120: National Transportation System: Later generations recognize that you Zhu Yuanzhang is a shoehorn face!

In fact, there is no need to explain too much, Zhu Li in front of Zhu Yuanzhang, let people invite Zhou Guifei, Xiao Mumu, Yang Shi and Zhu Xianqiu over, and then directed the two women to stand together holding the child!

Yang Shi had long known about the existence of cameras, after all, he had read too many books in later generations, and he had already guessed what Zhu Li was going to do, and he couldn't help but show a look full of expectation.

It's Concubine Zhou, they are all confused!

Zhu Yuanzhang on the side stared at Zhu Li without blinking, and did not mean to disturb, he wanted to see what Zhu Li was going to do!

"Mother concubine, you all look here, smile, I count one, two, three, you call eggplant together!"

Zhu Li said with a smile at Concubine Zhou and the others.

Although Zhou Guifei was confused, she still did what Zhu Li said.

At the moment when the eggplant shouted out, Zhu Li also pressed the shutter of the camera, and then a photo of Zhou Guifei and Yang Shi each holding Xiaomu and Zhu Xianqiu was immediately printed.

"Father, look, this is the picture taken by the camera!"

Zhu Li directly handed the photo in his hand to Zhu Yuanzhang.

Seeing this, Concubine Zhou and them also hurriedly surrounded them, and then everyone, including Zhu Yuanzhang, looked at the photo that had just been taken, and their faces were full of shock!

"This... It's a sneaky job!"

"That's what you're talking about?"

"What other painter in the world can paint such a portrait?"

"It's exactly the same, so similar!"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the photo in front of him, and he was even more breathtaking!

Since he became emperor, he has always found the best painter in Daming to paint an imperial portrait of himself!

However, every time the portrait drawn by the artist could not satisfy Zhu Yuanzhang, either it felt too fake or it felt too ugly!

There were even several times when he cut off the heads of several painters in a fit of anger!

It can also be said that in the Ming Dynasty, being a royal painter was definitely one of the most dangerous professions!

Once the portrait painted makes the emperor dissatisfied, it is a rhythm that is not guaranteed in minutes!

And Zhou Guifei after seeing the photo that had just been taken, her face was full of incredulity, and she began to talk about it.

Especially the two little guys, they saw something amazing, and shouted out directly with excitement!

"That's the basic function of a camera!"

"With this, you can photograph everything in a picture, which is more reliable than any artist can paint!"

Zhu Li smiled and nodded.

Come to 650, hurry up and take a picture of us too! Take a ten!"

Zhu Yuanzhang immediately jumped up.

Over the years, he was worried that no painter could paint his appearance well, and now after seeing such a magical ability of the camera, how can Zhu Yuanzhang not be excited?

"Okay, you can shoot as much as you want!"

Zhu Li looked at the old man's child-like appearance, and nodded and agreed with a smile.

Then Zhu Li helped Zhu Yuanzhang take more than a dozen photos in a row, and when he saw his majesty, or kindness, or heroic appearance jumping above the photos, Zhu Yuanzhang nodded again and again with satisfaction!

"That's right, that's us!"

"What those painters drew before is simply bullshit!"

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed proudly.

In fact, Zhu Yuanzhang is a little darker, and his appearance is still quite handsome!

First of all, if Zhu Yuanzhang was really ugly, he would not have been able to be seen by Empress Ma, who was born in a showroom, and Guo Zixing was even less likely to give him a righteous daughter like this!

Secondly, the person who wants to be the emperor cannot be an ugly character no matter how he thinks!

Especially those readers, the most advocated is the etiquette system!

The appearance of the emperor is also stipulated in the etiquette system, to put it simply, for example, when Zhu Yuanzhang set the system of primogeniture, if Zhu Biao looked crooked and cracked, whether he could be named a prince so easily was a problem!

Even if Zhu Yuanzhang likes him again, there will inevitably be opposition among the courtiers!

But in fact, the Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu almost all agreed with Zhu Biao's position as a prince, then at least one point did not run, in terms of appearance, Zhu Biao is certainly not bad, if not the most outstanding!

If Zhu Yuanzhang was ugly, people such as Liu Bowen, Li Shanchang and others would not be able to unswervingly support him to ascend to the throne!

So all along, Zhu Yuanzhang is also quite confident in his appearance!

Although he was born as a farmer, his appearance was rough and his skin was darker, and he looked like a farmer, but he was definitely not ugly!

So when those painters can't draw the feeling that Zhu Yuanzhang wants, or can't show a balance and objectivity in Zhu Yuanzhang's strengths and weaknesses, it is difficult to achieve god-likeness, Zhu Yuanzhang's inner anger can be imagined!

These painters either deliberately amplified his advantages in order to please him, but they did not have time, and they did not look like Zhu Yuanzhang himself!

Either there are some painters with character who pursue the so-called truth, and deliberately (agec) amplifies the shortcomings of Zhu Yuanzhang, which makes Zhu Yuanzhang even more unhappy!

"Father, you can choose one of these photos that you see fit, as the avatar template on the silver dollar, and the sons and daughters can print it for you tomorrow!"

Zhu Li said with a smile at Zhu Yuanzhang at this time.

"Okay! Then use this one!"

"This one is a side face, and I feel that the momentum of our pointing points has been photographed!"

"This feels like an emperor!"

Zhu Yuanzhang picked out the one he was most satisfied with from these dozen photos and handed it directly to Zhu Li.

It is said that it is a side face, in fact, it is the front face about forty-five degrees to the left, and the slightly raised head, coupled with the eyes that look overlooked, is indeed very feeling!

"No problem, Na Er Chen will make a template of the silver dollar based on your chapter photo!"

Zhu Li nodded very dryly and agreed.

"Then what about your brothers of the clan king, as well as those princes and ministers of the imperial court?

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly asked at this time.

"This does not need to go in person, in fact, it is not difficult to learn to take pictures, and children can train a group of photographers to come out and let them run when the time comes." "

"At that time, let them go directly to Yingtianfu to take pictures!"

"As for the lords of the various clans, didn't you say that you want them all to come to Hanzhong for the New Year?"

"At that time, we will not only have the opportunity to take pictures of them, but also take a family portrait with the whole family!"

Zhu Li explained with a smile.

"Family portrait?"

"Good family portrait!"

"You're right, call them all back, let's all take a family portrait together, even if they are not in front of us, when we think about them, we can take out the photo and look at it directly!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, his eyes lit up and he nodded repeatedly.

Immediately, at the request of Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Li helped the family continue to take photos, and this time they were basically group photos!

There are photos of Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhou Guifei, and there are also those with small wooden trees!

Zhu Li also taught Geng Qing how to use the camera, and then asked Geng Qing to help them take a family portrait of their family!

But soon, Zhu Li found that the old man who was still in high spirits suddenly fell silent again, and his mood seemed to be low again.

"Father, the emperor is thinking about the queen mother again, right?"

Zhu Li probably guessed Zhu Yuanzhang's thoughts, and sighed helplessly!

The mother queen in Zhu Li's mouth is naturally the late Empress Ma!

Although he was born to Concubine Zhou, Empress Ma is his concubine, if it is placed in an ordinary big household, even if it is a child born in a concubine room, he also recognizes Dafang's wife as a mother, and if the biological mother is a concubine, then she can only call a girl!

This is the rule of etiquette in ancient times!


"How nice it would be if your mother was still there and could take pictures with us!"

"We hate now, hate that our girl left early, and we couldn't even leave a photo!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded with nostalgia on his face and said.

"Didn't Father say that you can also see the Queen Mother in your dreams?"

"Although I can't look at the photos, the queen mother in the dream, but a living existence, can be said to move, isn't that better?"

Zhu Li could only try to comfort the old man a few words.

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he smiled bitterly.

He wants to see Empress Ma every time he dreams deduce, if he deduces these children and grandchildren of himself, he can more or less deduce Empress Ma, unless it is those princes and grandchildren who were born after Empress Ma passed away, then he didn't see it directly!

For example, when deducing Zhu Boxingqiu, Empress Ma was gone long before Zhu Boxingqiu was born, and it was impossible to appear at all!

The number of children and grandchildren he can deduce is also limited, or he can't see Empress Ma every time!

The good news is that after the national fortune system is upgraded, he can re-deduce the lives of Zhu Biao and his sons, and then if the national fortune value is not much, these princes and grandchildren can also deduce it.

Even if it's just a dream to look at your sister twice, it's good!

After seeing the excitement of the old man at the beginning, Zhou Guifei and the Yang family directly led the two little guys to the backyard to find the iron-eating beast to play.

And after chatting with the old man for a while, Zhu Li also took the photo that the old man picked out and left directly!

Make the silver dollar printed with the old man as soon as possible, maybe it can make the old man happy!

In fact, Zhu Li quite likes this feeling!

It was not that he was unfilial before, mainly because the father-son gap between the original owner Han King Zhu Li and the old man was too deep, coupled with the old man's consistent misunderstanding of Han King Zhu Li, it also made Zhu Li want to be filial and unable to do so, or simply could not find the feeling of being able to be kind to his father and son.

But now he can feel that the old man's heart is indeed on his body, or that the old man's attention to him now is no weaker than that of the former prince Zhu Biao!

Under this premise, Zhu Li also found the feeling between father and son, and also hoped that Zhu Yuanzhang could live longer and live happier at the same time!

When the old man is in a bad mood, he, who is a son, naturally has to find a way to make the old man happy!

After Zhu Li left, Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the photos in his hand.

"Like! It's really similar!"

"With these photos, our future appearance can be directly passed on to future generations and admired by all future generations!"

"Let's put our photos directly into the temple!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang thought of this, a smile appeared on his face again.

Throughout the ages, he is also the first emperor who can have photos circulating in the world, right?

Those emperors in the past, even if they were Qin Huang Hanwu, Tang Zong and Song Zu, there were only a few portraits, and they were a little fake to look at!

"By the way, the system, we should also have portraits circulating in history, right?"

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly asked the national transport system curiously at this time.

[That's natural, as the founding emperor of Daming, even in the original history, the portrait of the host is one of the most famous imperial portraits in later generations!]

The national transport system responded as a matter of course.

"Well, we guessed it too!"

"We let so many painters paint us before, just thinking that we can pass on our appearance to future generations and admire it for future generations!"

"Well, with these pictures, isn't that more realistic than any portrait?"

"This is our Zhu Yuanzhang himself!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he laughed even more proudly.

[Indeed, photos are naturally more realistic impressions, and they are not easy to be distorted and ugly by future generations!]

The national transport system is also deeply impressed.

However, this sentence made Zhu Yuanzhang's heart move.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Could it be that in future generations, who else dares to ugly the image of our Zhu Yuanzhang?"

Zhu Yuanzhang's tone began to become unnatural.

[The emperors of all dynasties will be criticized by future generations in this regard, depending on whether someone will deliberately ugly it!]

[In the original history, because Daming only existed for 276 years, after Jiannu entered the customs, not only in the history of Ming, but also on the portrait of the host!]

[In fact, this is also a normal thing, the host does not need to pay attention to it!]

The national transport system explained slowly.

Zhu Yuanzhang: "..."

In the original history, was he really ugly by future generations?

"This damn Jiannu is so daring!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's face couldn't help but scold angrily.

[Later dynasties will smear the previous dynasty to a certain extent, that is also a normal thing, the so-called history is written by the victors, this is the truth!]

[As Sima Qian noted in the historical record, I dare not say that history was completely correctly recorded, and there are also places that have been modified, and the host does not need to be entangled because of this!]

Instead, the national transport system relieved Zhu Yuanzhang.

"We can't allow this to happen!"

"You're telling us, how did this damn Jiannu ugly us?"

The more Zhu Yuanzhang thought about it, the more angry he became, but he asked unrelentingly.

[Sorry host, if you want to get those portraits in later generations, you must pay for national fortune points! ]

The national transport system has put forward its own conditions!

Zhu Yuanzhang almost vomited blood when he heard this!

This dog system has come to this trick again, and it is really not a rabbit or an eagle!

A portrait actually asked him for the value of national fortune!

"How much national fortune value do you want?"

Zhu Yuanzhang gritted his teeth and asked.

[Not much, just 1000 points of national fortune value, this system can not only allow you to see the portrait of the Hongwu Emperor, who is most recognized by later generations, but also allow you to directly extract the system space in the form of scrolls!]

The National Transport System explains.

"Okay! 1,000 national fortune value, we'll give it to you!"

"Let's see what kind of portrait that future generations agree with us the most?"

Although there was some pain in the flesh, in order to confirm this information, Zhu Yuanzhang still gritted his teeth and paid 1,000 points of national fortune value!

[The portrait of Emperor Hongwu, which is most recognized in later generations, has been successfully purchased, and the host can extract and consult it at any time!]

The efficiency of collecting money and doing things on the side of the national transport system is also quite high, and immediately a scroll appeared in Zhu Yuanzhang's system space!

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't talk nonsense, and as soon as his mind moved, the scroll appeared in his hand!

However, when he spread out the scroll and saw clearly the image of an emperor with a strange ugly shoehorn face painted on it, his eyes suddenly widened, and the scroll in his hand was almost thrown out by him!

What do we see?

Is this portrait a monster?

This shoehorn-faced monster would actually be his Hongwu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang?!!!。

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