15: Han King Zhu Li is that Taoist master?

But soon, such a thought was thrown to the back of Zhu Yuanzhang's mind!

No way!

When pigs fly!

Lao Jiu, that rebel son, but directly smashed himself to death with pills, and now the grave grass is more than one meter high, how can it be a Taoist master in the mouth of the national transportation system?

This master is definitely someone else!

No way!

Be sure to ask the marker!

That longevity pill can actually extend the life of Biao'er for two and a half years, then the master who refines this longevity pill must be profound, maybe there is a way to completely cure Biao'er's disease!

As soon as he thought of this, Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly couldn't sit still, and hurried towards the East Palace!

His most urgent things at the moment are to do two things!

The first thing is to find the semi-finished life extension pill mentioned by the national transport system!

The second thing is to ask Zhu Biao about the identity of that Taoist master!

And at this moment, in the East Palace, it has not been long since the Lu family led the two children back, and they are sulking in their hearts, in fact, they are still unwilling!

Just now at Zhu Yuanzhang's place, she obviously felt that the old man seemed to be a little dissatisfied with her!

However, what made Lu Shi relieved was that the old man still liked Zhu Yunjiang very much, and his eyes were full of grandfather's love and concern!

That's it, as long as the son fights, it is enough to get the favor of the old man!

As for yourself, then it doesn't matter!

Sitting in the courtyard of the East Palace, Lu Shi was thinking like this, but he never expected that Zhu Yuanzhang, who had just woken up not long ago, ran to the East Palace again!

"Father, why are you here?"

"You just happen to be here, so you must pay attention to your body!"

Seeing this, Lu Shi hurriedly greeted him and reminded with concern on his face.

"We don't need you to say, you just need to find a way to take care of Biao'er!"

"By the way, let's ask you, does Biao'er have an elixir?"

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand a little impatiently, and then asked Lu Shi.


Will Zhu Biao have an elixir?!

Upon hearing this, the Lu family was even more confused!

Shouldn't this old man be a savior and start hysteria?


Lu Shi couldn't give it directly, and he didn't know how to answer!

"That's it, asking you is also asking for nothing!"

Zhu Yuanzhang said in his heart that Zhu Biao might not tell such a precious thing to the Lu family, a woman and Taoist, and asked her that it was better to ask the national transport system directly!

[Host, that Longevity Pill is in Prince Zhu Biao's study! ] 】

Soon, the national transport system gave an exact location!

Zhu Biao suddenly fell down before, and everything on his body was also put in Zhu Biao's study by Zhu Yunjiang, and this longevity pill was really not on Zhu Biao's body at the moment!

"Jiang Ying, when you go to Biao'er's study, you must find the elixir!"

Zhu Yuanzhang immediately gave an order to Jiang Ying!

Jiang Ying: ?????

There is actually an elixir in the prince's study?

Zhu Yuanzhang's words made Jiang Ying's mouth twitch!

But the emperor said so, he can only do it, whether he can find the so-called elixir or not, just go and find it anyway!

However, what Jiang Ying didn't expect was that he really found a small box containing pills on Zhu Biao's case!

This is the elixir that Zhu Yuanzhang said in his mouth?

He remembered that the last time the so-called elixir appeared in the palace, or something related to elixir, was before the Han King Zhu Li had not taken the domain!

This superior has never believed in any alchemy cultivation path or anything like that!

Everything that happened today can only be described as weird!

Don't say that the Lu family can't give the whole thing, even Jiang Ying is a little confused!

Jiang Ying, who was full of apprehension, quickly handed over the small wooden box containing the elixir to Zhu Yuanzhang's hands, saying in his heart that this thing must be what the superior is looking for!

Otherwise, if you don't do things well, I don't know how angry the superior will be!

And Lu Shi, who has always been confused, was directly dumbfounded!

Good fellow, it turns out that Prince Zhu Biao really secretly hid a so-called elixir?

Such an important matter, the prince actually didn't even reveal the slightest wind to her!

Thinking of this, Lu's face was somewhat ugly!

It seems that even if she has been corrected by Zhu Yuanzhang and become the so-called crown princess, she still cannot replace Chang's position in Zhu Biao's heart!

[That's right, this is indeed a semi-finished longevity pill! ] 】

Soon, the national transport system gave Zhu Yuanzhang an exact reply!

Zhu Yuanzhang was even more overjoyed when he heard this!

It's actually true!

It turned out that there was such a panacea in Biao'er's East Palace!

Well, Biao'er has been saved!

In any case, this semi-finished life extension pill can at least make our standard live for two and a half years!

After confirming the existence of the Longevity Pill and successfully finding this semi-finished Longevity Pill, Zhu Yuanzhang's heart was determined, and after getting such an elixir, Zhu Yuanzhang did not think for himself first, but thought of Zhu Biao for the first time!

The first purpose has been achieved, then the next step is to find a way to find this Taoist master who refined the Longevity Pill!

And if you want to find that person, I'm afraid you can only ask the prince Zhu Biao about the origin of this longevity pill!

Zhu Yuanzhang immediately took this semi-finished life extension pill and came directly to Zhu Biao's dormitory!


Seeing Zhu Yuanzhang appear in the East Palace again in the morning, Zhu Biao, who was lying on the hospital bed, was also surprised!

Yesterday because of his own affairs, the old man had already wasted a day's government affairs, why did he come again so early today?

A bunch of state affairs don't have to be dealt with?

"Biao'er, do you know what this is? And who gave you this thing? "

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't talk nonsense, directly took out the half-finished life extension pill, and asked Zhu Biao.

This thing is so important, he must find out it immediately, this is related to his target's life!

However, after Zhu Biao saw the longevity pill in Zhu Yuanzhang's hand, his face changed slightly!

Didn't this pill say that it was placed in the study?

How could it be in the hands of the old man?

Isn't this the so-called longevity pill that Lao Jiu gave to him before his death?

When the old nine got married, he said that it was in return and used to repay himself, but he didn't take it seriously at that time!

Until Lao Jiu suddenly died violently, he always took this longevity pill with him from time to time, just as a thought!

This is also the only thing that Lao Jiu gave him!

At least when looking at this semi-finished longevity pill, Zhu Biao could still think of this ninth brother of his own!

But what does it mean that the old man suddenly took out this 'semi-finished life extension pill'?

Shouldn't you think that if you take this pill, your illness will really get better?

"Father... This elixir is... It was given to the ninth brother when he was married... For the sons and daughters! The sons and daughters have been with you all these years, how do you know about the father? "

Zhu Biao's weak tone was still filled with great surprise!

However, as soon as he heard this, Zhu Yuanzhang was directly stunned in place like five thunders hitting the top!

What's the thing?

Zhu Yuanzhang was like being struck by lightning!

This Longevity Pill was actually given to Biao'er by Lao Jiu back then???

................... The dividing line........................

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