Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1169 Creating a life contract, the real power of the rise of the human race


Lu Xiangsheng was also very shocked, because it was the first time he had heard of the existence of such a mystery in the Nine Dragons Yellow River Array, because it was too amazing.

It is no exaggeration to say that if this great formation succeeds, it will bring unimaginable benefits to the entire human race and the entire Ming Dynasty.

Perhaps, the Ming Dynasty will not only exist for six hundred years, but may even exist for thousands of generations.

He had no idea that the Nine Dragons Yellow River Array would be so terrifying.

"That's right.""

Xia Chuan stood with his hands behind his back: "Thank you for this, if it wasn't for your hard work and huge cost to abolish the original dragon pulse formation, I would not have been able to build a new dragon formation on the ruins so easily. It can be said that it is precisely because of your help that I have saved a lot of effort.


Hearing this, a group of golden core demons turned green with rage, and their lungs almost exploded.

They paid a huge price and killed some golden core demons, and finally abolished the original dragon vein formation. They thought it was a great opportunity to conquer the human race.

But who could have imagined that their behavior helped the human race to go further.

When they thought that it was their actions that made the human race even more terrifying, they became angry and felt that they were like fools, being toyed with by the human race at will.

Could it be said that the monsters are really idiots, and they are completely inferior to the human race in terms of wisdom?!

They were very unwilling, and felt that the difference in wisdom between them was too far.

"What is the purpose of your human race to build this Nine Dragons Yellow River Array? Do you want to exterminate our demon clan and barbarian clan?" The Jiaolong King's face was very ugly, and he stared at Xia Chuan.

"of course not."

Xia Chuan shook his head: "In my eyes, whether it is human, demon or barbarian, they are only a part of this world, and they are part of this world's food chain.

Moreover, it is very unrealistic to exterminate the monster clan. After all, your monster clan comes from all things, and any living being may open up the wisdom and evolve into a monster.

Unless it is to exterminate all things in the world, leaving only the human race in the entire world, it is impossible to exterminate the demon race, but if this is done, the human race will also perish. So I thought about it day and night, and finally came up with a solution."

After he was reincarnated into this world, he found that this world was very strange, that is, the creatures in this world were more likely to become monsters.

It seems that there is some kind of special power in this world, which makes all things in this world more likely to become demons.

In other words, compared with the world of Changchun Sect, it seems that there are more monsters and more types of monsters born in the world of Ming Dynasty, so monsters can be seen almost everywhere.

Therefore, the monsters in this world are basically impossible to eradicate, even if the Nine Dragons Yellow River Array is really arranged.

"Have figured out a solution? What is the solution?

Many monsters are curious.

"This is the life contract I created.

At this time, Xia Chuan waved his hand and took out a scroll, which was engraved with an extremely complicated mysterious formation, and a dense array of formation runes emerged.

Just a glance at it will make people feel dizzy, and make people feel extremely mysterious and mysterious.

"Life contract? What is the effect?"

The Dragon King asked.

"It's simple.""

Xia Chuan smiled slightly: "Compared with your monsters and barbarians, our human race is slightly inferior in terms of strength and fighting talent, and your lifespan is longer than ours. Only wisdom, our human race is slightly less than you. A little higher, but there is a limit to how high it is.

It is because of this that I have thought of a way to learn from each other's strengths, if our human race possesses the talent and strength of your barbarian and demon race, as well as the longevity, wouldn't it be invincible?"

"Could it be that this life contract can do this?"

As soon as these words came out, the golden pills of the barbarians and the demons were shocked and stared at the life contract.

"That's right.

Xia Chuan nodded as a matter of course: "This is a life contract, once our human race signs a life contract with your barbarians and the demon race, then they will form one body with each other and share each other's life, and our human race can be with your race. Divide the lifespan equally, and you can even use the power of your demon clan and barbarian clan to master a stronger combat power.

As the saying goes, people who are not my own will have different hearts, and since this is the case, then we will directly turn you into our own people, doesn't this solve the problem of peaceful coexistence?"

To be honest, the birth of this life contract actually came from the Gorefiend Sect.

Since the destruction of the Gorefiend, Xia Chuan has obtained a lot of magic tricks from the Gorefiend, such as the famous Soul Curse, Gorefiend, Soul Search and so on.

Although the Gorefiend Sect is a sect of the Demon Dao, it has to be admitted that they have gone a long way in the soul and body, and the Demon Dao cultivator does everything possible for strength.

But because of this, they actually know more knowledge and mysteries of cultivation than the righteous people.

Therefore, Xia Chuan discarded the dross and absorbed the essence, thus creating a life contract.

Once the life contract is signed, both parties can share each other's life, one party dies, the other party cannot live alone.

After the human race has a life contract, they can share the long lifespan of the monster race. In this way, the human race can have a lot of time to practice, and they don't need to worry about their lifespan exhaustion and death.

66 `What kind of vicious human race, what kind of life contract is this, this is clearly a slave contract, once this contract comes out, isn't our demon race under the enslavement of the human race for life? What a joke. "

The Dragon King was so furious that he wanted to destroy this (Nuo Qian Zhao) life contract immediately. What kind of life contract is this? It was clearly a contract to enslave the demon clan.

Because after signing this contract, the biggest benefit is undoubtedly the human decoration.

After all, their lifespans need to be shared with humans, which is equivalent to the fact that the lifespan of the demon race is instantly reduced by half, and the human race is evenly distributed to the human race, and the human race lives longer because of this, but the life span of the demon race is shortened by half.

No matter how you look at it, the benefits of the human race are the greatest, and the benefits of the monster race are the least.

Just as the richest man in the world and the poor share their wealth equally, the richest man in the world loses a lot, but the poor have nothing to lose at all, which is simply a waste of money.

As soon as this life contract is released, I am afraid that the entire world's demon race will be enslaved by the human race, and it will never be possible to get rid of it. What an evil contract this is.

"The human race is booming, and the Ming Dynasty is booming.""

Lu Xiangsheng was so excited that his whole body was trembling, the appearance of this life contract was really amazing, it was simply unimaginable.

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