The next day, before the sun rose, the pirates of the Iron Face Pirates attacked Dressrosa.

On the pier, Liku Wangjun was patrolling, and the pirates were found.

"The pirate is here!"

"Everyone, run!"

"Ordinary residents withdraw first, and the army is ready to fight!"


The Liku King Army organized a defense, but it was not enough to see before the attack of the Iron-faced Pirates. Without Cyrus, few of the Liku King's army could fight.

Under the leadership of the Iron Masked Huodi and the cadres, the pirates smashed and destroyed the defense line of the Liku king army, pushing all the way, and knocked down all the Liku king army.

After the king of Liku was defeated, the Iron-faced Pirates pushed all the way and slew towards the heights of the king.

Residents who had not had time to run away were also caught by them and became prisoners of the Iron Masked Pirates.

The Iron Face Pirates drove the prisoners to the front to block the bullets, and kept advancing towards King Heights.

Soon, they reached the heights of kings.

At this time, under the King's Highland, a large group of Liku King Army had gathered. Behind the King Liku Army, there is a large group of Dressrosa residents holding various weapons.

King Liku loudly encouraged: "Dressrosa residents, we can no longer sit and wait for death. These pirates are too vicious, and blindly running away will only make them more arrogant.

This is our home, and here are our relatives and friends. Everything here is worth protecting with our lives.

Marine was already on his way, and they could show up at any time. Persevere, persistence is victory! "


The king of Liku and the residents of Dressrosa roared at the same time, making waves.

King Liku has already figured it out, and now they have no retreat. Only by uniting all forces to fight to the death and waiting for Marine's rescue, they still have a way to survive.

Otherwise, once the Liku King Army is defeated by this group of pirates, then the whole country will be reduced to the trophies of the pirates, and the population and property will be left to them.

King Liku is a good person, and he is very good to the people on weekdays, and he is very much loved by the people.

Therefore, when he clarified his interests to the people and told them that they had nowhere to go, the group of people chose to believe him.

They quickly gathered together, ready to fight a team battle with the pirates in King's Heights. At the worst, they had to hold the group of pirates to buy time for the arrival of Marine.

King Liku called Vergo for help, but Vergo did not make any minor moves in this matter. After hanging up, Vergo checked the nearest Marine and sent them to help Dressrosa.

Then, he told Doflamingo the way the Marine was going.

That night, the group of Marines was intercepted by the Donquixote Pirate Group on their way to Dressrosa.

A Marine officer on the Marine warship stood at the bow and sternly asked the pirates on the opposite side: "Donquixote Pirates, what do you want to do? As subordinates of Seven Warlords of the Sea, you are also members of the government, why do you want to intercept US?"

Catalina stood on the bow of the pirate ship and looked at the Marine warship in the distance with a cold smile: "Don't worry, we have no other intentions. This time, I just want to send you on the road."

With that, Catalina bent down gently, and her body quickly turned into a peculiar cannon.


The sound of the artillery sounded, and the shells drew a beautiful arc in the air and landed heavily on the deck of the warship.

The explosion sounded, causing the deck of the warship to hum. The shrapnel flew across, and most of the Marine on the deck disappeared.

The warship was battered by the bombing, and a large hole appeared in the deck. The bottom of the ship was also shattered, several large openings appeared, and sea water was continuously poured in.

"Enemy attack!"

"Ready to fight!"

"Pumping machine, pump water quickly!"

"Damn it! Donquixote Pirates are going against the World government? Are you not afraid of being deprived of the title of Shichibukai?"


The Marines were in chaos, and the Marine officer questioned loudly.

"As long as you are all dead, no one will know about this. The world government and us will be in peace."

Catalina's voice came from the cannon, and then there was another cannon.

After the gunfire, a violent explosion sounded again, and the Marine warship received another shell.

After being hit by two powerful shells in a row, the Marine warship became dilapidated, crumbling in the sea, and was about to sink.

"Quickly, put down the boat!"

Officer Marine made a decisive decision and decided to abandon the ship and flee.

However, before their boat was put down, the third cannon sound appeared.


This time, the Marine warship was completely lost. Pieces of burning wood flew around, leaving only a piece of debris in place.

Ordered to rescue Dressrosa's Marine, the whole army is wiped out!

For all this, King Liku didn't know. He is still thinking about dealing with these pirates, waiting for Marine's rescue!

The pirate army of the Iron Face Pirate Group was getting closer, and the people on King Liku's side became a little nervous.

But to their surprise, the pirate army stopped tens of meters away from them and did not continue to advance.

The pirate army separated from the middle, and Huodi, the Iron Masked man, walked out with his cadres.

The Iron Masked Huo Di glanced at King Liku and the others, and sneered: "King Liku, what do you mean? Do you still want to go to war with us?"

King Liku said coldly: "My citizens and I are peace-loving, we don't want to fight. But if you don't leave this country, we will fight you to the end!"

The Iron Masked Huo Di laughed and said: "Fight with us to the end? Really ridiculous! King Liku, who gave you the courage to fight with us?

Is it the weak group of kings around you, or this group of mobs organized by ordinary residents? "

The Iron Masked Huo Di sneered, his icy eyes swept across the crowd.

Liku Wang said: "Even ordinary people will become extremely powerful when they want to protect their important homes."

The Iron Masked Huo Di said: "It seems that you want to send them to death?"

Liku Wang said: "It is not to die, but to try our best. This is our last chance.

If we give up fighting now, the result will be that we are defeated one by one by you, and then captured by you and become slaves! "

The words of King Liku made the expressions of everyone present tense.

Because of the rampant Doflamingo slave trade, it is not uncommon for pirates to capture civilians as slaves.

The people on King Liku's side became angry with the enemy, and their morale rose a lot. At this moment, King Liku's prestige in their hearts has reached its peak.

Seeing the changes in the eyes of everyone around King Liku, the iron-faced Huodi's eyes showed a mocking smile.

Stand taller, you will fall more miserably!

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