62: National Transportation System: The realm of the Heavenly Master, which can call the wind and rain, and can do anything

Heavenly Master, alias Qi Bo, Qi Tianshi, honorific title for those who have the Tao, teacher in line with the natural way, from "Zhuangzi".

This is also the explanation within the cognitive range that Zhu Yuanzhang can think of!

And when it comes to Taoism, it is natural to think of Lao Tzu and Sanqing!

And the Taoist Sanqing saying has also begun to circulate since the Han Dynasty, and after more than a year, it has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

During the Hanshun Emperor's period, Zhang Daoling had already founded the Heavenly Master Sect, which is equivalent to a branch of Taoism!

But Zhu Yuanzhang vaguely felt that there were still many discrepancies between the information he understood and the Taoism that truly had a Taoist inheritance!

Or the Heavenly Master realm mentioned by the system, and the Heavenly Master that he thought he was actually two concepts!

[The Heavenly Master Realm, also known as the Land Immortal Realm, is already equivalent to the top Taoist inheritor in this mortal world! ] 】

[Reaching the realm of the Heavenly Master, you can call the wind and rain, and you can do anything! ] The strength and ability that the Heavenly Master realm can display is similar to the immortals in the host's imagination or cognition! 】

After hearing Zhu Yuanzhang's inquiry, the national transport system slowly explained.

Land immortals?

Call the wind and rain, can do anything?

Hearing the explanation of the national transport system, Zhu Yuanzhang's inner shock can be imagined!

That's an exaggeration, isn't it?

Are there really immortals in this world?

"Then you mean that Lao Jiu eventually became an immortal? Isn't that immortality? "

For a long time, Zhu Yuanzhang, who reacted, subconsciously asked.

[This host is wrong! ] This so-called immortal in the realm of the Heavenly Master, that is, the land immortal, is only for this world! 】

[You can understand this immortal as the world's top figures, who can be above all living beings, but there is still an upper limit after all! ] 】

[Their life expectancy will still be exhausted, and they can't really live the same life as the "two-five-seven" heaven and earth, at most, they will live longer than normal people! ] 】

[Just like Han King Zhu Li, even if he reaches the realm of Heavenly Master, there will also be a day of death, and the host may think too much about this! ] 】

The national transport system explained closely.

Hearing this, Zhu Yuanzhang was surprised again, but soon nodded with deep understanding.

Indeed, it is indeed too much to be able to live forever!

However, it is undeniable that this Heavenly Master realm is definitely the strongest in the world, and there is no one!

If Lao Jiu can reach this realm in the future, what does it mean?

Glancing at Zhu Biao next to him, Zhu Yuanzhang finally did not tell him directly about this matter!

"Since the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, our Central Plains has also had thousands of years of cultural and historical inheritance, have there been such Taoist masters, and none of these Taoist masters were born?"

Zhu Yuanzhang asked again curiously at this time.

The so-called worldly master, this worldly refers to isolation from the world, concentrated cultivation, and maybe no one even knows his existence, or knows very little!

And to be born is to go deep into rivers and lakes or temples, which is also something that most masters are unwilling to do!

They are pursuing their own avenue, and they are very indifferent to fame and fortune!

It's like this Li Xiuyuan, it's not appropriate to give him a national teacher, just think about opening his own Taoist temple, spreading his Taoist system and accepting incense!

[As the host said, the unborn system cannot be known, but there are many who are born and have made great achievements of suspects! ] 】

[It's not just limited to Taoism, such as the famous Jiang Ziya, Xu Fu, Fan Li, Zhang Liang, Zhang Jiao, Zhuge Liang, and Liu Bowen of your Ming Dynasty and so on! ] 】

[These people are all disciples of Taoism and are inextricably linked with Taoism, but they are not representative figures of Taoism! ] 】

The national transport system followed closely with the introduction.

"So it is!"

"What about their realm of strength? Liu Bowen, we know, the medical star sign may be okay, but compared with Lao Jiu and that Li Daolong, it is far worse! "

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help frowning, obviously he didn't expect Liu Bowen to be one of them!

[Among these people, Xu Fu and Zhang Jiao are similar to the existence of that Li Daolong, these two are masters who almost stepped into the half-step realm of real people! ] 】

[For example, in addition to Liu Bowen, Daming has another worthy name today, Yao Guangxiao, a strategist beside Zhu Di, the king of Beiping Yan, but he is not a pure Taoist person! ] 】

The national transport system continued.

"Old Fourth also has such a strange person around him?"

Zhu Yuanzhang's face was even more surprised when he heard this!

Who is this Yao Guangxiao?

How have you never heard of it?

[Yao Guangxiao may not know about the host, but you should remember that you once sent a monk to every prince of the domain, right? ] This Yao Guangxiao is just a common name, his legal name is Daoyan, and now he is the abbot of Beiping Wanshou Temple, and he was originally assigned by you to Zhu Di, the king of Yan! 】

The explanation of the national transport system surprised Zhu Yuanzhang even more!

He did arrange some monks to come to his sons, but he didn't expect that one of them was actually related to Taoism, and he could even be called a master!

"Then when we were deducing Zhu Yunjiang's life before, why didn't we see this Daoyan monk Yao Guangxiao you mentioned in the army of Yan King Zhu Di?"

Zhu Yuanzhang asked in surprise.

[It's normal if I didn't see it, Yao Guangxiao at that time was guarding the rear of Beiping with Zhu Gaozhi, the son of King Yan! ] And as far as Yao Guangxiao's ability is concerned, although he is proficient in the three schools of Confucianism and Taoism, he is not profound, so let him line up with the Han King Zhu Li, that is purely giving people's heads! 】

There was actually a hint of disapproval in the tone of the national transport system.

But that's right, since Yao Guangxiao can be regarded as a number one, even if he is not enough in front of Lao Jiu, but for ordinary people, he is also an absolute master!

He actually installed such a character next to the fourth man without knowing it?

Zhu Yuanzhang himself was somewhat speechless!

It seems that people cannot look, the sea water is invincible, it is not just talk, maybe an inconspicuous person around him has an extraordinary ability!

"Father, we have arrived!"

At this moment, Zhu Biao's voice suddenly sounded.

The father and son had already arrived at the gate of this small courtyard where Li Xiuyuan temporarily lived.

Only then did Zhu Yuanzhang retract his mind and follow Zhu Biao into Li Xiuyuan's small courtyard.

"Lao Dao has seen His Majesty, and he has seen His Highness the Son of Heaven!"

Li Xiuyuan, who was meditating cross-knee under the old tree in the courtyard, only then got up and said hello to Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao without humility.

"Chief Li Dao, you don't have to be polite!"

"We just got empty today, just passing by, I heard that Chief Li is here, come in and visit, talk to Chief Li!"

Zhu Yuanzhang said with a smile.

Chief Li Daoist smiled noncommittally, and said in his heart, you are such a big emperor, just passing by me?

What about bluffing, right?

However, the emperor and the crown prince came in person, and even if he Li Xiuyuan saw the world again, he had to give face, and immediately let the two subordinates specially arranged by Zhu Biao to reward dim sum tea in front of the table in the courtyard.

The three people sat down one after another, and then began to chat.

"Chief Li, you are also from Hanzhong, do you know Han King Zhu Li?"

Zhu Yuanzhang also had no ink on this side, and asked directly to the point.

Li Xiuyuan was stunned when he heard this!

After all, this old emperor couldn't resist inquiring about King Han?

"Back to Your Majesty, the great name of King Zhu Li of Han has naturally heard of it, and it is not a secret, but all the Taoist people in the northwest, and no one who does not know His Royal Highness King Han, has also directly or indirectly received his favor!"

"Northwest Taoism can still maintain incense now, and it is all the credit of His Royal Highness King Han!"

"It's just a pity..."

When Li Xiuyuan said this, he pretended to sigh!

As for what is a pity, then it depends on what Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao think!

Sure enough, hearing Li Xiuyuan's words, Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao subconsciously glanced at each other, and both saw a look of disappointment in each other's eyes!

It's just a pity for what?

Is it a pity that he died young?

To say this, this Li Xiuyuan obviously didn't know that Lao Jiu was still alive!

Of course, whether it is the truth or not, then it is unknown! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, Zhu Yuanzhang did not plan to ask the bottom of the matter, he came today simply to explore the wind, it is best to ask some information, and if he can't ask it, he won't force it!

At least you can't directly let Li Xiuyuan not come to the stage and offend people to death!

If such a thought was placed in the past, it was still on his Zhu Yuanzhang's body, it would be impossible to think about!

What he Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to know, who dared to hide it from him?

But at this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang has many concerns in his heart!

"Then can Chief Li tell me specifically, you all know about Han King Zhu Li?" Or did you know him? "

Zhu Yuanzhang continued to probe very tactfully.

"Lao Dao has had the privilege of meeting His Royal Highness King Han a few times, but they are all in the Taoist Temple, and he has also communicated with His Royal Highness King Han, and has benefited a lot!"

"But to really understand His Royal Highness King Han, the old way can't do it yet. If His Majesty wants to know more about His Royal Highness King Han from Lao Dao, Lao Dao is afraid that he can't help! "

Li Xiuyuan shook his head with a bitter smile, and a sentence directly blocked Zhu Yuanzhang's words!

This means that you don't ask, you don't know anything if you ask again!

"Don't be too careful, you also know that King Han is our son, let's be a father, care about your son's situation, I believe you can also understand!"

"I wonder what Chief Li thinks about King Han's violent death three years ago?"

Zhu Yuanzhang obviously asked again without dying.

When Li Xiuyuan heard this, he suddenly had one head and two big!

How to look?

See with your eyes!

He was also one of the few people who knew that King Han had died fraudulently, but could this kind of thing be said directly in front of Zhu Yuanzhang?

"Your Majesty forgives sins, and when His Royal Highness King Han suddenly died violently, Lao Dao was still in retreat and did not know it."

"When the old road came out, I learned the news, and His Royal Highness King Han was already buried at that time!"

"It's a pity that the old way is, maybe it's the envy of the talent!"

Speaking of this, Li Xiuyuan also pretended to sigh 0...

Zhu Yuanzhang was also speechless!

Co-authored asked for a long time, there is no useful news?

Either this Li Xiuyuan really didn't have a deep relationship with Lao Jiu, or this old Taoist priest was deliberately hiding it!

But no matter what the situation is, he Zhu Yuanzhang is not good to tear his face!

If you misunderstand Li Xiuyuan, the gain is not worth the loss!

If there is no misunderstanding, is it possible to tear your face directly?

What he is thinking about now is to ease the relationship between father and son with Lao Jiu and let him appear as soon as possible!

"In that case, then let's not bother!"

Zhu Yuanzhang also saw that Li Xiuyuan obviously didn't mention much about Zhu Li, and he knew that he couldn't ask anything at the moment, so he took his leave directly and left the courtyard with Zhu Biao.

It wasn't until Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao's father and son walked out of the courtyard that Li Xiuyuan returned to the old tree, sat cross-kneeled again, and began to meditate and concentrate!

"Father Emperor, it seems that this Li Dao Elder doesn't know much about Lao Jiu!"

"Did you come to him specifically to inquire about Lao Jiu?"

After leaving Li Xiuyuan's courtyard, Zhu Biao couldn't help but ask.

"Even if he knew, he would definitely not want to say more!"

"But our attitude must be seen by him. The Taoist temple still has to do its best to do it, let the Ministry of Works hurry up! "

"After this Taoist temple is built, we will prepare to announce to the world and respect Taoism as the state religion!"

"Presumably, it won't take long for this news to reach Lao Jiu's ears directly!"

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't mean to be too disappointed, and his intuition told him that this old way must know something.

But this is the best, he can let Lao Jiu understand his attitude towards Taoism through Li Xiuyuan, and he can also take the opportunity to ease the relationship between father and son!

"Father Emperor is wise!"

When Zhu Biao heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really worried just now that the old man would directly attack Li Xiuyuan in order to find Lao Jiu's whereabouts!

But now it seems that my worries are superfluous!

The old man was calmer in this matter than he thought!


Hanzhong Mansion!

Zhu Li in Dingjun Mountain did not know that Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao's father and son were trying their best to inquire about their news!

But even if he knew, Zhu Li would not take it to heart!

Unless he himself is willing, it is impossible to find him without caring what Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao do!

And at this moment, Zhu Li is in the col of Dingjun Mountain!

Now that he has reached the realm of a real person, he already has the strength to perfect the large array inside the Dragon Emperor Tower!

This time, he spent three days in retreat in the mountains, and finally buried the formation eyes of the Dragon Emperor's Tower!

In front of Zhu Que, there is a small golden bead levitating, which looks very dazzling!

And under his feet, the foundation of the Dragon Emperor's Tower has been laid, as long as you cooperate with the small bead in front of you as an eye, you can start building the Dragon Emperor's Tower!

"Geng Qing, have you done everything you were ordered to?"

Zhu Li waved with one hand at this time, and the small golden bead actually disappeared directly!

"Back to Your Highness, the Shi 0.0 team has assembled outside to stand by, and the materials and materials have been prepared, ready to start construction at any time!"

Geng Qing hurriedly stepped forward and reported respectfully to Zhu Li.

"Then start construction, in the name of building a mausoleum!"

Zhu Li nodded in satisfaction.

In Daming, the beginning of the tomb of the clan king was implemented throughout the sub-sealing system, Zhu Yuanzhang retro system divided the feudal domain, the crowned prince became an adult, and most of his descendants were also born in the fiefdom and buried in the fiefdom!

But the construction of the mausoleum began when the clan king was still alive, and it was obviously too late to build the mausoleum when the people were really gone!

Whether it is an emperor or a clan king, they basically repair their own tombs, and such a feeling must be quite strange on the body of future generations!

After all, the person is not dead, the cemetery is repaired first, isn't it obscure?

Curse me for dying early, huh?

But in ancient times, people such as emperors or clan kings, their tombs often began to be built from the time they became emperors or clan kings, and they themselves had to participate in them!

As for the standard of the mausoleum, then it depends on the financial resources of the fiefdom!

With Hanzhong's financial resources, it will definitely be done according to high standards!

The ancients all enveloped like death, and most of the princes and nobles had to carry a lot of funeral goods when they were buried, and they felt that they could still use it when they went underground!

And the construction of a mausoleum will take several years or even more than ten years at every turn!

But Zhu Li is different, he died soon after, the mausoleum is in an unfinished state, although it has been buried, but it must continue to be built!

Therefore, Zhu Li is now recruiting craftsmen in the name of repairing his own mausoleum, and it is most appropriate to build the Dragon Emperor's Tower under the name of the prince who repairs the mausoleum!

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