32: It is better to move the capital to Xi'an than to move the capital to Beiping!

For these elixirs refined by Zhu Li, perhaps apart from Zhu Li himself, the Yang family knew more than anyone.

She also heard Zhu Li say that inferior life extension pills can increase the life expectancy of users by six years.

It's a pity that if you want to refine such a pill, you must wait for Zhu Que's advancement to further improve and reach the realm of a true real person!

In the current half-step realm, even if you use these eight hundred years of ginseng, you can only refine a semi-finished longevity pill!

After all, such a heaven-defying elixir cannot be refined casually, and the requirements for the Dao Law are very high!

"There is news from Jinyiwei's side today!"

"It is said that the crown prince Zhu Biao was originally critically ill, but after eating the half-finished longevity pill you left him back then, his condition improved, and now the entire Yingtian officials also know about this matter!"

At this time, the Yang family directly told Zhu Li the news that Qin Wu had brought back before.

"Oh? This is somewhat unexpected for King Ben! "

"No wonder the old man before would directly announce to the world and change the name of this king!"

Zhu Li was somewhat surprised, but at the same time he figured out something!

He didn't expect that Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao would really choose to believe him, and Zhu Biao also swallowed that half-finished life extension pill!

Maybe this is the fate that should not be extinguished!

The semi-finished life extension pill that was originally given to the eldest brother Zhu Biao can be regarded as paying off the favor owed to the eldest brother before!

Zhu Yuanzhang changed his nickname, in fact, it is not surprising, after all, he is Zhu Yuanzhang's son after all, but at that time, he was directly changed to 'Chengxiao', which Zhu Li did not expect!

But now it makes more or less sense!

Maybe the old man and the eldest brother feel guilty about themselves?

"In addition, the fief of King Zhu Shu of Qin has also been changed!"

"It was said that it was directly changed to Huai'an, which is relatively close to Yingtianfu!"

"Your Majesty has decreed that the King of Qin will soon go to Huai'an Domain!"

Yang continued.


Now Zhu Li was really a little surprised!

If the crown prince Zhu Biao lived for more than two more years because he ate the semi-finished product Extension Pill he gave him, it would not have a fundamental impact on the future historical trend, then it was not necessary that the King of Qin should change his fiefdom!

You must know that the historical King of Qin, Zhu Shu, was poisoned to death by the poisonous wife of the third brother when he was in the twenty-eighth year of Hongwu!

If this fate of his is completely changed, in other words, if Zhu Shu does not have to die and can live forever, then later Zhu Yunjiang ascends the throne, and Zhu Di will engage in any battle of appeasement, he will have to ask whether the King of Qin's side agreed!

In terms of ability, whether it is King Zhu Shu of Qin, or the generals under King Qin, they will not be much worse than Zhu Di of Yan King, and in terms of troops, the forces on the Xi'an side are not weaker than those on the Beiping side!

The three clan kings with the strongest troops in Jiubian Town, that is, the King of Qin, the King of Jin and the King of Yan!

Secondly, it is his turn to be the Han King Zhu Li!

Especially now that he has been deceived, the Hanzhong Army has become more low-key, and there is no plan to increase troops for the time being!

After all, these three brothers were also several years before him, and the heritage of the people is there!

Of course, if Zhu Li wanted it, he would soon be able to expand a large number of troops in the northwest, and it was not impossible for the size of the Hanzhong army to reach the level of 100,000!

It's just that there's no need to do it yet!

It's not immediately rushing to rebel and seize the throne!

In other words, if King Zhu Shu of Qin does not die, then there will be too many variables in the future!

This is essentially different from the eldest brother Zhu Biao who has been extended for more than two years!

Zhu Li had also given Zhu Shu a talisman before, but according to calculations, it seemed that the talisman could not change Zhu Shu's life, after all, a small talisman was just a small talisman, and there were too many variables!

And now the old man directly changed Zhu Shu's fiefdom, which is equivalent to directly replacing the life of King Zhu Shu of Qin!

This is much more thorough than what amulet he gives!

In addition, Zhu Shu's fief this time was also changed to the foot of the Son of Heaven, and Zhu Shu dared to do something wrong in the fiefdom like before?

That is the rhythm of being picked up by Zhu Yuanzhang to Yingtianfu to eat bamboo shoot stir-fried meat every minute!

"His Majesty's explanation to the court is that Daming will move the capital to Xi'an Mansion in the future!"

Yang continued at this time.

"Xi'an Prefecture simply does not have Long Ruixiang's qi, and the national fortune has long been consumed at the height of the Tang Dynasty, and it is impossible to move the capital to Xi'an Prefecture!" If it really moves to Xi'an Prefecture, it will damage Daming's national fortune! "

When Zhu Li heard this, he directly shook his head!

Whether a place is suitable for building a capital, Zhu Li today sees it better than anyone!

And as a traverser, he knows that setting the capital of the country inland in the future is no longer in line with the future era of great exploration!

Before the Ming Dynasty, the main enemy came from the west and from the land!

Set the capital of the country in Xi'an Province, then no problem!

But from the middle and late Ming Dynasty, with the opening of the era of great navigation, and then setting the national capital in Xi'an Province, far from the coastline, is not at all in line with the trend of the times!

Unless the conditions of technology or industry have developed to the extent that geographical factors can be ignored!

But in this time when there is not even a radio, it is clearly impossible!

"If King Ben said, it will be more appropriate for the capital of Daming to be in Beiping Prefecture in the future!"

Zhu Li said his opinion to Yang while pulling the food.

Yang Shi did not refute when she heard this, because in her eyes, everything that her husband said was right!

And she read so many books in later generations, naturally she also knew that the capital of the country hundreds of years after the future was also in Beiping!

"Then if you can refine the inferior Life Extension Pill, will you still give Prince Zhu Biao a new life?"

Yang Shi asked at this time.

"There's no need for that!"

"The semi-finished life extension pill before can also be regarded as the end of our benevolence and righteousness as a younger brother!"

"And this king is now in a state of deception, how can he get any more life extension pills to the eldest brother? Isn't that not self-defeating? "

Zhu Li waved his hand directly.

If he wants to refine the inferior Life Extension Pill, he will no longer give it to his eldest brother Zhu Biao, but chooses to leave it to those close to him!

For example, Yang Shi, Zhu Xiangqiu, and Geng Qing who followed him!

Or find an opportunity to secretly send it to her biological mother Zhou Guifei and sister Princess Feng'an!

"If you want to have a longevity pill, you must be given and Qiu'er first, so don't think about it too much!"

Zhu Li said to Yang with a smile.

Yang Shi nodded noncommittally, she didn't care how long she could live, what she cared about was whether she could stay with Zhu Li all the time when she was alive!

If you want to get together with Zhu Li all the time, even if you live a long life and a hundred years old, I am afraid that it will be a torment!

Of course, she also believes that such a day will change radically in a short time!

................... The dividing line........................

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