07: The Tomb of the Silent Army is also the future resting place of Zhu Que!

With Geng Qing's roar, the coffin that originally emitted red light obviously stopped a lot!

But it has only converged a little, and there seems to be a wave of obsession, and they are still persisting, just like the persistence they had before they died!

"No problem!"

Zhu Li waved his hand at this time!

Such a small scene can no longer cause too much psychological fluctuation to Zhu Li!

The entire tomb of the lonely army was also single-handedly arranged by him!


Zhu Li spread his palm and directly threw out that Soul Suppression Flag!

Geng Qing's eyes looked at that Ling Qi, and his eyes suddenly widened!

I saw that the Ling Flag, which was originally only the size of a palm, flew out of the hand of King Zhu Li of Han, and actually turned directly into a yellow flag one foot long in the wind, and then suspended directly above these three thousand coffins!

In an instant, the red light on all the coffins dissipated and began to gather towards the Soul Suppression Flag!

"Soldiers, wait for the first sleep, hundreds of years later, this king will come to you!"

"Your descendants, this king will also exempt them from the field for five generations, and ensure that they have no worries about food and clothing for a hundred years!"

As Zhu Li's voice fell, the roar began to dissipate completely, and the whole world seemed to be quiet in an instant!

Seeing such an effect, Geng Qing on the side was even more shocked!

He has always been by King Han's side, and he has also seen many magical means on his own Wang Ye, but such a magical means, he really saw it for the first time!

But Geng Qing stood on the side very steadily, and did not disturb Zhu Li because of this!

I saw Zhu Li quickly pinching with one hand, and there were words in his mouth!

I saw that after the Soul Suppression Flag buzzed, a yellow warm light descended, shrouding all three thousand coffins in it, and the light gradually converged and receded!

Looking at the three thousand coffins, they have all turned into ordinary coffins at this moment, and there is no longer anything out of the ordinary!

"It seems that this Soul Suppression Flag can only be dealt with temporarily, and when it reaches the Heavenly Master realm, then refine a higher-level Soul Suppression Flag!"

Seeing that these three thousand soldiers were finally pacified by the Soul Suppression Flag, Zhu Lichang exhaled a breath, but also said to himself a little helplessly.

Now this town soul flag can only contain these thousands of lonely troops, if the number of lonely troops increases in the future, this soul flag alone is far from enough!

And hundreds of years later, he will also sleep here!

This lonely military tomb can at least ensure that Daming will be safe for five hundred years and protect the descendants of the Han people!

"Let's go!"

Zhu Li turned around at this time, ordered Geng Qing, and left directly!

The three thousand heroic souls in this lonely military tomb are also one of the hole cards that Zhu Li will use to fight against Emperor Jianwen in the future!

The premise is that Zhu Yunjiang will be as recorded in history, and finally ascend the throne and become emperor!

Following Zhu Li back, Geng Qing turned his head relatively low and glanced at the quiet Silent Military Tomb!

He thought that when he himself died, he would also come here to sleep, and he would definitely not let these soldiers be alone!

For the future of Daming, for the sake of future generations, this loneliness, he is willing to endure!

Soon, the master and servant returned to the Taoist temple.

"Geng Qing, you call Qin Wu and Yang Hui to King Ben!"

Zhu Li ordered directly to Geng Qing.

Geng Qing was stunned when he heard this, since he followed Zhu Li and stayed in the Taoist Temple, he and Qin Wu and Yang Hui rarely got together several times a year!

Generally, there is no situation, and Zhu Li will not directly summon these two people to the Taoist Temple!

But Geng Qing didn't ask much, anyway, he did it according to what Zhu Li said!

After Geng Qing left, Zhu Li took out the three magic weapon rings that he had refined!

That's right, he asked Geng Qing to call Qin Wu and Yang Hui over, just to give them all three magic weapon rings, and also to try the effect of this magic weapon ring!

This magic weapon ring that ordinary people can also use has a mechanism that can rotate, which will be activated once twisted, allowing the holder of the ring to greatly increase his strength, endurance and spiritual power in a short period of time!

This kind of function, if used on the battlefield, is equivalent to the existence of opening and hanging, which can almost make them open matchless!

Side effects, rings will suck their blood, and the pain of injury will double, so it is not a last resort and generally will not be used!

Let them try it first, and feel the power of this magic ring in a short time, but it is harmless!

Soon, Qin Wu and Yang Hui also got the news from Geng Qing's side and rushed to the Taoist Temple!

The three major henchmen and generals under Zhu Li have all arrived!

"The last general will see His Royal Highness King Han!"

I haven't seen Zhu Li for a while, and every time Qin Wu and Yang Hui see Zhu Li, they will have an excited look!

This is basically a rare situation on weekdays!

They all followed the King of Han to kill from the general flag officer step by step when King Zhu Li of Han first came to the domain, and the friendship established on the battlefield, as well as the cultivation of them by King Zhu Li of Han, all made them feel touched!

"No need to be polite!"

"Call you all here today, King Ben has something to hand over to you!"

"The three rings on this table were specially prepared for you by King Ben, one for each person, take them all!"

Zhu Li waved his hand, then pointed to the three magic rings on the table, and said straight to the point.

Geng Qing and the other three were stunned when they heard this, and looked at the ring on the table, their eyes were full of confusion!

They naturally didn't think that King Zhu Li of Han had gathered the three of them together just to give them one more ornament on their fingers!

This ring seems ordinary, there must be something special or saying!

It's just that they really can't see it!

Even so, the three of them still followed Zhu Li's words, and one of them took a ring and put it directly on his finger!

"This ring looks ordinary, but that round twist can be turned!"

"This is a magic weapon specially refined for you by King Ben, which can..."

Zhu Li simply explained the function and usage of this magic ring to the three of them.

Geng Qing, after listening to Zhu Li's explanation, all of their eyes began to shine!

A magic weapon that allows them to unleash their unlimited potential on the battlefield and be invincible, this is an absolutely good thing!

I didn't expect that this seemingly ordinary ring actually had such an anti-heavenly effect!

"Okay, Geng Qing try it first and feel the power of this ring!"

Zhu Li stopped his gaze on Geng Qing's body at this time, after all, among these three, Geng Qing looked more rough and thicker!

He is the first person to eat crabs, and it seems that he is also the most suitable!

................... The dividing line........................

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