40: The slingshot gun developed by Princess Han is powerful!

Hanzhong Province.

Princess Yang of Han is inspecting the refining progress of natural rubber!

The first natural rubber has been refined, but not much, only a few tons!

Just these natural rubbers, but also have to be used for experimental research, the loss is still very large!

Fortunately, the rubber trees planted in a large area in Yunnan have reached the age where they can harvest rubber, and further on, other rubber will be transported to Hanzhong Province one after another.

The Yang family has also been particularly busy these days.

After returning from Dingjun Mountain, she began to busy herself with rubber matters.

According to the ideas given by Zhu Li before, Yang began to study the specific role of rubber in the Ming Dynasty!

"Manager Zhang, let people follow the design of this drawing, first make this thing to see the effect!"

At this time, Yang Shi took out a design drawing he had drawn by himself, handed it directly to the steward of the factory, and instructed lightly.

Drawing design drawings is already familiar to Yang!

She taught herself this skill using the books that Zhu Que gave her from later generations.

This is also a basic skill that must be learned if you want to industrialize!

The design drawing that Yang took out depicted a rubber slingshot with a butt!

Similar to a crossbow gun, but powered by rubber rubber bands!

Yang gave it a name called the Slingshot Gun!

Ordinary slingshots are very common in modern books, and those powerful and small animals such as birds or rabbits are not a problem!

And ordinary slingshots already have a certain lethality for people, if they are aimed at key attacks at close range, they can definitely kill people!

However, modern ordinary slingshots only have the tensile force of a rubber band, and the Yang side designed it directly uses the force of three rubber bands, and the power is naturally three times greater than that of modern ordinary slingshots!

And also designed similar to the crossbow gun stock fixation, can facilitate aiming and shooting, once this thing is produced, can even be directly equipped to all Hanzhong army, the original bow and arrow are all replaced!

Moreover, the butt designed by Yang is designed with a modern rifle as the concept, which is not the same as ordinary crossbow guns!

When Yang studied modern books, the most important direction of learning was the knowledge of industry and military!

And for the research and manufacture of weapons, Yang Shi is also very attentive, or she herself has a high talent in this regard!

The experimental team cultivated by Yang is also quite efficient!

It was only by noon the next day that the slingshot gun used in the experiment had been made!

After Yang got the news, he directly brought Qin Wu to the scene, ready to let Qin Wu try the power of this slingshot gun!

"Princess, this thing can actually be stretched, and the elasticity is actually so strong!"

Simply trying to stretch the leather band on this slingshot gun, Qin Wu's face showed shock!

Such a material, Qin Wu is simply unheard of!

"This is a leather band made of rubber, and the power of this slingshot is not weaker than that of ordinary bows and arrows!"

"Qin Qianhu, take it to the shooting range and try it!"

Yang Shi said with a confident look.

There are two sample slingshot guns made this time, one is a three-strand rubber band, and the other is a five-strand rubber band!

The three-strand rubber band can also be directly pulled to the with arm force, but the five-strand rubber band must be loaded with the help of the foot!

Of course, the five-strand rubber band slingshot gun is naturally more powerful!

At first, Qin Wu did not believe how powerful such a slingshot gun could be, but he still came to the shooting range according to what Yang said, ready to test it himself.

These three rubber slingshot guns, according to Yang's meaning, are mainly equipped for the patrol army in Hanzhong City, and do not need too much power, and they also use small stones, iron bullets and other gadgets as bullets!

Ordinary small stones or iron bullets are certainly not as lethal as arrows, but the army patrolling the city is only some chickens and dog thieves, and petty theft and the like do not need to be killed directly, can not hurt people's lives, try not to hurt people's lives!

Of course, it doesn't mean that it is not powerful, if you are unlucky and hit the point, you may also lose your life!

Qin Wu tried these three rubber slingshot guns, also using a small round stone, aiming at the target fifty steps away and directly ejecting it!


The target was immediately hit by this stone, leaving a deep opening!

"This power is enough, and the small stones everywhere can be used as bullets, and you can completely get rid of the shackles of insufficient arrows!"

Qin Wu's face showed a hint of emotion, which was much better than he expected!

If a short arrow is installed in the slot of the slingshot gun, it is estimated that it is not a problem to directly penetrate an arrow target that is an inch thick!

"Qin Qianhu, let's try this enhanced version of the slingshot gun again. This was specially developed for the Hanzhong Army! "

After seeing the power of the slingshot gun with his own eyes, Yang Shi also showed a satisfied look, and at the same time secretly breathed a sigh of relief!

This is the first time she has applied what she has learned to actual weapon manufacturing, and if this thing fails and makes an oolong, won't it be a joke?

Qin Wu immediately picked up the five-stranded slingshot gun again, and this time it was a special short arrow directly used!

The length of this short arrow is only one palm, which is much shorter than the arrow commonly used in the army!

You must know that the arrows of ancient archers are very long, and they also need to be equipped with special quivers to carry, and a quiver can only hold about thirty arrows at most!

With such a short arrow, the number of arrows that person can carry can be at least several times over!

Soon, Qin Wu's old technique was repeated, but this time he found that with his own arm strength, it was also very difficult to pull the slingshot gun with these five leather bands!

If you change to an ordinary Hanzhong army general, I am afraid that if you really want to be as the princess said, you must use your feet to load!

Immediately after, the arrow shoots out, right in the bullseye!

To be precise, it should have left a big hole directly in the bullseye, and the entire arrow has already penetrated!

This power is even more powerful than ordinary arrows!

"Princess, the last general really obeyed this time!"

"If the archers of the Hanzhong Army can change to this slingshot gun, the arrows they can carry alone can be multiplied several times, and the power is only stronger than the original arrows!"

After Qin Wu personally tried the power of this slingshot gun, he said with excitement on his face.

................... The dividing line........................

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