115: Zhu Yuanzhang: Lao Jiu, we also have a system on us!

In fact, for Zhu Yuanzhang's idea of establishing the Imperial Guard Academy, Zhu Li also supported it, but the imperial court wanted to do it itself, which was obviously unrealistic.

At most, it is very good to work hard in this aspect of Wuke, and it is very good to train a group of officers!

Other technical talents, then don't think about it.

"Can you also get some of your teaching materials here?"

"We're not talking about those ordinary textbooks in the academy, it's the liberal arts textbooks of your Wang Wei College!"

Zhu Yuanzhang also emphasized the teaching materials he needed.


Zhu Li simply shook his head directly.

Zhu Yuanzhang was directly stunned on the spot!

Is it so simple to refuse?

This stinky boy really doesn't give face at all!

"Are you still guarding against us?"

Zhu Yuanzhang asked subconsciously.

"How can the children guard against you, who do you think you can give these teaching materials to?"

"And how important these teaching materials are, you don't need to be reminded by children!"

"Instead of asking for teaching materials from your children, you should choose a group of trustworthy and worthy of training, let them come to Hanzhong, and your children will recruit people to train these teachers first!"

"After all, this requires a process, and it is impossible to give them the teaching materials, just expect them to be self-taught, right?"

Zhu Li slowly shook his head and explained.

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he nodded with deep understanding.

Indeed, such an important textbook can't be casually pretended to others, and he Zhu Yuanzhang doesn't understand it, is it possible to directly send the textbook to let them learn it themselves?

Even if you can learn it, it will probably be a long time!

It's better to find reliable people directly to Hanzhong, let Lao Jiu teach here, and then return to the Imperial Guard Academy to teach!

"Well, just do what you want!"

Zhu Yuanzhang finally agreed to Zhu Li's method, he really couldn't handle the matter of teaching materials, he could only rely on Lao Jiu's side to teach a group of people first!

On the same day, Zhu Yuanzhang sent a letter directly to Zhu Biao, saying that he wanted to establish the Imperial Guard Academy.

Originally, Zhu Yuanzhang wanted Zhu Biao to select a group of talents from the imperial court and study here in Hanzhong, but Zhu Li directly vetoed it.

In fact, this kind of talent, Zhu Li's side is also continuing to cultivate, and it is necessary to expand the scale a little more, there is no need to get people from Ying Tianfu's side!

And Zhu Li can't trust the people who come over from Ying Tianfu, and there is no one here in the northwest!

Just as Zhu Yuanzhang sent someone to send the letter to Yingtianfu, a letter from Beiping also arrived in Hanzhong Mansion.

It was the twist and turn of the Yan King Zhu Di's request for the Northern Expedition.

A total of two copies were written, one sent to Hanzhong to Zhu Yuanzhang, and the other was sent to Yingtianfu to Zhu Biao's 717!


Ying Tianfu, the imperial palace in the great interior.

Zhu Biao was in the imperial study room, looking at the folded zi that Zhu Di had just sent, with a wry smile on his face!

Good fellow, Lao Jiu on the northwest side went to fight the Western Regions, and the fourth Lao Jiu directly asked for an order, saying that he wanted to attack Mobei!

And like Lao Jiu, you don't need the imperial court to pay a penny!

Zhu Biao thought about it and gave his opinion directly.

He agreed to Zhu Di's request for a northern expedition, but the final result had to wait for the old man's reply.

After all, the Northern Expedition is not a trivial matter, and he, the prince of the prison country, also has to be cautious, depending on the final will of the old man!

However, Zhu Biao's reaction to Zhu Di was also relieved!

The news of moving the capital to Beiping was released, which was a temptation for the fourth old, and Zhu Biao naturally knew it!

Fortunately, Zhu Di made a wise reaction this time and directly directed his attention to the land outside the Daming Domain!

For the matter of moving the capital to Beiping, Zhu Di did not mention a word in the fold, which can be regarded as an attitude!

If the imperial court really wants to move the capital to Beiping Mansion, he Yan King Zhu Di will not have any opinions, let him move the domain, then move the domain!

If Zhu Di is entangled in this matter, or raises objections, or even has to make trouble, that is what Zhu Biao does not want to see!

At the same time, Zhu Yuanzhang, who was in the Han King Mansion, also looked at the twists and turns that Zhu Di sent from Beiping Mansion.

"I really let you guess, this kid of the fourth man directly asked for the Northern Expedition!"

After reading the content of the fold, Zhu Yuanzhang nodded with satisfaction and smiled.

"Whether the fourth brother can think of the child chen is really not certain, but Yao Guangxiao will definitely give him the most correct choice!

Zhu Li on the side nodded and said as a matter of course.

"You kid really has no strategy!"

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly laughed, obviously in a very good mood.

"Then can the Father Emperor agree to let the fourth brother go on the Northern Expedition?"

Zhu Li asked with a smile.

"The fourth man himself asked for the Northern Expedition, and he didn't need the imperial court to spend silver, such a good thing, we have no reason to refuse!"

"The question we are considering now is, can the fourth elder take Monan in one fell swoop?"

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly changed his tone.

You must know that even after Zhu Di became the Yongle Emperor, he also made five expeditions to Mobei!

Although they all won the battle, they did not fundamentally eliminate the tartars, at best, weakened the strength of the tartars!

In addition, the steppe tartar is good at guerrilla raids, how difficult is it to completely annihilate?

"Then let the four fight first, and when the matter on this side of the Western Regions is settled, the Hanzhong army can also go north at any time!"

Zhu Li said with a smile.

He really didn't expect Zhu Di to be able to wipe out Mobei directly!

And he didn't think that Zhu Di could see the barren land of Mobei, he wanted to attack Mobei just to show his attitude, and it was probably difficult to really occupy it!

"Then do you think, if you want to reseal the old fourth, where is the most suitable?"

Zhu Yuanzhang asked again at this time.

"Then it depends on the fourth brother's own meaning!"

"If you let the children give him a choice, letting him guard Mobei is undoubtedly the best choice!"

"I'm afraid that the four of them will not be happy!"

Zhu Li explained noncommittally.

Hearing this, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but fall silent.

In fact, what Zhu Yuanzhang was thinking about was that after he defeated North Korea in the future, he would arrange for the fourth Zhu Di to go directly to North Korea!

In fact, Zhu Yuanzhang has long seen that North Korea is not favorable, although it has not been long since Goryeo destroyed the country, and the name of North Korea was personally set for them by Zhu Yuanzhang, but Zhu Yuanzhang knows that North Korea is secretly colluding with the remnants of the Northern Yuan, and secretly eyebrows are going back and forth!

Moreover, in recent years, North Korea has been increasing its troops in the direction of eastern Liaoning, and has sent people to attack the Jurchen Ministry several times, aiming at the Tielingwei area, which is to test the reaction of the Ming Dynasty!

If the Ming Dynasty intervened, they said that it was just a grudge between them and the Jurchens, and did not mean to provoke the Daming.

If Daming didn't care, then they were naturally ready to take Tielingwei with the trend!

North Korea's small calculation, Zhu Yuanzhang also knows it!

He also remembered that during the Tiandao year, Korea and Dongying were also defeated by Daming, which means that sooner or later there will be a war!

"So what do you think of North Korea?"

Zhu Yuanzhang asked his thoughts.

"If you are in Joseon, the son of the son thinks that the seventeenth brother Ning King Zhu Quan is more suitable!"

"Speaking of which, the seventeenth brother should be in the Great Ning Mansion next year, right?"

"He also has Duoyan Sanwei under him, controlling the Jurchen departments, if North Korea fights down, let the seventeenth brother take over directly!"

"If you want to find another fiefdom for four other than Mobei, it is more appropriate to go southwest!"

"After Mobei is pacified, you can also let the fourth brother directly marshal troops go south to attack Jiaotoe and other places, and you can also directly give him the land over there as a fief!"

Zhu Li slowly shook his head and expressed his opinion.

A place like North Korea is definitely not suitable for Zhu Di!

Because Zhu Di is an idle and ambitious lord, where can the slap-sized land of North Korea expand after it is beaten?

To the southwest it's different!

After the Jiaotoe region is won, it can continue to expand westward, the entire Southeast Asian region, depending on whether he Zhu Di has the ability to fight all down, it is estimated that by then he will not have much energy to think about other things! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he couldn't help but fall silent.

Although he felt that the conditions in the southwest might be more difficult than in the north, he also knew that what Zhu Li said was the most suitable method!

After all, letting Yan King Zhu Di defend North Korea is like killing with a cow knife, and it is estimated that the fourth man himself will not be willing!

Just send another clan king to garrison in Korea, and it can also be held, and the fourth is still suitable for areas that can continue to expand outward!

The southwest side is really the most suitable!

After all, there are already Lao Jiu in the northwest!

Moreover, Zhu Yuanzhang also knew that Mobei, North Korea, and Dongying were all targets in Lao Jiu's plan, and he couldn't fake it at all!

Just like Lao Jiu just said, if Zhu Di wants to fight, let him fight first, he can't fight anyway!

If you want to defeat Mobei, you still want him Zhu Li to do it himself!

The same goes for North Korea and Dongying!

Zhu Yuanzhang even felt that Lao Jiu had his own obsession with North Korea or Dongying, and he belonged to the kind that had to be destroyed!

"That's it, let's talk about it later!"

"Just let the fourth man go to the north to toss around, and when he finds that he can't do it, he can probably recognize the gap with you!"

Zhu Yuanzhang pondered for a moment before slowly nodding and saying.

It seems that it is also a way to let Zhu Di himself understand the difficulty and retreat!

If he is not allowed to try, he will always be unwilling!

In this way, Zhu Yuanzhang sent a letter to both Ying Tianfu and Beiping Fu, which was a reply to the approval of Zhu Di the King of Yan requesting the Northern Expedition.

Anyway, there is no need for the imperial court to pay for it, and even if the Manchu dynasty Wen Wu has any opinions, there is no position to stand up and oppose it!

The next day, after eating the rebellion early in the morning, Zhu Yuanzhang followed Zhu Li to Dingjun Mountain.

The main reason was that Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to see the construction progress of the Dragon Emperor's Tower.

The craftsmen and appropriations from the imperial court have already arrived in Hanzhong, and the scale of construction is much larger than before.

"Old Nine!"

"These technical means of yours, as well as those strange things in the palace, should all be the things of the afterlife, right?"

After Zhu Yuanzhang inspected the construction site of the Dragon Emperor's Tower, he directly asked Zhu Li nonchalantly.

"Why did Father say this?"

Zhu Li was stunned when he heard this, he didn't expect that Zhu Yuanzhang would actually know this!

Could it be that the old man dreamed of it in a dream?

That's not right either!

Even if his dream really has such a god, it is impossible to directly dream of what modern society in the later life, right?

"Although we don't understand that, we are not stupid!"

"You can calculate the situation in the small countries of the West hundreds of years later, and we can imagine it when we think about it!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was somewhat distracted.

In fact, this is all told to him by the national transport system!

In this way, at least he can still hang on this face!

When Zhu Li heard this, he couldn't help but have a headache.

This is no different from the old man directly asking him how those things and technologies came from!

The old man had asked several times before explicitly or covertly, and he had also prevaricated, but he didn't expect that the old man was still not dead!

Do you really want to tell him that there is a system in him?

Even if he says it, can the old man believe it?

After all, such a system exists, for people in this era, it is absolutely an incomprehensible concept!

"You smelly boy, you must be thinking about how to perfunctory us, right?"

"We can all see everything about you from dreams, what else do you think we don't know?"

Zhu Yuanzhang pretended to look like I actually knew it for a long time, and reminded Zhu Li with a smile.

Zhu Li's expression instantly became strange.

Could it be that the old man already knows that there is something systematic about him?

"Okay, we won't go around the corner with you, you don't have to bother with us, we actually know your suffering!"

"Isn't it just that you have a system on you, and all these things and the technology, including the seeds of potatoes, corn, and rubber trees, all come from that system, right?"

Zhu Yuanzhang really couldn't bear it, and simply went straight to Zhu Li for a showdown!

And after listening to Zhu Yuanzhang's words, Zhu Li was directly stunned in place, and the expression on his face was more stunned!

Although he had just thought of this result, how could he have a sense of violation when it really came out of the old man's mouth?

The old man actually knew that there was a systematic thing in him!

It's incredible how to think about it!

"Stinky boy, dumbfounded, right?"

"You think that if you directly say something about the system, we must not believe you, right?"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Li's stunned face, but his heart was dark, and he suddenly had a refreshing feeling!

Mainly because of this time, between their father and son, it is more that he Zhu Yuanzhang is always in a state of shock or shock.

This time, it was hard to make Lao Jiu also stunned once, and it can be regarded as a little more psychologically balanced!

"Father, did you really see it because of your dreams?"

Zhu Li couldn't figure it out anyway.

The main thing is that he doesn't believe Zhu Yuanzhang's statement that he can see other people's future lives in his dreams, but he can't think of a reason, so he has never questioned it in person!

But whether you believe it or not is another matter!

"We didn't lie to you about this!"

"But we did hide something from you!"

"Lao Jiu, in fact, we also have a system on us!"

Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head proudly and said.

Hearing this, Zhu Li's eyes suddenly widened!

This result was indeed something he did not expect!

As a traverser, he Han King Zhu Li has a system on him, and that seems to be a matter of course!

But what the hell is there actually a system on the old man?

Could it be that this Hongwu Emperor in front of him is also a traverser who has crossed from the afterlife?

"Our system is called the national transport system, which can get the national transport value of check-in every day, and then use these national transport values to deduce the life of everyone..."

Zhu Yuanzhang roughly explained the causes and consequences of his getting the national transport system, including the role of the national transport system.

Zhu Li was even more amazed when he heard it!

"Before Ying Tianfu fell a golden light, the father emperor fell into a coma because of this, the children also heard about it, but they definitely didn't expect such a result!"

Zhu Li smiled bitterly and shook his head.

No wonder the old man suddenly changed his attitude towards him, believing that the elixir he refined could save his eldest brother Zhu Biao!

Before he was still wondering, how could the old man's dreams still have the ability to predict the future, if this is based on the ability of the system, then everything can be explained!

"There are so many things you kid can't think of!"

"Now you can always tell us what's going on with that system on you, right?"

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled proudly, and then asked with curiosity on his face.

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