03: King Zhu Li of Han actually died fraudulently!

Many years have passed, and every time Zhu Yuanzhang thinks of Lao Jiu, his mood will subtly change!

At the beginning, you will definitely be angry, but gradually over time, it will be more distressed!

Even if King Zhu Li of Han messed up again, it was his own son of Zhu Yuanzhang!

"You let us think about this, turn around and change his nickname!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded slowly.

In fact, he has long been soft-hearted, and if he doesn't agree again, it is estimated that Zhu Biao will have to keep thinking about it!

"The son-in-law thanked the Ninth Brother for his father's grace!"

When Zhu Biao heard this, he couldn't help but be overjoyed!

In fact, the entanglement in his heart is not much less than Zhu Yuanzhang!

Some people assert that they will die young, and this person is actually their own brother, who can feel good in their hearts?

But in the end, he is the eldest brother, and what he cares about most is brotherly feelings, even if he is angry in his heart, he will not really treat Lao Jiu!

Zhu Biao couldn't help but think of the time when Lao Jiu Zhu Li got married and was about to go to Hanzhong to take up the domain!

On the wedding day, Zhu Li handed over a pill into his hands!

"Big brother, the junior brother is incompetent, and can only refine this half-finished life extension pill!"

At that time, Zhu Biao knew that Lao Jiu's absurd move of almost burning the entire palace in a fire was to refine this longevity pill in his hand!

It's just that Zhu Biao was crying and laughing for a while!

He naturally wouldn't believe that there was any elixir like the Life Extension Pill in this world, but in the end, it was also his brother's kindness, and he could only accept it!

And the so-called semi-finished life extension pill has also been carried by him to this day, so it should be a thought!

At least when you see this elixir, you can think of a younger brother like Lao Jiu!

Of course, this matter Zhu Biao did not disclose to anyone, let alone tell Zhu Yuanzhang!

If this is to tell the old man, Lao Jiu not only killed himself with the pill, but also gave him an elixir, the old man must not be mad?


It's not enough to die yourself!

Do you want to pull big brother Zhu Biao together?

At this moment, Zhu Biao had not yet realized what this half-finished longevity pill meant to him!


The suburbs of Hanzhong Province.

A Taoist temple surrounded by desolation and a little dilapidated!

Ordinary people don't know that there is something inside such a ruined Taoist temple!

In a darkroom-like space, everything is decorated like new, and some necessities for life are also placed.

At a dining table, a man and a woman are quietly eating the food in front of them!

If Zhu Biao stood here, he would be surprised to find that the man sitting in front of him who was eating at this good end was his ninth brother, the Han King Zhu Li who should have died violently!

And the other woman is the Princess Yang of Han!

Yang's father was Yang Cheng'an, a shangshu of the Daming court.

I remember that when I married King Han, I was only sixteen years old.

After marrying the King of Han, the Yang family gave birth to the son Zhu Xianqiu to the King of Han, and in the twenty-second year of Hongwu, Zhu Li was fraudulently killed!

In other words, it has been three years since the Han King Zhu Li was hidden in this broken Taoist temple!

In fact, Zhu Li also understood that the fire caused by the refining pill in the palace when he was twelve years old was not a small disaster!

If it weren't for the eldest brother Zhu Biao pleading hard for him, he estimated that he would have been degraded to the common people, or he would have really died, instead of fraudulently dying here!

"Concubine, you better go back first!"

"In the future, try to come here as little as possible, if there is something, King Ben will naturally go to you!"

Seeing that Yang suddenly put down the bowl and chopsticks in his hand, Zhu Li's voice also sounded slowly!

His current identity is a Taoist priest, and he is still in a seemingly dilapidated Taoist temple, if someone with a heart finds out that Princess Han is okay and runs to a Taoist temple for three days and two heads, I am afraid that he will start gossip again!

What's more, your identity may also be exposed!

"The concubine just wants to come and visit His Highness, only when she sees that you are well, the concubine can be at ease!"

Yang Shi looked at Zhu Li with a trace of worry and reluctance written in his gaze!

"Don't worry, King Ben will be fine!"

Zhu Li couldn't help but sigh lightly.

In fact, he was not originally from this world, but a promising young man from the 21st century, but he accidentally traveled to the Ming Dynasty, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he found that he was dressed in a big red robe and was ready to get married!

At that time, it happened to be the day he married the daughter of Yang Cheng'an, Shangshu of Hubu, that is, the Yang family!

When he crossed over, Han King Zhu Li was only sixteen years old, and after adapting to the original owner's body and memory, Zhu Li was immediately dumbfounded!

When this stinky boy was twelve years old, he caused a fire because of alchemy, and almost burned the entire palace!

If it weren't for Zhu Biao's good big brother begging for intercession, his best situation would have been to be degraded to a commoner, and he might have died!

Therefore, whether it is the original owner or the Zhu Li who crossed over, he is quite respectful of Zhu Biao's big brother!

Of course, the most important thing is that when Zhu Li crossed into the Ming Dynasty, he also awakened a golden finger necessary for traversers, that is, the system!

A system where you can get 1000 points every day you check in!

And this point can be used to buy anything in the system supermarket, 1 point corresponds to the value of 1 yuan, the modern things in the later generations, can be clearly priced, can be bought in this system supermarket!

The premise is that you have enough points!

In other words, Zhu Li can sign in every day to get the equivalent of 1,000 yuan, and can have a modern fixed income of 30,000 yuan a month!

At the same time, Zhu Li also found that the original owner was addicted to alchemy as a Taoist, but it was not a simple superstition, but a true way to open the path of cultivation!

Therefore, Zhu Li, who crossed over, did not give up cultivation, but became even more addicted to it!

But the old man Zhu Yuanzhang didn't like his cultivation, and threatened to depose him if he continued to cultivate!

In order to be able to cultivate the Dao with more peace of mind, he directly chose to cheat death!

Because at the end of cultivation, isn't it the pursuit of immortal cultivation and immortality?

According to the level of cultivation, there are five stages, which are Dao Tong, Daoist Priest, Dao Master, True Person, and Heavenly Master!

And Zhu Li is now a half-step real person realm, and he has been able to refine many rare elixirs!

At that time, the twelve-year-old Han King Zhu Li could refine the first semi-finished longevity pill in the palace, but if he wanted to refine the product longevity pill, he had to be in the realm of a real person!

Now I am still half a step behind!

It's a pity!

Zhu Biao's life may not be able to survive this calamity!

I don't know if the half-finished life extension pill I gave at the beginning, will my eldest brother Zhu Biao take it?

If you really take it, how much effect can it have, even Zhu Li himself has no bottom in his heart!

After all, it is only a semi-finished product, and it cannot achieve the finished product effect!

................... The dividing line........................

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