Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1177 The power of the five elements, the magic weapon of life, the ball of life

"But the biggest change is not the change in mana, but the change in the body."

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light.

After he sensed that the golden elixir spiritual power in his body had transformed into the Nascent Soul mana, the five elements mana in his body flowed in every part of the meridians, and he was madly changing his body and promoting the evolution of his body.


At this moment, his muscles, bones, skin, meridians, and every cell in his body are rapidly tempering and strengthening at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It can be said that after being promoted to the Nascent Soul Realm, he was baptized by the spiritual power of heaven and earth, as well as the mana of the Nascent Soul, causing his body to undergo earth-shaking changes.

If it is an ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator, the lifespan of the body will also be greatly extended.

But for him who is immortal, such a little increase in lifespan is actually nothing at all.

"My five elements have also evolved."

Xia Chuan squeezed his fist, there is no doubt that his body has changed the most.

Originally, his body belonged to the Five Elements Spiritual Body, but now, he has undoubtedly gone a step further. Due to the tempering of mana, he has been promoted to the realm of the Five Elements Dharma Body.

After being promoted to the Five Elements Dharma Body, he sensed that the Five Elements Mana in his body was circulating in his body, and a barrier of the Five Elements Mana appeared on his skin, which seemed to form a natural Five Elements Formation.

Ordinary spells and instruments, if they attacked his body, would be easily resisted by the five-element formation on the surface of his skin.

No, not only is it as simple as resisting it, but it will also completely wipe out the opponent's power.

It can be said that this five-element formation can easily disintegrate many attacks in the world.

After all, all the powers in this world are basically inseparable from the power of the five elements.

“Invincible by all laws, to a certain extent, the Five Elements Dharma body is somewhat similar to the supreme realm where all laws are inviolable. 35

Xia Chuan was very excited.

He felt that he didn't need any magic weapon at all, even a magic weapon to protect his body, and his five-element magic body alone could compare to those defensive magic weapons.

Even with the improvement of his cultivation, his Five Elements Dharma Body became more and more terrifying and powerful.

It is estimated that when he raises his hands and gestures, just relying on the strength of his body, he will be able to tear everything apart and destroy the world.

And this is the potential of the Five Elements Emperor Sutra.

I dare not say that this exercise surpasses all the exercises in this universe, but at least it is one of the top exercises in the universe, and it contains great potential.

drip ∼∼

At this moment, a mechanical voice came from the depths of Xia Chuan's sea of ​​consciousness: "Xia Chuan, the reincarnator, since your strength has exceeded the upper limit of this world, your mission has ended ahead of schedule, and you will return after an hour. Reincarnation space, please pay attention to the reincarnator Xia Chuan."5


Hearing this, Xia Chuan blinked. He didn't expect that he would leave this world of Ming Dynasty so soon. He originally wanted to stay for a while.

But now it looks like he doesn't have that much time left.

Fortunately, he basically did everything he wanted to do in this world, and he didn't have too many regrets, so even if he returned now, the problem is not particularly big.

"If you say that the biggest gain in this world is undoubtedly this magic weapon.

Xia Chuan smiled slightly.

Immediately, a white sphere appeared in his hand, and dense formations appeared on it, exuding a powerful aura of life from top to bottom.

It seems that some kind of force is slowly rotating inside this sphere, unfathomable.

This is the natal magic weapon he refined in this world - the ball of life.

Its power comes from the life contract. To a certain extent, the sphere of life is the headquarters of the life contract. Basically, all the power of the life contract comes from this magic weapon.

And if each immortal cultivator signs a contract with other beings, then part of the life force consumed will return to the life ball.

If the immortal cultivator falls, then the immortal cultivator's soul, memory, and vitality will return to the sphere of life and become a part of the sphere of life.

To be honest, Xia Chuan created the life contract not only for the people of Daming World, but at the same time, he also wanted to use the power of the people of Daming World to help his cultivation be promoted.

This natal magic weapon, the sphere of life, was born because of this.

It can be said that this natal magic weapon is one of Xia Chuan's biggest gains in the past century.

"Interesting, as the life contract continues to spread, the more people use the life contract, the stronger the power of my magic weapon life ball will be, and then this life ball will carry the fate of countless creatures, light If you smash it lightly, it can shatter the whole world.0"

Xia Chuan touched his chin. This was the tyrannical magic weapon that he finally refined by combining the basic knowledge of reincarnation space and the refining materials.

There is no doubt that this natal magic weapon has unlimited potential.

With the continuous progress and strengthening of the world of the Ming Dynasty, the power of the ball of life will become more and more powerful.

Of course, this is just one of his attempts, and it doesn't matter if he fails.


At this moment, a voice suddenly rang out in this space, and the one who spoke was the artifact spirit of the Nine Dragons Yellow River Array. In fact, after years of cultivation, it has already given birth to the initial wisdom.

To a certain extent, its intelligence is equivalent to that of a twelve-year-old human being, and it can be regarded as a very intelligent life.

It is precisely because this array spirit has wisdom that the expansion speed of the Nine Dragons Yellow River array is so rapid.

"I am leaving this world, then this world, the Ming Dynasty will be handed over to you."

Xia Chuan said.

"Yes, Master. 35

Nine Dragons and Yellow River's tone showed a hint of nostalgia. After all, this human being is his creator, and 1.6 is equivalent to his own father.

But it can also sense the huge aura of its master now, and the laws of heaven and earth around it seem to be constantly repelling it. It is estimated that it will not be long before the master will be completely repelled by the laws of this world.

There's nothing it can do to stop this.

"Don't worry, if we are destined, we will meet again, probably in the near future.

Xia Chuan smiled slightly.

To be honest, the reason why he left this world with such confidence is because of the spirits of the Nine Dragons Yellow River Array, and the lifespan of the other party is infinite.

As long as the formation is not destroyed, it is an immortal existence.

And as long as this great formation is not destroyed, then the Ming Dynasty basically has no possibility of being destroyed, and will only continue to grow with the passage of time.

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