128: Zhu Li wants to form the Daming Navy, and the Western Regions will spread the good news!

For the requirements put forward by the old man, Zhu Li could only meet them as much as possible.

So he bought a few more books from the supermarket system and handed them directly to Zhu Yuanzhang.

One "Industrial Rise", one "Introduction to Military", one "100,000 Whys", and one "The Thought of Great Men".

Zhu Yuanzhang held these four books, as if holding some peerless treasure, he couldn't put it down!

Zhu Li was somewhat speechless, and he didn't know if the old man could understand the content expressed in these books!

It is said that the old man is stubborn, after all, the old man is old, coupled with the limitations of the times, whether he can accept some views and theories of governing the country in later generations is a problem!

Of course, if Zhu Yuanzhang can really calm down and look at these views and theories in an objective manner, he may not be able to learn something!

Fortunately, Zhu Yuanzhang now subconsciously feels that as long as it is something in the future life, it is all good, it is all essence, at least it is much better than his Daming's set, or he is willing to put down his body and humbly learn, which is also 06 is a good thing!

The four books chosen by Zhu Li must also have a saying!

Especially in the two aspects of industry and military, as long as the old man can learn it, it can play a role in promoting his future reform!

As for the 100,000 whys, and the idea of a great man, it is nothing more than to let the old man grow more insight, and at the same time be familiar with how the great man in the future governs a country!

Of course, many of these ideas would definitely conflict fundamentally with feudal society and dynastic rule, but he believed that the old man should not have any bad ideas about it.

At least for Daming, there are still many places to learn from!

"Father, you will watch these four books first, and when you finish reading them, you will come to the sons and daughters!"

Zhu Li said with a smile.

"Okay, then we're not afraid of having nothing to do when we're bored!"

"By the way, did the steam engine you told us about before come out?"

Zhu Yuanzhang asked sharply.

Zhu Li said that the steam engine had been made, but it still needed to be improved and upgraded, and Zhu Yuanzhang nodded again and again when he heard it.

This is much faster than he expected!

At least the thing has already been made, and it is estimated that it will not take much time to improve and improve!

He really looks forward to the day when steam trains and steam ships can run all over the world!

"By the way, Father Emperor, the imperial court has handed over some of the original shipyards to the children's side. The sons and daughters also sent people to Chongming Island, intending to build a large naval base near the mouth of the sea!"

"On the one hand, shipbuilding is carried out, on the other hand, the navy is able to be trained and trained!"

"However, the Hanzhong army can not transfer so many people at present, and more importantly, it is better for the navy to select a group that can be water-based, or is it more suitable in the coastal area!"

At this time, Zhu Li also mentioned the preparations for the establishment of the navy.

Previously, Zhu Yuanzhang had promised Zhu Li that he would also hand over the military ship to him.

Although the original shipyards of Daming have been abandoned for several years, a group of craftsmen and the original drawings and technology are still there, and the integration can still play an effect in a short time!

It is better than the time and effort saved by the special training here on Zhu Que's side!

And Zhu Li's side has also cultivated a group of related talents, as long as these two parts of the people are integrated, there should be no big problem in building a naval base!

The key is that the navy must have soldiers!

"Your kid is eyeing our Daming Water Master, right?"

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly laughed.

Daming still has some warships and sailors, although after Zhu Yuanzhang banned the sea, the development of navy divisions and shipbuilding has stopped, but there are still some heritage, inland rivers and lakes still have imperial court sailors!

"Even if the sons and daughters are targeted, they still need the consent of the father and the emperor!"

Zhu Li did not hide it, and nodded very simply and admitted.

"Well, we have already explained to Biao'er, the existing 80,000 water master elites, not counting the water transportation, can be handed over to you!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded slowly and said.

"It doesn't take 80,000 people. "

"In the early days, it was enough to only plan to ask for 30,000 navies. (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"The other fifty thousand can be used as a reserve force, or simply divided into two parts!"

"Part of it is still the Daming Water Division, and the other part is the Navy!"

"The Admiralty is responsible for guarding, while the Navy is responsible for expanding the territory!"

Zhu Li thought about it and said his thoughts.

For the time being, Zhu Li only wants to build an elite sea force, and the number of people will definitely not be too much, but these 80,000 people cannot be wasted, and the best way is to divide into two parts!

One inward, one external!

"Well, that's a good idea!"

"Then do as you want!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was also very satisfied with Zhu Li's arrangement!

"Your Majesty, Your Highness, this is the war report that the Western Regions just sent back!"

At this moment, Geng Qing hurriedly came, still holding a letter in his hand!

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, his eyes immediately lit up, and he quickly got up and took it directly.

Under Zhu Li's instruction, Geng Qing's attitude towards Zhu Yuanzhang also became more and more respectful, if he was only loyal to Zhu Li before, he would regard Zhu Yuanzhang as an imaginary enemy, then at this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang no longer has this identity of the imaginary enemy!

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang, that is, the 777 father of Han King Zhu Li, Geng Qing's attitude will naturally change!

In the past, if Zhu Yuanzhang spoke, Geng Qing would have to wait for Zhu Li to speak before taking action, but now it is different.

Zhu Li also explained that he must come according to the rules, and when the old man is there, the old man is the biggest!

Geng Qing also remembered Zhu Li's words!

Of course, if Zhu Yuanzhang still has any bad threat to Zhu Li, even if Zhu Li has an explanation, Geng Qing will keep an eye!


"Luntai City has also been captured!"

"And there are still many tribes that have already returned to Daming!"

"The Eastern Chagatai has a total of 80,000 troops, all of which have been lost in the hands of the Hanzhong army, and now there are more than 30,000 prisoners of war alone!"

After reading the battle report sent back by Qin Wu, Zhu Yuanzhang said with excitement on his face.

According to this progress, it is indeed more than enough to take the Western Regions within three months!

Luntai City has already been taken, then the next step is the king capital of East Chagatai!

Coupled with the surrender of so many tribes in the Western Regions, the combined forces of these sincere tribes alone are tens of thousands, and it is even more important for the Hanzhong Army to take Yili Li!

When Zhu Li heard this, he smiled and said nothing.

Such a result had already been expected by him! .

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