113: Merchants of the Western Regions: A trip to Hanzhong, and the result is that he became a citizen of Daming?

Zhu Li was chatting with Zhu Yuanzhang here, but Geng Qing hurriedly ran over.

"Your Highness, this is a war report sent by the Western Regions!"

Geng Qing didn't say nonsense, and directly handed the battle report sent by Qin Wu to Zhu Li.

"Quick, take a look!"

Zhu Li's side did not react, but Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly stood up and said with an eager face.

The old man's side has been waiting for the news from the Western Regions to come back, and he wants to know how the war situation is on the Western Regions side!

Zhu Li's eyes signaled, and Geng Qing directly handed the war report to Zhu Yuanzhang.

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't care, and directly took the war report and hurriedly checked it.

"Good! Okay!"

"As soon as he arrived in the Western Regions, he annihilated more than 10,000 enemies, so that the 30,000 Western Regions army lost their armor and abandoned their armor, and they panicked!

After reading Qin Wu's report, Zhu Yuanzhang laughed even more happily.

Zhu Li's face did not have a look of surprise.

Since there are war reports coming back from the Western Regions, it must be all good news, with the ability of Qin Wu and Yang Hui, coupled with the strong combat effectiveness and discipline of the Hanzhong Army, if he can eat defeat in the Western Regions, then he can buy a piece of tofu to crash!

"This is just the beginning, such good news will definitely come back from the Western Regions in a steady stream, and when the army captures the royal capital of Eastern Chagatai, it will not be too late for the father to be happy!"

Zhu Li smiled and nodded.

"Let's ask ourselves that so many great generals in the imperial court who can fight good battles can't do the Hanzhong army like this, and they can achieve such a big victory with 20,000 people!"

"But Qin Wu, this kid is really ruthless!"

"The royal family of Eastern Chagatai sent someone over for peace talks, and he simply slaughtered this messenger of peace talks before the battle!"

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but sigh.

Zhu Li didn't know about this, but the expression on his face didn't change much!

This was something that Qin Wu could do, after all, he was very familiar with the generals under his command, including their respective personalities.

Qin Wu treated the people of Daming very well, but for the people of Fanbang, it was a different matter!

Those Fanbang caravans and rich businessmen who came to Hanzhong Mansion to do business, but anyone who dared to do evil in Hanzhong Mansion, commit adultery and the like, fell into Qin Wu's hands, this kid can beat out all the of those guys!

Not to mention on the battlefield, Geng Qing and 06 Yang Hui may still come according to the rules, but in Qin Wu's hands, it is really a prisoner who will not exist!

To start a war means not to accept a prisoner of war, even if you lay down your weapons and surrender, you will not be able to save your life!

"This is just the beginning, the combat strength of the Hanzhong Army is still a little worse, it seems that we must hurry up and develop a batch of firearms and equipment!"

Zhu Li said slowly.

Zhu Yuanzhang: "..."

As far as the Hanzhong army is concerned, this combat strength is actually worse?

What did that make those generals of the imperial army embarrassed?

All the imperial army can only be considered garbage?

"And what are you talking about firearms?"

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but ask curiously.

When he deduced Zhu Di's life, he didn't see anything more eye-catching about firearms!

[The host does not need to be strange, the system said before, there is a existence of the system, which cannot be deduced in the dream, so if King Zhu Li of Han really has the system, then his dream can only be used as a reference! ]

[Especially for technologies that do not currently exist, such as firearms equipment, this system is even more impossible to deduce!]

At this moment, the voice of the national transport system sounded in Zhu Yuanzhang's mind.

"Then when you collect the national fortune value, do you also have to give us a discount?"

"You're not allowed to do this!"

Zhu Yuanzhang snorted coldly.

[The host wants to fart and eat, it is impossible to discount it, it is impossible in this life! If you want to deduce the dream life of King Zhu Li of Han, there is no less national fortune value! ]

[This system can deduce the life of King Zhu Li of Han is not easy, the host's requirements are not too high, beware of this system strikes! ]

The national transport system warned unceremoniously.

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes immediately widened!

Good fellow, this dog actually dares to threaten himself!

If you don't agree with a word, you will go on strike, so what is it?

"Father, what's wrong with you?"

"The firearms mentioned by the children are similar to the firearms equipment similar to the Great Open Flame Bolt and the Hongwu Cannon!"

Zhu Li looked at the corners of Zhu Yuanzhang's constantly twitching mouth, and asked with some surprise.

Only then did Zhu Yuanzhang realize that he had gaffed and hurriedly waved his hand.

"Nothing. We naturally know the fire bolt and the cannon, and we have also seen the power. "

"To be honest, the fire bolt is not as good as the bow and arrow, and the movement of the Hongwu cannon is quite large, but the role that can be played on the battlefield is still too small, and this thing is extremely difficult to transport, and the soldiers defending the city are too difficult to use it!"

Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head a little helplessly.

In Zhu Yuanzhang's opinion, the fire bolt and the Hongwu cannon are really a bit chicken, so in terms of military weapons, Zhu Yuanzhang still focuses more on bows and arrows and some large catapulting instruments!

Of course, the firearms court was also studying, but the progress was slow, and Zhu Yuanzhang did not put his mind on this.

"Father and Emperor don't know something, the power and range of the firearms made by the sons and daughters are much more powerful than the existing fire bolts and Hongwu cannons!"

Zhu Li explained with a confident look.

"Oh, how powerful can it be?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was somewhat skeptical, but he believed that since Zhu Li said so, it should not be untargeted!

"In fact, the children's firearms research group has also been designing a firearm called a flintlock gun in the past two or three years, and there is also a firearm called the tiger squat cannon!"

Zhu Li explained with a smile.

Not to mention the flintlock gun, it is definitely more powerful than the fire hammer I don't know how many times.

That tiger squat cannon was invented in the original history of the middle and late Ming Dynasty, but the tiger squat cannon mentioned in Zhu Li's mouth is almost the same as the modern mortar in later generations!

The historical tiger squat cannon, which appeared during the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, can only be said to be the earliest prototype of mortar!

The flintlock gun was also invented in the middle of the sixteenth century, and it was only invented in the middle and late Ming Dynasty!

However, at that time, the Ming Dynasty did not have such technology, and even the Qi family army under the famous anti-Japanese general Qi Jiguang used firearms that were invincible general cannons, Fran machines and bird bolts!

"These two firearms are currently in the experimental stage, in fact, building such firearms is not the most difficult, the point is to prepare the gunpowder required for these two firearms!"

"Daming's black powder, the power is still too small. The experimental team under Erchen has recently been studying a yellow powder, which is several times more powerful than black powder!"

"The son-in-law is preparing to experiment with the power of the flintlock gun and tiger squat cannon that has just been developed, if the father is interested, why not go and see it together?"

Zhu Li couldn't tell Zhu Yuanzhang what specific power it was, after all, no matter how crazy it was, it was not as convincing as what he saw with his own eyes!

This is called seeing is believing, hearing is nothing!

"Well, we'll definitely have to go and see with you!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, his eyes immediately lit up.

Soon, the news of the initial victory in the Western Regions spread throughout the Hanzhong Mansion, and the common people heard it, and they were even more rejoicing.

However, those Fanbang caravans in Hanzhong couldn't be happy!

Especially those merchants from the Western Regions who were in the Turpan region were directly dumbfounded after hearing that the Hanzhong army had captured the Turpan region!


I just came to Hanzhong Mansion to do business, and as a result, my home is gone?

And more merchants from the Western Regions are worried about whether the Hanzhong army will attack their hometown next, after all, their relatives and friends are all there!

Once there is a war, it is the common people who suffer!

They worry about their family and friends, and that's human!

"Okay, don't cry your face, His Royal Highness King Han said, as long as the Western Regions tribe can return to Daming, you can get away with it!"

"And in the future, you will all be considered our Daming's subjects!"

"That's it, this is His Royal Highness King Han's kindness, it's simply cheap for you!"

"..."(Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

These merchants in Hanzhong Mansion, looking at these soulless merchants of the Western Regions, will persuade or admonish with all their tongues!

When these Fanbang businessmen heard this, their eyes showed brilliance again!

At the instigation of this group of merchants in Hanzhong, these merchants in the Western Regions or people in the caravan are also trying to find ways to contact their relatives and friends, so that they must not resist the Hanzhong army, and simply surrender directly!

How the development of Hanzhong is, these merchants and caravans of the Western Regions who came to Hanzhong to do business could not be clearer!

If they are allowed to choose, then they would rather be the common people of Daming!

If you really think so, this is still an opportunity for them, even a good thing!

Soon, the reactions of these merchants in the Western Regions in the city also reached the ears of Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Li's father and son.

When they heard Geng Qing's report, the father and son looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

What a bonus!

It's still these people in Hanzhong Mansion!

Even these merchants and caravans from the Western Regions were fooled by them!

"Father Emperor, Ninth Brother!"

King Zhu Hui of Jin also hurriedly found Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Li at this time.

He had also stayed in Hanzhong Mansion for several days, and it was time to leave and return to Taiyuan Mansion, and he took Chen Gong and them specially came to say goodbye and prepare to go back!

In the past few days, the relationship between Zhu Li and the Zhu Li brothers can be said to have completely changed, and Zhu Hui admired Zhu Li even more.

Zhu Li has also been teaching Zhu Hui how to govern the fiefdom in the past few days, and a series of cooperation has been reached between the two sides.

Zhu Hui can't wait to return to Taiyuan Mansion now, and hurry up to implement all the cooperation agreed with Zhu Li!

"Old San, I have learned a lot with Lao Jiu these days, right?"

"Ready to go back?"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Huo's current mental state and felt very satisfied.

It turned out that he was still worried about Zhu Huan's physical problems, whether there were still hidden diseases or something, this time Zhu Hui came to Hanzhong Mansion, and just let Lao Jiu condition him, and also gave him a lot of pills that can strengthen his body!

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang no longer has to worry about Zhu Huan's physical problems!

"That's right, the son-in-law came specifically to bid farewell to the father and the ninth brother!"

"The child minister will return to Taiyuan Mansion first, and implement all the cooperation matters discussed with the ninth brother, and when the side is stable, the child minister will come back when he has time!"

Zhu Hui nodded.

"It's okay, anyway, it's more convenient for you to come over, wait for the end of the year, if there is nothing to do, you can also bring the children to Hanzhong for the New Year!"

"Let's respond to the day, it is estimated that it will also be next year!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded in satisfaction and said.

"The children obey the order, but if the children come, I am afraid that the other clan kings and brothers will not be able to resist coming to Hanzhong!"

Zhu Hui naturally wished to celebrate the New Year with the old man.

"If you are willing to come, then they will all come, and then we will let your eldest brother come to Hanzhong!"

"It's not bad to spend a reunion year in Hanzhong Mansion this year!"

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed.

Isn't that what he wants!

Zhu Li then personally sent Zhu Hui outside Hanzhong City, and Zhu Yuanzhang, who was the emperor's son, was only sent to the gate of the palace.

"Third brother, remember our agreement. If you encounter any trouble, you can always send someone to send a letter!"

Before parting, Zhu Li finally instructed Zhu Li.

"Don't worry, Ninth Brother, your third brother has written it down, and when things are busy over there in Taiyuan, we will bring your sister-in-law and nephews over to celebrate the New Year with you!"

Zhu Hui laughed, and then got into a luxurious carriage under Zhu Li's gaze.

This luxurious carriage was specially given to him by Zhu Li, and it should be a meeting gift for Zhu Li, the third brother!

In addition to the luxurious carriage, Zhu Hui also brought back a lot of Hanzhong specialties, and all 270 were given by Zhu Li.

Just Zhu Li's rich strength made Zhu Li envious.

This is the confidence of having money!


Three days later, in the test site outside Hanzhong City.

Not long after the sun rose, Zhu Li and Zhu Yuanzhang appeared at the firearms experiment site early in the morning!

He promised to bring Zhu Yuanzhang to experiment with firearms before, and Zhu Li naturally would not break his word!

Mainly in this regard, the old man is like a child, listening to the wind is rain, almost every day will ask about the progress, Zhu Li can't think of bringing him here!

"This is what you call a flintlock gun?"

"How is this thing used?"

"Is this paper stuff ammunition?"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the flintlock gun in front of him and the special bullets he was equipped with, and asked with a curious face.

Zhu Li patiently explained the introduction to Zhu Yuanzhang on the side.

Fixed-loading paper-shell bullets load the quantitative gunpowder and projectile into a waterproof paper cartridge.

Zhu Li directly started to demonstrate it to Zhu Yuanzhang.

"The range of this flintlock gun can reach about five hundred steps, and it is even more lethal within two hundred steps!

Before Zhu Li prepared to launch, he also introduced a series of data about this flintlock gun to Zhu Yuanzhang.

The range of the flintlock gun is about two hundred meters, and the accurate and effective range is one hundred meters, which is at least twice as high as that of the fire gun!

The effective range of Daming's fire bolt is only between 20-50 meters, and there is no accurate head, whether it can hit people is completely blinded by luck and the number of bullets!

And the flintlock gun, whether in terms of range or shooting accuracy, is more than one level higher than the fire pistol!

And the process of loading ammunition is much more convenient and faster than that of fire bolts.

As soon as the words fell, Zhu Li directly aimed at a target a hundred meters away and pulled the trigger.

More than two hundred steps away, accurately hit the target, and directly shot the wooden target directly out of a big hole!

"This... That's more than two hundred steps, right? The quasi-head is actually so high, and the power is so great?"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the target taken back by the soldiers, and the wooden board that was about an inch thick was directly shot through by the bullet, and his face was full of shock!

It is a pity that Zhu Yuanzhang is old, and his eyes are not very good, and he himself really can't grasp such a high-precision shooting.

Otherwise, Zhu Yuanzhang would have wanted to take two shots in person!

But as an emperor, if he failed to hit the target, wouldn't it be a big shame?

"Father, why don't you go directly to test the Tiger Squat Cannon?"

"It's ready over there, Father Emperor only needs to fire it directly!"

Zhu Li naturally also saw Zhu Yuanzhang's thoughts, although the old man's eyes were not good, but he had to let him have a sense of participation! ! .

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