28: The talisman failed when it met the water, and the King of Qin changed the fief!

Zhu Yuanzhang's heart at this moment can be described as a mixture of feelings!

Old Nine!

Before you die, you can do this for your two brothers!


Very good, is our good son Zhu Yuanzhang!

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang has almost reversed his opinion on Lao Jiu Zhu Li, at least from some of the truths that have gradually been revealed so far, Lao Jiu has been silently mentioning these two brothers to escort!

It is not easy to achieve this level, and it makes him quite satisfied!

In the past, we misunderstood Lao Jiu!

It's a pity that people can't be resurrected after death, even if we regret it, we can't make up for Lao Jiu!

Zhu Yuanzhang's heart was a little bitter, and then he looked at the talisman in Zhu Shu's hand and slowly asked, "Second brother, did you touch water before?" "

"Back to the father and emperor, the children have been well preserved before, and the things that Lao Jiu gave to the children are naturally regarded as treasures!"

"It's just that this time when I came to Yingtian, it was raining heavily! There is no hurry to hide from the rain on the road, it gets wet! "

"But the son later roasted it dry!"

Zhu Shu didn't expect Zhu Yuanzhang to even know, but he could only explain the situation one by one!

Zhu Yuanzhang: "..."


Co-authorship or is he Zhu Yuanzhang's responsibility?

If no one sneaks this stinky boy back from Xi'an Mansion, this talisman on the road can't be wet by heavy rain?

"Father, is there something wrong?"

Zhu Shu looked at Zhu Yuanzhang's speechless face and couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Alas... This Daoist talisman will be invalid when it touches water, and it has no effect now! "

Zhu Yuanzhang sighed helplessly!

"This amulet has failed?"

Zhu Shu's face was even more shocked when he heard this!

He remembered that Lao Jiu had indeed said that this talisman could not touch water, but it was only slightly wet at that time, and it was quickly dried by him!

Can't get any water at all?

For this result, Zhu Shu was somewhat dumbfounded!

"You better keep this talisman yourself!"

"Although it has become invalid, it is also something that Lao Jiu gave you, and keeping it by your side can be regarded as a thought!"

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand.

"Son-in-law, thank you Father Emperor!"

Zhu Shu was somewhat speechless, saying in his heart that this thing was smiling, and the old man couldn't see it, right?

If there is still an effect, it may be another ending!

"That Father... When will the sons and daughters be able to return to the fiefdom? "

At this time, Zhu Shu boldly began to inquire again!

This has also been said, Qing Yuandan has also been dedicated to the old man, just as the old man said, he can also be regarded as making up for the work, right?

Could he have returned to his fiefdom earlier?

"Xi'an, you can't go back!"

However, Zhu Yuanzhang's next words made Zhu Shu completely dumbfounded!

What about making trouble?

The words have already come to this, now tell him that Xi'an can't go back?

The old man didn't plan to let go of his rhythm in the first place!

"Father Emperor, the children really know that they are wrong, and ask the father and the emperor to give the children another chance!"

"After returning to the fiefdom, the sons and daughters promise that after returning to the fiefdom, they will never dare to oppress the people again, and they will strictly restrict their behavior!"

Zhu Shu was really panicked at this time, and hurriedly knelt down to Zhu Yuanzhang, holding his thighs and began to cry!

"How old is it, what kind of system is it that still cries and cries?"

"We called you over tonight to tell you that you don't have to go back to Xi'an Mansion, but we didn't say that we wouldn't let you die!"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Shu's virtue, and immediately frowned and said.

"This... What does Father mean by this? "

When Zhu Shu heard this, he was directly stunned in place, and his eyes were full of dazedness!

Why don't you have to go back to Xi'an Mansion, but still let him go to the clan?

Isn't his fief Xi'an Prefecture?

If you don't go back to Xi'an Mansion, where will you go back?

"Xi'an Mansion, we want to directly become the capital of our Daming in the future, so we will change a fiefdom for you, and your title and title of King Qin will not change!"

Zhu Yuanzhang said slowly in an undoubted tone.

Move the capital to Xi'an Province?

Isn't the name of the crown prince Zhu Biaoxi's tour to investigate whether Xi'an Prefecture is suitable for building a capital?

In fact, when he learned the news, Zhu Shu realized that his fief might have to be changed!

Xi'an Prefecture is about to become a Daming Jingshi master, so it is even more impossible for Zhu Yuanzhang to directly take Jingshi to him as a fief!

So the matter of moving the capital to Xi'an Mansion was actually expected by Zhu Shu!

After listening to Zhu Yuanzhang's words, Zhu Shu's hanging heart finally let go!

As long as he is not continued to be confined, as long as he can still be confined, whether he returns to Xi'an Mansion or other places, it is actually the same!

Everywhere, he is still the Qin King Zhu Shu of the Ming Dynasty!

The two people he was most afraid of were still Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao!

Besides, who else is he afraid of?

"Sons and daughters, it's all arranged by the emperor!"

Zhu Shu agreed directly very cheerfully!

This may already be the best result for him!

"Well, then you will be ready to prepare after you go back, we decided to set your fief in Huai'an!" It is also a little closer to Yingtian, and it is more convenient to come back! "

Zhu Yuanzhang saw Zhu Shu's so knowledgeable appearance, and then nodded with satisfaction.

Zhu Shuxin said that it is more convenient to stare at himself, what is the matter, it is more convenient to sneak himself back again, right?

On weekdays, which clan king always runs to the capital when he has nothing to do?

Without the emperor's edict, the clan king is not allowed to leave the fief without permission!

However, for Zhu Yuanzhang's arrangement, Zhu Shu did not dare to say a word, and could only accept it with a smile!

This time he could still escape a catastrophe, and the result of the new clan has already made him very satisfied!

It seems that after arriving at the new fiefdom, you have to be a person with your tail between your legs!

He will definitely become the target of the old man's focus!


Zhu Biao only learned about the fact that the second elder Zhu Shu was summoned to the Fengtian Hall by the old man in the middle of the night after getting up early in the morning!

At first, Zhu Biao was still shocked, and said in his heart, the old man should not give the second old man what happened, right?

But after hearing that the old man not only did not fight Zhu Shu, but changed Zhu Shu's fiefdom, Zhu Biao was relieved!

At the same time, Zhu Biao was also a little surprised in his heart!

He can understand that the old man does this, and it is normal to change the fiefdom for the second man, after all, Daming is still preparing to move the capital to Xi'an Mansion!

But why did you call the second man over in the middle of the night?

It seems that after the early dynasty, you have to ask the old man about the situation!

Early that day, Zhu Yuanzhang directly announced that the Qin king Zhu Shu should change the fiefdom, and the Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu also knew about it!

However, this did not cause much repercussions, after all, the emperor wanted to move the capital to Xi'an Mansion, and it was not said that it had been a day or two!

Prince Zhu Biao has just returned from Xi'an Mansion, not long ago!

................... The dividing line........................

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