Ming, The King Of Voyages

Chapter 117 The Whereabouts of Thunder Fruit

"There's none?"

Doflamingo searched all the places Enel said he often went to, and even expanded the range to a few hundred meters in radius, but still did not find a trace of Thunder Fruit.

Searching to no avail, Doflamingo had to return to Enel, and continued to search for clues.

"Young Master, this group of people came here after you left. They..."

After the meeting, Enel told Doflamingo what had happened here and asked him to make an idea for himself.

Doflamingo said that these things are nothing, just let him make his own mind.

Then, Doflamingo asked: "Enel, have you heard of Devil Fruit?"

Enel nodded and said, "Have heard of it! Young Master, your ability to create white lines should be Devil Fruit's ability, right?"

Doflamingo was a little surprised. He didn't expect Enel to know the existence of Devil Fruit, so he asked him: "Where do you know these things?"

Enel said: "I heard that people with Devil Fruit's ability have come to us before. From their mouths, we know the existence of Devil Fruit.

I heard that it was a very strange long fruit with a special pattern on it. As long as you eat it, you can have magical powers. "

People who eat Devil Fruit will possess various superpowers, which is a very novel thing for ordinary people. Ninety-nine percent of ordinary people who have witnessed this kind of thing will use it to brag about it.

For this reason, people on Sky Island are no strangers to Devil Fruit. (People on Sky Island are not ignorant of Devil Fruit. In order to deal with Enel, Weber, the Sandia man in the original book, specially prepared seastone.)

Doflamingo was silent for a while, and asked directly: "Have you heard that Devil Fruit exists in Birka?"

Enel shook his head and said, "Never heard of it."

Doflamingo found the team members again and asked them: "I ask you, do you know Devil Fruit?"

When questioning, Doflamingo used Conqueror's Haki to deter them.

The members of the god team tremblingly said: "Know... know the way!"

Doflamingo continued: "Have you heard that this thing exists in Birka?"


"There's none?"

Doflamingo thought for a while, and then asked, "Do you have any national treasures in Birka? For example, treasure chests that have been passed down from generation to generation. Don't lie to me, I will ask others. If you let me know that you lied..."

Doflamingo's momentum increased, and he said coldly: "You will definitely die miserably!"

"I haven't heard of any national treasures. Birka is just a very ordinary country. Really, it's real!"

The team members were trembling, and Doflamingo was very disappointed.

Without news of Devil Fruit, Birka has no so-called national treasure. Could it be that Enel's Devil Fruit was not obtained here?

Suddenly, Doflamingo's heart moved, and he remembered Enel's Ark motto.

Enel in the original book, who learned electric power from?

He designed the Ark Proverbs?

Doflamingo thought, found Enel again, and asked, "Enel, ask you a question. If you didn't meet me, what would your life trajectory be like?"

Enel was stunned for a moment, and then said with a grateful look: "Young Master! If you didn't show up, I must still be the same as before, living through the bullying and contempt of others every day. I am very grateful to you..."

Doflamingo waved his hand and said, "Okay, I don't want to hear you say this. I'm just curious, what would your life trajectory be without me."

Enel pondered for a while, and then said: "If you didn't show up, I would definitely grow up amidst others' bullying. I used to think that I would go to sea when I grow up."

"Going to sea?"

Doflamingo heard a word that interested him.

Enel nodded and said, "Yes! I want to go to sea, I want to change my destiny!"

Doflamingo said with interest: "Go on!"

Enel said: "I heard that there is a lot of mud in the Blue Sea below."

Enel's eyes beamed: "I'm going to Qinghai, I'm going to find dirt!"

This answer was unexpected by Doflamingo. But thinking about it, it makes sense.

In Sky Island, soil is the most precious treasure. Sky Island people's desire for soil is as fierce as Qinghai people's desire for gold.

In Qinghai, many people who live in hardship and see no hope will choose to go to sea. They went to the sea to find treasures, dreaming of obtaining wealth.

Enel is from Sky Island, and he is also miserable. He wants to go to the sea to find the soil (wealth) and change his situation, which makes sense.

And in the original book, this guy has a strong desire for dirt. He is going to the moon because there is boundless dirt there.

Now he does not have Devil Fruit, nor does he have the confidence to claim to be a god. The moon is an existence he can't expect, but it is more practical to want to go to Qinghai.

Doflamingo said: "If you were going to Qinghai, what route would you choose?"

Enel said: "Using Baibaihai's octopus balloon, I can directly descend to Qinghai."

Hearing this, Doflamingo was a little disappointed.

But then, Enel spoke again: "But before that, I'm going to the chaotic sea."

Doflamingo asked, "Chaotic Sea? Where is that?"

Enel said: "I heard that many years ago, there was a passage from Qinghai to Baibaihai nearby. Ships from Qinghai must pass through there to reach Sky Island.

Later, I didn't know what was going on, and the environment there became extremely bad. A large number of misty clouds appeared in that sea area.

Misty clouds make it impossible to distinguish directions, and ships can easily get lost in them. After many people entered there, they never came out alive.

But precisely because of this, a large number of unowned ships gathered there. Some useful things should be kept on those ships.

I'm going to Qinghai, but I don't know anything about Qinghai. So I plan to go to the chaotic waters to find a ship from Qinghai and see what useful things are on board.

For example, Bailey, a coin circulating in Qinghai. Such things should be preserved, they are very useful to me. I don't want to go to Qinghai, but I can only beg there. "

A smile appeared on Doflamingo's face. He seemed to know where Thunder Fruit was.

Doflamingo asked, "Didn't you say that it's easy to get lost in the chaotic sea? After going there, how do you get out?"

Enel said: "Use the iron cloud line! Tie one end of the iron cloud line outside the chaotic sea area, and then you can follow the iron cloud line out. Although this will limit the range of navigation, it is better than safety!"

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