23: Lao Jiu's prophecy, deducing the life of Zhu Shu, the king of Qin!

Ying Tianfu, Imperial Palace Ouchi!

In the imperial study room, Zhu Yuanzhang is busy!

During this time, because of Zhu Biao's affairs, Zhu Yuanzhang abandoned government affairs, and now many twists and turns have piled up, which is really enough for him to have a busy meal!

By the time all the twists and turns were processed, it was already late at night!

Mainly many state affairs in the DPRK, Zhu Yuanzhang plans to do it himself as much as possible, and does not dare to hand it over to Zhu Biao to do anymore!

It was hard to help Zhu Biao extend his life for two and a half more years, and he is now really afraid that he will tire Zhu Biao out again!

"Superior, there is news from the northwest side!"

Like a shadow, Jiang Ying suddenly appeared in front of Zhu Yuanzhang's Dragon Book case and reported respectfully.

"Is it Hanzhong's news?"

Zhu Yuanzhang's expression moved slightly, and he subconsciously asked.

"That's right, according to the report of Hanzhong Jinyiwei, it is said that a small group of Vara tartars attacked the caravan traveling outside the customs in Hanzhong, and 318 people were captured by the Hanzhong army, all of whom were sent to Hanzhong for execution!"

Jiang Ying reported the news that had just been transmitted from the Hanzhong side to Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Almost every month, there is news that the northwest border is being harassed by the Vara tartars, and these tartars are really thieves' hearts are not dead! Kill it, kill it! "

Zhu Yuanzhang frowned when he heard this, but he didn't take this kind of thing too seriously!

Similar news, this is not the first time he has heard it, and his ears are about to cocoon!

Of course, Zhu Yuanzhang is still quite dissatisfied with this gang of warabytes who remember to eat or not beat, and it is also a good thing to let the Hanzhong army kill a few more!

Moreover, these news were all reported back by Jinyiwei, and Zhu Yuanzhang did not doubt him!

For Jinyiwei, Zhu Yuanzhang naturally trusts 100%!

After all, this is the Son of Heaven's pro-army, his Zhu Yuanzhang's most loyal imperial eagle dog, and more importantly, his eyes and ears are all over the country!

Otherwise, Zhu Yuanzhang would not have known what Qin King Zhu Shu did in the fiefdom!

Zhu Yuanzhang unconsciously thought of Zhu Shu, the king of Qin, and now this second man is still locked up in the introspective residence!

After discussing with Zhu Biao before, and because of Zhu Biao's intercession, Zhu Yuanzhang had also relaxed and decided to let him return to the fief soon after!

But when he thought of Zhu Shu, the king of Qin, Zhu Yuanzhang unconsciously sounded those words that Lao Jiu said before his death!

The fate of Prince Zhu Biao's untimely death has been fulfilled!

And what about the second and third old?

A sense of foreboding surged in Zhu Yuanzhang's heart!

"System, deduce how much national fortune value is needed for the life of our second elder Zhu Shu?"

Zhu Yuanzhang asked directly to the national transport system.

If he wanted to verify whether the second eldest would die young, he simply deduced the life of the second eldest Zhu Shu!

[The national fortune value required to deduce the King of Qin, Zhu Shu: 318 points! ] 】

The national transport system directly gives a number!


"Why so little?"

"That's not much more than Biao'er!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned when he heard this, and the feeling of uneasiness in his heart became stronger!

[The host only needs to remember that the national fortune value required to deduce the target represents the influence of the mission in history, or how much Daming national fortune relationship he occupies! ] 】

[The more important he is to the Ming Dynasty, the higher his influence, and the more national fortune value will be needed! ] 】

The national transport system explained slowly.

"So it is!"

"If you say so, it's not that if the national fortune value is less, you will definitely die young!"

"And the second bastard kid is also doing some bullshit things, how important can it be to Daming? He almost became the scourge of Daming! "

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded abruptly.

[In fact, the host does not need to ask every time, this system can directly list all the royal people who can be simulated and deduced today, and the host only needs to look at it to know! ] 】

As soon as the voice of the national transport system fell, soon a list of characters appeared in Zhu Yuanzhang's mind!

Seeing this, Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes immediately lit up!

Indeed, with such a list, it is clear at a glance how much national fortune value all the people of the Zhu family need to deduce!

But as Zhu Yuanzhang probably glanced at the list in front of him, his pupils suddenly shrank!


What did he see?

[The national fortune value required for the life of Zhu Xiangqiu, the son of the King of Han: 3288 points! ] 】


It actually takes so much!

Does this mean that Zhu Xianqiu, the son of the King of Han, has ten times more influence on our Daming than Biao'er and the second elder?

[The national fortune value required for the life of Princess Yang of Han: 2899 points! ] 】

However, immediately following Zhu Yuanzhang, he saw the information about the Yang family of the Han princess!

Although this Yang family is not surnamed Zhu, after marrying into the Zhu family and becoming the princess of Han, she is naturally a member of her old Zhu family's royal family!

But why does the Yang family also have such a high national fortune value?

But it seems okay to think about it!

After Lao Jiu died, the Han Princess Yang Clan has been helping Zhu Xianqiu, the young second-generation Han King, to manage the entire Ruoda Hanzhong Mansion, handling everything in an orderly manner, and the Hanzhong Mansion has entered rapid development!

It can be said that these are the credit of the Yang family!

"Our daughter-in-law is really a little capable!"

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but sigh!

He has so many sons, and naturally he has many daughters-in-law!

But to say that among these daughters-in-law, he is the most satisfied, only two!

One is the Princess Yang of Han, and the other is the Princess of Yan, the Xu Clan!

The two daughters-in-law of the Yang family and the Xu family are the kind of representatives who are strict with themselves, lenient to others, Hui Qianlanxin and reasonable!

This is also deeply appreciated by Zhu Yuanzhang!

Of course, there was also a crown princess Chang before that!

It's a pity that Chang died early, and as for the Lu family, it was completely because of his mother and son, if it weren't for Zhu Yuanzhang's preference for Zhu Yunjiang, the imperial grandson, I am afraid that the Lu family would have no chance of being righteous!

Therefore, the Han Princess Yang Clan needs so many national fortune values to simulate and deduce, which is also reasonable, which is acceptable to Zhu Yuanzhang!

Thinking of this, Zhu Yuanzhang unconsciously thought of his sister Empress Ma!

"If our sister is still alive, it is not bad at all, the representative of the real motherly world!"


Zhu Yuanzhang sighed lightly, remembering that the last time when he was playing the crown prince Zhu Biao, he had seen Empress Ma's voice and smile again in Zhu Biao's life, which made him feel moved again!

"Move, go back to the palace and rest!"

Thinking of seeing Empress Ma again in the dream deduction, Zhu Yuanzhang was a little impatient, and immediately sorted out the twists and turns that had been approved and played in front of him, and ordered Wang Chen on the side.

Soon, the master and servant returned to the dormitory!

After Zhu Yuanzhang simply freshened up, he lay directly on his dragon bed and retreated all the left and right!

"System, let's simulate and deduce the life of the second elder Zhu Shu!"

Zhu Yuanzhang directly ordered the national transport system.

This time, Zhu Yuanzhang no matter what, he also had to confirm whether the second elder Zhu Shu would also die as young as Lao Jiu said?

................... The dividing line........................

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