You, Xiu Rong's temperament is already gentle, but now, when she is married out, Ai's family is only afraid that she will suffer hard in her husband's house, but you are good."

He shook his head again.

Emperor Hongzhi said in his heart, Fang's family has money when he goes to the Fang's family.

That being said, Zhou has been complaining, his scalp is numb, and he said: "This is a thick photo proposal."

Zhou's also wanted to say that when he heard the meaning of the prince, after all, he swallowed the next words, and said: "But you are the emperor." So, did not continue.

Queen Zhang only sat beside him, smiling, looking at Emperor Hongzhi who was slightly embarrassed.

It ’s not that Queen Zhang did n’t want to make a siege for Emperor Hongzhi. When she learned about it, Queen Zhang was also surprised. Just such a daughter, you give the land of the desert, the land of the desert. Have you eaten the soil? It's good to give a Huangzhuang.

But at this time, an **** came hurriedly outside: "Fang Fei is here."

Everyone settled, and soon, Fang Fei came, she changed her dress, her face was radiant, at first thought that Fang Fei Ding was in a state of ill health, but who would have expected it to look surprisingly good.

Although Emperor Hongzhi didn't notice anything, Zhou and Queen Zhang had the unique sensitivity of his wife, but she always felt that Fang Fei was not the same as the day.

Fang Fei saluted, and Zhou Shi smiled and said, "Child, you come forward."

Fang Fei respectfully stepped forward, smiling grinlessly, but a little calm as the prince concubine should have.

As soon as the person approached, Zhou and Queen Zhang suddenly smelled a different aroma.

This fragrance was obviously brought from Fang Fei's body.

And this fragrance is particularly chic.

Compared with ordinary incense, it is more fresh.

In fact, this is just a light fragrance, the fragrance is not strong, but for Zhou and Queen Zhang, they feel different.

Emperor Hongzhi was very pleased to see Fang Fei, and he was uplifted and said: "Fang Fei worked hard, and I heard that after Fang Fei gave birth to the dragon and grandchildren, she almost killed her life? , Fang Fei is more than that. You entered the East Palace, kept the woman's path, and gave birth to the Dragon Sun. This is a great achievement ... the contribution is indispensable ... "

He has to go on with it. In fact, the wording has been well thought out. To stay here today to see Princess Fang is to praise him fiercely.

But at this moment, Queen Zhang ruthlessly interrupted the words of Emperor Hongzhi: "What fragrance is this ..."

"..." Emperor Hongzhi looked a little embarrassed.

Isn't ... I'm talking about right things? What smell, what does it have to do with today?

Fang Fei made a courtesy to Emperor Hongzhi, but when Queen Zhang asked about it, she knew that Queen Zhang was an expert in knowing the goods. The woman was outside, and the clothes and jewelry on her body were particularly important to her. If they were asked by others, , Naturally, it is inevitable to ecstasy in extra hearts: "If you return to your mother, this is lavender fragrance."

"Lavender fragrance ..." Queen Zhang chewed these four words secretly, and immediately began to search in her heart. Is there such a fragrance? This fragrance is so fresh, and more importantly, Fang Fei is not far away, and the faint fragrance is as if it is like Fang Fei is a blooming flower.

Emperor Hongzhi smiled and said: "I look at Fang Fei's complexion, and I feel relieved. I ... feel relieved ..."

He wanted to make a round.

Who can expect ...

The Zhou family interrupted him ruthlessly. In fact, the emperor Hongzhi was a boring person. He might be a good grandson, a good husband, maybe ... still a good father, but he was a very boring person. Where does he seem to be? He is all face-to-face, meticulous, and his mind will always be a mandarin, what family is the world, what is my comfort, what is the fat of the people.

Zhou Shidao: "Why is the lavender fragrance so fresh, is it not smoked?"

At this time, most of the palace uses incense, that is, burning the aroma, smoking in the clothes, or burning a certain aroma directly in the house.

Of course, because this fragrance comes out of burning, it will naturally not have a fresh taste. It is close, even a pungent sensation, and it often stays on the clothes for a short time. When a gust of wind passes, it will almost disappear.

Emperor Hongzhi looked a little uncomfortable.

Is this ... interesting?

It was not easy for Fang Fei to recover from a serious illness and gave birth to Longsun again. Finally, he came to ask An Baijian, why do you always say that some are not, is this ... interesting?

Fang Fei was happy, she slightly pulled up a little sleeve, revealing a small piece of wrist, before Zhou's: "Please great-grandmother, please take a look."

Zhou smelt gently and couldn't help but wonder: "Yeah, it's actually coming out of the body. This scent, mourned by the family, is extraordinarily chic, just like you are a newly blooming flower."

"Cough ..." Emperor Hongzhi coughed too much.

Queen Zhang said at this time: "Come, come and see this palace."

"Yes, mother." Fang Fei nodded.

When Queen Zhang heard it, she suddenly swayed: "Sure enough, the emperor's grandmother described it as appropriate. This fragrance is not only interesting, but it seems to last for a long time. Where did this come from ..."

Emperor Hongzhi's face was blue and white for a while, and he found that he had been ruthlessly ignored.

Fang Fei smiled, the face was more radiant, and indeed, the Empress Dowager and the Empress Zhang were people who knew the goods.

She said: "This is made by the concubine's elder brother Fang Jifan. One is called soap, which is used for washing. When you wipe it, it not only keeps the fragrance on your skin, but also refreshes, and there is another, called perfume. But, it ’s much more unavailable, just a little bit, and the fragrance wo n’t disappear for a long time ... "

She chattered about the feeling of using these two things.

Although it is verbose, Zhou and Queen Zhang listened very carefully.

Queen Zhang said: "The boy Fang Jifan really has the ability."

Zhou's nodded.

This ... Emperor Hongzhi didn't quite agree with it ~ ~ This guy, full of support, he tinkered with what this woman did, what is good for the country and the people. This time, it's not good to do something else ...

But he is, after all, a minority. Here, he is speechless.

Zhou Shidao: "That soap and that ... perfume ... is there any?"

"This ..." Concubine Fang looked embarrassed: "The concubine listened to his elder brother, I was afraid that there was not much on hand, and I didn't know where he got it from. I heard that it was extremely precious. It is better to offer the concubine's perfume and soap Give it to your great grandmother. "

Zhou's heart moved, but I heard that Fang Fei wanted to give herself to herself, but there were a few gentlemen who did not take the favor of others. She clearly saw that when Fang Fei said this sentence, Rong Guanghuan's face was radiant. With a little regret, obviously, this is not Fang Fei's stingy, out of ten or nine, this is her good heart.

Queen Zhang said: "Yes, it's your great grandmother."

She agrees with this, but regrets the same.

Fang Fei said: "In fact, the soap is the most interesting. After washing it, there will be a lot of foam. It seems that this foam has soaked into the skin. After rinsing, it is especially dry. This fragrance is just like it has entered the skin. That's why the fragrance doesn't go away for a long time ... "

The more Zhou listened, the more excited he was.

Queen Zhang couldn't help but say: "Compared with soap angle and petals, how?"

When Queen Zhang washes, most of them used bath tubs, and sprinkled their favorite petals.

Of course, this thing ...

Fang Fei bit her lip and said, "I don't know how many times it is stronger. If my mother used it, she would know the difference."


Dear "You have been kicked out of the group" classmates are happy to mention the leader. Here, I am very grateful. This is already the 43rd leader. Suddenly the tiger has a feeling of being raised by BAO. So many bosses are good to open the forest.

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