71: Zhu Yuanzhang: A nuclear bomb can raze our Ying Tianfu?

That's it?

Zhu Yuanzhang thought about the role of this Dragon Emperor's Tower in his heart, and as a result, he spent 500 points of national fortune value, and actually got such an unclear answer?

Can withstand nuclear bombs?

Sounds amazing!

But what is this nuclear bomb?

Zhu Yuanzhang was a little confused!

"Is this nuclear bomb you are talking about very powerful?"

Zhu Yuanzhang asked in surprise.

[This system can't explain to the host for the time being, the nuclear bomb is the product of the modern military industry hundreds of years later, and even if it is explained by the host's cognition, you can't understand! ] 】

[To put it simply, a small nuclear bomb, after detonation, the power of detonation is enough to raze the entire Yingtianfu to the ground, and at the same time it will be unsuitable for any human habitation within a hundred years! ] 】

The explanation of the national transport system directly made Zhu Yuanzhang gasp - cool air!

A small nuclear bomb can directly raze the entire Peiping Province to the ground, and it is not suitable for any human habitation within a hundred years?

"You said that you can raze Beiping Mansion to the ground, we can probably understand, but why is it not suitable for human habitation within a hundred years?"

Zhu Yuanzhang asked in surprise.

[Mainly after the explosion of the nuclear bomb, in addition to the nuclear explosion effect at the beginning, the instantaneous temperature can reach thousands of degrees, melting everything, and the powerful shock wave can destroy everything! ] 】

[But the real horror is the pollution caused by the nuclear bomb, after the explosion of the nuclear bomb, a large number of harmful substances will be released, if the human body is dissolved of this substance, it will produce various lesions and die in pain! ] 】

[Even if they survive by luck, because of nuclear radiation, the children born in the future will also be affected, or produce intellectual defects, cause various congenital diseases, or simply have incomplete limbs or give birth to a monster! ] 】

[So the most frightening thing about a nuclear bomb is not the power at the beginning of its explosion, but the nuclear pollution that can affect at least decades, and it is a pollution that cannot be eliminated by manpower in a short period of time, and can only disappear with the passage of time! ] 】

The re-explanation of the national transport system directly made Zhu Yuanzhang stunned on the spot!


This nuclear bomb is so terrible?

What explosion, shock wave and high temperature description, Zhu Yuanzhang can't help but think of the Hongwu cannon, using a powerful gunpowder!

"Could it be that this nuclear bomb is also a powerful gunpowder invented by later generations?"

Zhu Yuanzhang already has a preliminary concept of such a thing as a nuclear bomb, of course, he can only understand this point!

After all, for Zhu Yuanzhang, the nuclear bomb is a product that only came after hundreds of years, and it is very normal to be incomprehensible!

[It's right if the host wants to understand it this way, but with Daming's current technology, then don't even think about it! ] That's not something the host can fantasize about right now! 】

It seems that he saw some of Zhu Yuanzhang's thoughts, and the national transport system hit Dao mercilessly.

"We know, this thing that was researched hundreds of years later, we don't have the luxury of being able to get it, we still have this self-knowledge!"

Probably seen through by the national transport system, Zhu Yuanzhang was a little embarrassed.

However, Lao Jiu made this Dragon Emperor Tower, and even a nuclear bomb could resist, which was a national protection artifact and deserved it!

This kind of artifact, when we get to Hanzhong, if we have the opportunity, we must go to the scene to see it, and we must also admire it!

Anyway, Zhu Yuanzhang already knew in Geng Qing's life where this national protection artifact was built, wasn't it the Han King Mausoleum that was said not long ago to be expanded in Dingjun Mountain?

In fact, it is building the Tower of the Dragon Emperor, the Protector Artifact!

Having made up his mind, Zhu Yuanzhang also decided to come to Li Xiuyuan, an old Taoist, to have a good chat when he had time!

After all, there is a capable person around, and whenever he has time, he likes to run to the capable person, which is also a normal thing!

Just like Yan King Zhu Di, since Yao Guangxiao presided over the Wanshou Temple, he also likes to run to this Wanshou Temple for everything and nothing to do!

I don't know, I thought how much he believed in Buddha in Yan King Zhu Di!


A few days later, Li Xiuyuan's Taoist Temple was finally completed!

In fact, it is not a completion, but the final finishing work, Li Xiuyuan does not plan to bother the people of the Ministry of Works anymore, but chooses to do it himself!

Zhu Yuanzhang originally thought that he would help Li Xiuyuan build this Taoist temple as much as possible, even if it was worth building a large number of civil works!

But he didn't expect that Li Xiuyuan preferred to be simpler, and Zhu Yuanzhang could only rely on him!

This may be what makes the worldly masters different!

I heard that Li Xiuyuan officially moved to the Taoist Temple, and Zhu Yuanzhang also brought Zhu Biao to the door!

No matter what, there is always a congratulations!

The Taoist Temple built for Li Xiuyuan, although it looks not too big, it is also very magnificent!

This is still Li Xiuyuan's request not to be too extravagant, otherwise the scale will only be larger!

However, there are still some details that have not yet been perfected!

When Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao came to the Taoist Temple, Li Xiuyuan had already moved in with a few apprentices and Daoist children, and he also planned to open up a wasteland in the backyard to plant something!

Several apprentices and Daotong also followed behind Li Xiuyuan to carry water and work, looking like they were going to be self-sufficient!

Zhu Yuanzhang also found that Li Xiuyuan's Taoist temple, only less than a dozen Taoist children were responsible for daily care, and the Taoist temple also refused the Qi Lu provided by the imperial court, because Li Daoist said yo let all Taoist children rely on themselves!

Things like ploughing the land, chopping firewood, and fetching water, not to mention these apprentices and Dao Tong, even he Li Xiuyuan has to do it on weekdays!

In addition, in the past two days, some Taoist priests from the wandering party came to hear the news, but they left the Taoist Temple not long after!

The main thing is that the current conditions of this temple are really difficult, and it is a little chilling to entertain guests!

"This Li Xiuyuan is really a strange person!"

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

This temple is different from a temple!

Because Zhu Yuanzhang has also been to the temples of the Buddhist family, an ordinary temple has at least a hundred monks, if it is a temple of the imperial court, there will only be more monks!

A well-known temple, and even a nursing home with additional troops!

Just like the Shaolin Temple in Dengfeng, Henan!

However, compared to these Buddhist temples, the Taoist temples seem to have withered away!

Incense is also far less than the most ordinary temples!

As far as Li Xiuyuan's Taoist Temple is concerned, even some wooden furniture was purchased by Li Xiuyuan himself, and he refused some of the things provided to him by the imperial court!

When he is usually idle, Li Xiuyuan will also start building Taoist temples with craftsmen!

When Zhu Yuanzhang came in, he happened to see Li Xiuyuan leading a few apprentices to turn tiles on the roof!

If it weren't for seeing Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao coming, this old Taoist priest would probably still be working!

"I have seen Your Majesty, I have seen His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

"Lao Dao didn't know that the two were coming, so please Haihan where you are slack!"

After Li Xiuyuan came down from the roof, he quickly said hello to Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao, and then set up a tea set on the stone table in the courtyard and began to make tea!

"I didn't expect that Chief Li still has such a craft?"

Zhu Yuanzhang joked with a smile.

"Not long after becoming a Taoist priest before, the Taoist Temple collapsed in old age, and if you didn't want to sleep in the wind, you could only rebuild the Taoist Temple together with your brothers, and at that time, I lived in the mountains, and there was no shortage of wood, so I did everything by myself!"

"At that time, it was still a world ruled by tyrants, and it was already hard to survive, and it was even more difficult to survive without a craft!"

Li Xiuyuan seemed to remember a lot of old stories, and said with embarrassment in his mouth.

"What about those junior brothers of Daoist Li? What now? "

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Alas... It's all dead! "

"Later, the Taoist Temple dispersed, but there were still a few junior brothers who were still alive at that time, and they could only go their separate ways in order to make a living, and whether those junior brothers are still alive now, Lao Dao doesn't know!"

Li Xiuyuan sighed lightly and shook his head helplessly.

In the chaotic times, displacement, a full meal and a hungry meal, today to die this, tomorrow to die that is a common thing!

Only then did Zhu Yuanzhang remember that this old Taoist priest was more than 100 years old, and he had no children under his knees, and his relatives around him were estimated to be dead!

"Do you have any regrets in your life, or do you have any wishes?"

Zhu Yuanzhang also sighed, and then asked.

"Lao Dao is a lifetime, I only hope that the Dao system of this body can be passed on, if he can break through to the realm of a half-step real person, then Lao Dao will be satisfied!"

Li Xiuyuan said slowly.

As for the realm of real people, Li Xiuyuan didn't dare to think about it!

He is not Han King Zhu Li, and he does not have such a heaven-defying cultivation talent!

Some people are naturally suitable for monasticism, and some people are just forced by life!

This is the difference between him and Han King Zhu Li!

The gap in talent is always impossible to make up for by acquired efforts! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Now this temple... By the way, we also want to ask Chief Li, why did he refuse the help of the imperial court? "

"With the support of the imperial court, the days of the Taoist temple, including Li DaoChang's life, must be much better!"

Zhu Yuanzhang originally thought that with this Taoist temple, your Daoist system should have a way to pass it on, but when the words came to his lips, he looked at this Taoist temple that could only be regarded as half-finished, and he became puzzled!

"Does Your Majesty know the biggest difference between Taoism and Buddhism?"

"Presumably, Your Majesty should have seen many Buddhist temples, right?"

"What does Your Majesty think of these Buddhist temples?"

When Li Xiuyuan heard this, he laughed inscrutably.

This question has been asked quite tactfully, after all, before Zhu Yuanzhang became the emperor, everyone knows that he once became a monk, and it takes courage to raise it directly in front of the right lord!

Zhu Yuanzhang was also stunned when he heard this.

His knowledge of Buddhist temples is naturally much more than that of Taoist temples!

Even during the reign of the tyranny, the Buddhist temples had a much better life than the Taoist temple!

This is also why Zhu Yuanzhang chose to become a monk instead of becoming a Taoist priest in the first place!

"The incense of Buddhist temples, at least in our opinion, is much more than that of Taoist temples!"

"And people are more prosperous than Taoists!"

Zhu Yuanzhang did not feel embarrassed, but said matter-of-factly.

"That's right!"

"The Taoist gate is different from the Buddhist gate, the Taoist cultivates the mind and does not care about external objects!"

Li Xiuyuan nodded with a smile.

What is a slap in the face?

What is advanced face punching?

Taoist mind cultivation?

His Buddhist family doesn't cultivate his mind?

The Buddhist monks also say that the four are empty, but what happened?

A Taoist priest like Li Xiuyuan should eat and drink, and he should not be jealous!

But the monks who eat fasting Buddha all year round eat one by one, and their body size is even more than a Samuela Buddha!

If Li Xiuyuan's words were to be heard by those Buddhist monks, I am afraid that he would be able to vomit blood three liters of anger on the spot!

Zhu Yuanzhang was directly stunned on the spot!

At first glance, it really sounds satirical to the Buddha Sect, which means that you Li Xiuyuan is the real person who cultivates the mind?

The bald donkeys of the Buddha Gate are all deceitful and famous!

But soon Zhu Yuanzhang's mind thought of the shabby Taoist temple where Old Jiu Zhu Li was!

That's right, too!

Lao Jiu's Taoist Temple looks desolate enough, that is, the decoration and decoration inside is still passable, and it can live in people!

Lao Jiu is the king of the clan domain, he still doesn't seek any enjoyment in cultivation, and then compare the Buddhist monks who eat fat one by one, isn't it that these Buddhist monks have all been pulled out and cut?

Those temples of the Buddhist family are also more than one magnificent!

Some of the magnificence is almost comparable to a palace!

Take Wudang and Shaolin Temple to compare, you can see the difference between Taoism and Buddhism!

Thinking of this, Zhu Yuanzhang had nothing to say!

Li Xiuyuan can be regarded as a true cultivator, and he is definitely not comparable to those fake monks in the Buddhist Sect!

This kind of talent can be regarded as a real master!

"What Daoist Li said is that Taoism and Buddhism are naturally different!"

"We have the idea of establishing Taoism as the state religion, what does Chief Li think about this matter?"

Zhu Yuanzhang directly enlarged the move!

Sure enough, as soon as he heard that Zhu Yuanzhang actually said that he wanted to establish Taoism as the state religion, Li Xiuyuan's face was immediately surprised!

"Your Majesty, are you serious? Isn't it a joke about the old way? "

Li Xiuyuan asked in disbelief.

"We do have this idea, and we are still trying to find a suitable time to announce this matter!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded directly and said.

"Old Dao Generation cultivators all over the world, thank you Your Majesty!"

Li Xiuyuan hurriedly got up and bowed to Zhu Yuanzhang!

This is still the most respectful time for Zhu Yuanzhang since Li Xiuyuan entered Beijing!

Zhu Yuanzhang's heart is naturally very useful!

Finally, I can make this old Taoist priest look at us differently!

"Xie is not necessary, we also think that we can do a correct guidance for Daming and the people of this world, compared to the Buddhist gate, our Han people's own Taoist inheritance is more worthy of our Han people's belief!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's words can be described as righteous words, and he has forgotten about the fact that he was also a monk!

Li Xiuyuan was stunned again when he heard this, and he sounded like that, but he always felt that something was wrong!

"By the way, Daoist Li, since your Dao Sect is a refining weapon, you may be refining some magic weapons that ordinary people can use?"

Zhu Yuanzhang asked with some curiosity at this time.

Li Xiuyuanxin said that the magic weapon that ordinary people can use, your son Han King Zhu Li is not too easy to refine there!

However, it was not easy for him to say this to Zhu Yuanzhang.

"There is no problem refining some magic tools that ordinary people can use, mainly the function of the viewing instrument! For example, refining some magic weapons that can calm the mind and help you wear self-cultivation and protect the mind can still be done! "

"It's just that the materials for refining magic tools are relatively difficult to find, and there is no one on the old road side!"

Li Xiuyuan thought about it, and slowly explained to Zhu Yuanzhang.

"The problem of materials, Chief Li doesn't have to worry at all!"

"If you open your mouth with any materials you need, we will provide you with everything, as long as you can refine some magic weapons that we can also use!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he was overjoyed!

Just like the magic bracelet that Xiao Mumu is wearing on his wrist now, the kind of magic weapon that can make people invincible is a rare good treasure!

Whether it is him Zhu Yuanzhang or his sons, it is of great benefit to the body!

"The old way will be ready in a while, and then make a list." However, speaking of refining magic weapons, His Majesty seemed to be more interested in refining the Life Extension Pill last time, right? "

Li Xiuyuan suddenly asked at this time.

"Longevity Pill?"

"Chief Li, didn't you say last time that you wouldn't refine pills?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was also stunned when he heard this, and he didn't understand what Li Xiuyuan suddenly meant by mentioning Longevity Pill?

"Although the old Dao does not return to refining pills, he still knows a few Daoists who can refine pills, and if there is a thousand years of ginseng, it may really be possible to refine the life extension!"

Li Xiuyuan explained slowly.

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