The Ming Dynasty’s Prodigal Son

Chapter 789: : Crown Prince Zhang Guowei

Fang Jifan ... & 1t; /

Zhu Houzhao's eyes lit up. & 1t; /

This guy, got up so early today. & 1t; /

Zhu Houzhao quickly approached and laughed: "Lao, look at which noble is coming." & 1t; /

"Zhu Guiren." Fang Jifan shouted. & 1t; /

"..." & 1t; /

Why is this name ambiguous? & 1t; /

Sitting on the horse, Zhu Houzhao could n’t help but blush slightly, then turned over and dismounted, and embraced Fang Jifan: “Haha, old man, old man, you are actually thin, do n’t you miss this palace, do n’t hurry, cry. , Cry. "& 1t; /

"Don't cry." Fang Jifan held back, his eyes a little wet. & 1t; /

To be honest, since coming to this world, some people regard themselves as celestial beings, some regard themselves as scumbags, some sympathize with themselves, others contempt oneself, or, loved ones by their loved ones, but no one, really Like Zhu Houzhao and other silly people, getting along with his true equality, there is no contempt, no sympathy in this kind of sentiment, and it is complete, just seeing each other as friends, that's all. & 1t; /

But this is just such a precious thing. & 1t; /

The two worlds are human, and the loneliness that is incompatible with the world is so inspiring, so that Fang Jifan has become bad, full of disguise, and in his mind, all kinds of thoughts and ideas that are completely different from this world are only You can communicate with such stupid people as Zhu Houzhao, and ... the other party actually believed, not only did they believe, but did not think it was a big deal. & 1t; /

Such a fool can't find a lantern. & 1t; /

Now, he is back and still alive. & 1t; /

Fang Jifan suddenly had a kind of luck. & 1t; /

Zhu Houzhao couldn't help but cross his hands: "If you don't cry, what are you doing recently?" & 1t; /

Fang Jifan said: "In Datong." & 1t; /

Zhu Houzhao said with a smile: "Datong? What does Datong do? Isn't it Mori Bianzhen, afraid of it? Do you think that Tatars have blue-faced fangs and are ugly?" & 1t; /

Fang Jifan shook his head: "Not afraid." & 1t; /

Zhu Houzhao hooked Fang Jifan's shoulder, and there was a feeling that Lao Tzu had pulled the grade with you: "When you look at you, you are always scared to death, but you still talk hard." & 1t; /

Fang Jifan said: "Where, I'm really not afraid, just stop by and wipe out tens of thousands of tatars. Although they are ugly, they are also raised by fathers and mothers. They have noses and eyes. Why do they say they have blue-faced fangs?" & 1t; /

"What?" Zhu Houzhao was a little embarrassed. & 1t; /

Tens of thousands of tatars ... & 1t; /

Extinguished ... & 1t; /

And this guy came back earlier than himself. & 1t; /

Zhu Houzhao suddenly thought that the northward army horse brought by Tatar Khan was all connected together, all of a sudden, he understood. & 1t; /

Fang Jifan rushed and said: "His Royal Highness, how about this time in the desert?" & 1t; /

"..." Zhu Hou Zhao said: "I don't want to care about you, I want to see the father emperor." & 1t; /

Zhu Houzhao didn't ride a horse, the Forbidden City was right in front of him. He walked swiftly. Fang Jifan felt that something was awkward and wanted to say something. Looking back, he saw Liu Jin rolling. Liu Jin stepped forward hesitantly: "Grandpa ..." & 1t; /

Fang Jifan hardly recognizes him: "Your last name ..." & 1t; /

"Liu Jin, my Liu Jin ..." Liu Jin was about to cry. & 1t; /

Fang Jifan sighed in the sky: "The water and soil of the desert, where to raise people." & 1t; /

………… & 1t; /

Emperor Hongzhi hurried to the Meridian Gate, and he saw a man in ragged clothes and old sheepskin coats hurriedly coming. & 1t; /

Seeing this man, the emperor Hongzhi stopped, and the hundred officials and eunuchs behind him also stopped one after another, and people looked forward desperately. & 1t; /

I saw Zhu Houzhao walked in one step. & 1t; /

Maybe he suffered some minor injuries, walked, and some lame, when the emperor Hongzhi finally recognized that this person, who was almost like Huazi, was his own son, he felt a little choked, this ... how much has he suffered Suffering, how much danger has been encountered. & 1t; /

[31 Novel Network] & 1t; /

"Children, have seen the father emperor!" Zhu Houzhao bowed down, sounded like Ruohong Zhong, full of spirit. & 1t; /

"Come here!" Emperor Hongzhi's face twitched. & 1t; /

In fact, he was indeed touched by Fang Jifan's words, and he naturally knew that this son had his ambitions. & 1t; /

But ... can this guy have another adventure like this? & 1t; /

Let ’s see what he is like now, to see what he is like now. & 1t; /

If you don't beat it, you don't know how much blood, how much sweat, how much loss you eat. & 1t; /

Emperor Hongzhi's face pulled down: "Take me a whip! I want to see, this kid, how dare you make it again, you look at you, what it looks like, you want to mad at me!" & 1t; /

The eunuchs hesitated, and no one dared to fetch it, joking, this was to death. & 1t; /

Emperor Hongzhi naturally knew that this was just intimidation, so that this kid would be clever for a few days so as not to be mad at him. & 1t; /

Liu Jian and others, looking at Zhu Houzhao, also showed weird expressions one by one. They had a kind of luck in their hearts. Fortunately for the children who were waiting for the house to shed their tiles, fortunately they did not have their own. & 1t; /

Some people even thought to myself that although my son has no good intentions, my son only puts fat on his face and puts on women's clothes, but at least he doesn't die. & 1t; /

All of a sudden, my heart was at ease. & 1t; /

Zhu Houzhao Zhenzhen said: "Children want to ask why the father emperor punishes children." & 1t; /

"You dare to say that!" Emperor Hongzhi wanted to step forward and helped Zhu Houzhao up. It was a good thing that father and son met each other. He wanted to take Zhu Houzhao's hand and take him back to his home. Just like the father and son of ordinary people, the past things don't matter. & 1t; /

But Zhu Houzhao always seemed to add fuel to the fire when Emperor Hongzhi's heart softened. & 1t; /

Zhu Hou Zhao said: "The father emperor ordered his sons to Lanzhou to fight against the Tatars, is this the father emperor's will?" & 1t; /

"..." Emperor Hongzhi stretched his face. & 1t; /

Zhu Hou Zhao said: "Children arrived in Lanzhou, but there were no Tatars in Lanzhou. The children were thinking that they would not succeed. The purpose of the father emperor to children was to fight against the Tatars. Thief, is there something wrong? "& 1t; /

"Striking the thief?" Emperor Hongzhi trembles: "You said, where have you hit the thief?" & 1t; /

"Desert. Isn't the Tatars in the desert? Of course, it was the desert." Zhu Houzhao continued to speak hard, and then gave the emperor Hongzhi a 'Father emperor, are you swollen, are you also brain ill' expression? . & 1t; /

Emperor Hongzhi took a breath. & 1t; /

The officials looked sympathetically at Emperor Hongzhi. & 1t; /

Noisy ... It's really noisy, I can't stand it anymore. & 1t; /

Emperor Hongzhi sneered: "When will I get you, go to Datong." & 1t; /

"This is no stranger." Zhu Hou Zhao said: "It's only strange that these Tatars are like native chickens and dogs. The children and soldiers entered the desert with the soldiers, as if they were in a no-man's land, these **** Tatars There was no use for it, no parry, the son-in-law had destroyed a tribe, and he could n’t help but look forward again, and they ran into it again. They were like, they always like to sway in front of the son-in-law, very It ’s annoying. Father, you said that there were Tatars in front of the children, children and soldiers, how could they be right without breaking them? For so many years, the military and civilians who were attacked by the Tatars? "& 1t; /

"..." & 1t; /

Tatars ... like native chickens and dogs ......... & 1t; /

I am afraid that even the most crazy people in this world will not dare to say this. & 1t; /

Emperor Hongzhi was a little confused: "What? You just said ..." & 1t; /

Zhu Houzhao said in a straight voice: "Children are in the desert, rushing thousands of miles all the way, destroying more than sixty Tatar tribes, slashing 7,800 people, killing their cattle and sheep, hundreds of thousands of people, burning their grain and winter There are countless horse feeds. The sons and daughters were ordered to attack Tatar. Today, they are not humiliating, but they do not insult the name of Emperor Taizu Gao, and they are here today! "& 1t; /

"..." & 1t; /

This time. & 1t; /

All the inside and outside of the Meridian, all uproar. & 1t; /

Daming actually had an iron ride, and he really went deep into the desert land, attacking the clan to pull the village, more than 1,000 people, chopping nearly 8,000, and also killed so many cattle and sheep, burned so much food ... & 1t; /

Ruthless, really ruthless. & 1t; /

This ... I am afraid that only in the Hanshu, the champion Hou, will have this merit. & 1t; /

But the vast majority of people looked at Zhu Houzhao. Although it was shocking, but immediately, it was a little unbelievable. & 1t; /

After all, this stuff is too mysterious. & 1t; /

Emperor Hongzhi was also surprised that his chin would fall off, and he couldn't help saying: "Is it?" & 1t; /

"Exactly!" Zhu Hou Zhao said: "The children's servant Namen Zhang Yuanxi's head guarantee, if there is a false statement, then Zhang Yuanxi nine people!" & 1t; /

Fang Jifan stood behind Zhu Houzhao, feeling with emotion, this is a bit familiar ... Prince's study is broken. & 1t; /

After Zhang Sheng stood at Liu Jianjian, his heart was still sympathetic to his majesty. The prince was really ... too much toss, but I heard it, and suddenly his heart rate began to rise sharply, like a liver, shaking his body, what ... what ... … & 1t; /

Zhu Houzhao said immediately: "If the Father and Emperor did not believe, the ranks and ears of these Tatars were brought by the children and ministers, and they were behind. Among them, the rank was 172, and the ears were more than 7,300. In the desert. , Ran for days ~ ~ and there are too many levels, which are inconvenient. Therefore, only the Tatar is expensive, and the children are brought back to his level. As for ordinary Tatars, they just cut off an ear to This merit has been counted by 172 people from the young prince, Por Batumenko, to the so-called princes, princes, princes, princes, and even tens of thousands of households. Among them, none of them are old and weak, women and children ... the father and the emperor do not believe it, they will know it at a glance! "& 1t; /

"..." & 1t; /

The little prince, the boy, only Batumengke ... & 1t; /

That Ma Wensheng couldn't help but say: "His Royal Highness, also included the boy's jin · batumengke?" & 1t; /

Zhu Hou Zhao said: "Naturally it is him, he is the Tatar Khan, and he infringed my borders on Daming several times, it was him. This person is a traitor, but it is really a big trouble for me. Today, the son of the court brought his head, Dedicated to the father and emperor, in this way, I show my great power! "& 1t; /

Suddenly, everyone seemed to explode. & 1t; /

is it possible? & 1t; /

It doesn't seem to be fake. & 1t; /

After all, the prince claimed to bring back the class. & 1t; /

But since it is not fake, then, this little prince, Fu Zhu, is it true? & 1t; /

It's terrible, in the desert, taking the Tatar Khan class, running for thousands of miles, this ... is simply unimaginable. & 1t; /

Fang Jifan was shocked immediately behind Zhu Hou Zhao. In fact, this ... Even Fang Jifan didn't dare to think about it. It's too exaggerated. Xiao Zhu, have you taken the gunpowder? & 1t; /

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