123: How strong is the Han King Zhu Li's deterrent to the Mobei tribes?


Now the Tatar Ministry is basically supported by the Arutai Department!

When the Yan King Zhu Di swept the north, after the Northern Yuan imperial lieutenant Nai'er was surrendered without tricks, the Tatar Ministry had a sluggish decline, and also gave the Vara Department the opportunity to take advantage of the situation!

Many of the forces that had originally belonged to the Tatars also began to be incorporated into the Vara Division.

Originally, the ghost Lichi of the Tatar Department directly became the Tatar khan under the support of Arutai after Nai'er returned to Daming, but before this position was secured, it was directly given to the Karatai by Arutai, and Arutai took over the entire Tatar Department in the name of the Tatar Master!

The Tatar Ministry and the Yan King Zhu Di can be said to be old rivals, but for Zhu Di actually claiming to destroy Tatar, Arutai is scornful!

He did admire Zhu Di as a man and admired his ability, but when it came to destroying Tatar, in his opinion, Zhu Di would definitely not be able to do it!

In contrast, Arutai was more concerned about the war situation in the Western Regions!

In fact, after the 06 Hanzhong army captured Hami, it immediately made the Mobei side sensitive!

Because Hami's location is so important!

Han King Zhu Li, who had been dead for three years, suddenly came to life, and he also directly went to war against the Western Regions, which no one expected!

The entire Mobei grassland also trembled because of this news!

At the same time, the eyes of all the grassland departments were almost focused on the battlefield in the Western Regions, but they didn't care so much about the news that Yan King Zhu Di was heading north!

If Zhu Di knows this, I don't know if he will be angry and his liver hurts?

In fact, the self-confidence of the Mobei Tatars stems from their nomadic characteristics, coupled with the sparse population of the Mobei Plain, the strategic depth is enough for them to attack and retreat and defend, whether it is east and west or north and south!

In dealing with the attack of Daming, the Tatar tribe's consistent principle is to fight if you can, and run if you can't fight!

Moreover, they are familiar with Mobei, if they want to run, they are confident that the Ming army will not be able to find them at all!

This is also why Daming's several Northern Expeditions have not been completely destroyed and eliminated the Northern Yuan Tatar!

If you can't beat it, you can run, or run to the extremely cold place, even if Lan Yu chased the fishing sea back then, she had to return to the dynasty!

The remaining tartars who are hiding, it is difficult to find a trace, let alone completely annihilated, it is almost impossible!

Moreover, they and Yan King Zhu Di are also old rivals, although they don't underestimate Zhu Di, but they are definitely not to the extent of fear!

But Han King Zhu Li is different, this master is a ruthless man who can defeat the Varabu with many victories!

If King Zhu Li of Han can really directly defeat the Western Regions within three months, Mobei will be dangerous!

The way they want to expand or retreat to the west is equivalent to being completely cut off by the Hanzhong side, and the depth of the entire Western Regions is not something they can break through!

Even the Varabu were already discussing at this time, whether to take advantage of the opportunity of Hanzhong to mobilize troops against the Western Regions and directly launch a sneak attack on Hanzhong, so that the backyard of Hanzhong would catch fire!

It's not that they want to help the Western Regions, but they purely want to fight Hanzhong!

But there are also some people who are opposed!

There is no other reason, just because the Han King Zhu Li did not personally conquer the Western Regions, and he still stayed in Hanzhong!

Most of them were people who had already been scared by Zhu Li before, and they all knew how ruthless Han King Zhu Li was!

You must know that there are still 50,000 imperial court border troops in Tianshui Pass, as long as Han King Zhu Li is still in Hanzhong, who dares to say that he can capture Tianshui Pass?

At the same time, this side of the Western Regions, outside Luntai City.

Ten Hongwu cannons have been lined up, and the muzzles of the black hole holes are facing the gates of Luntai City in unison!

"Two days have arrived, since these Western Regions tartars refuse to go out of the city and surrender, then we can't blame our artillery for not having long eyes!"

Qin Wu held his head high in front of the formation and hummed softly in an icy tone.

"Since the Hongwu cannons have arrived, let's take Luntai City as soon as possible, lest the night grow and dream more! If the royal family of Eastern Chagatai sends a large army to support Luntai City at this time, it will not be good news for us!"

"Taking advantage of the fact that they have not yet arrived, taking Luntai City in advance should also be a big gift for them!"

Yang Hui reminded Qin Wu with a serious face.

In fact, it is definitely a sure thing that the royal family of East Chagatai will send troops to support Luntai City, but it is not clear how many soldiers and horses the other party will send and when they will arrive!

The so-called soldier is fast, and taking Luntai City a day earlier is the wisest choice for the Hanzhong Army!

"Fire!" (read the violent novel, go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

With Qin Wu's order, ten Hongwu cannons fired a salvo!

The walls of Luntai City were instantly covered with earth and rocks, and even the city gate was directly blasted open by this artillery!

For a time, the defenders of the entire Luntai City were in chaos, especially on the city wall, and many were injured by artillery, or fell directly from the head of the city if they were unstable on their feet, and the scene was already a mess!

"Aim at the gate of the city and give General Ben a blast!

Qin Wu was not too addicted, and shouted at the artillerymen who fired artillery.

And so, round after round of artillery bombardment began!

This is an absolute disaster for the defenders in Luntai City!

Going out of the city to fight, they are not the opponents of the Hanzhong army at all, and before anyone arrives, they can be killed and injured more than half!

And sooner or later, this wall will be blasted open by the cannons of the Hanzhong army!

As long as the ammunition of the Hanzhong army is sufficient, it is only a matter of time before the city is broken!

In this case, most of the defenders of the city were full of despair!

How did this allow them to confront the Hanzhong army?

In the fifth volley, the walls of Luntai City were finally overwhelmed by 397 and collapsed under the bombardment of Hongwu artillery!

And the defenders near the city wall retreated towards the city in a panic, because the artillery fire of the Hanzhong army did not mean to stop!

Apparently, he planned to destroy it directly with artillery fire together with the defenders near the city wall!

In this case, some soldiers would rather give it a go, and directly rushed towards the Hanzhong army outside the city!

However, in the chaos, this group of Western Regions soldiers who dared to charge and kill could not organize an effective attack, and before they could rush out of the city, they were directly shot on the spot by the slingshot guns of the Hanzhong Army!

As soon as they saw this situation, the remaining defenders did not dare to confront the Hanzhong army even more!

"General, Luntai City can't hold it!"

"Now there is only one way out left!"

"There are still about 60,000 defenders in our city, and if we abandon the city and break through, at least more than half of the people can still escape with hope!"

"Even if the Hanzhong army is powerful, it is only 20,000 people, and it will definitely not be able to eat 60,000 troops in one breath in a short period of time!"

Immediately, an officer gave advice to the generals stationed in Luntai City.

Between living and dying, they have to make a choice!

But in fact, it is also futile to hold on, and it is impossible to keep it at all!

But anyone who has a little brain, at this time, most of them will choose to gather troops and then rush out! .

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